
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the business, political, and personal papers of Harrison Gray Otis (1765-1848) and other family members.

Biographical Sketch

Harrison Gray Otis (1765-1848) was a lawyer, congressman, United States senator, and mayor of Boston.


Morison, Samuel Eliot. Harrison Gray Otis, 1765-1848: The Urbane Federalist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.

Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913.

Collection Description

This microfilm edition of the Harrison Gray Otis papers, 1660-1870, contains the business, political, and personal correspondence of Harrison Gray Otis and, to a lesser extent, the papers of his father Samuel Allyne Otis, his grandfather James Otis, his uncle James Otis, Jr., his half-sister Harriet Otis, and other family members. The microfilm consists primarily of the manuscript collection of Harrison Gray Otis papers (Ms. N-617), but also includes, in Series II, the Harrison Gray Otis papers II (Ms. N-618).

Personal papers include the correspondence of Harrison Gray Otis with his wife Sally Foster Otis and their children, particularly Sophia H. Otis, describing both private matters and his public activities as a congressman and senator. Among the business papers are receipts, deeds, accounts, and correspondence documenting Harrison Gray Otis's speculation in undeveloped lands, particularly in Maine and western Massachusetts. Political papers include correspondence with John Adams, Mathew Carey, Lewis Cass, Henry Clay, Josiah Quincy, Theodore Sedgwick, Daniel Webster, and others on such topics as the Embargo of 1807, the Hartford Convention, slavery, Massachusetts state politics, and the Bank of the United States.

Bound volumes include a Harrison Gray Otis letterbook, 1788-1807; three account books, 1810-1820, 1814-1817, 1817-1819; and an 1806 diary of a tour in Canada. The collection also contains two diaries of Harriet Otis describing her life in Washington, D.C., and Boston, 1811-1814, and a trip to Vermont, 1817; and an unidentified diary of an 1840 trip to England and France.

Also includes unverified transcriptions of some of the Otis family correspondence, 1790-1820, and professional, business, and personal letters of Harrison Gray Otis, 1793-1816. The transcriptions were created by volunteers from the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (SPNEA) and are not included on Harrison Gray Otis microfilm.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Samuel E. Morison, Sophia H. Ritchie, and others, 1926 and 1957.

Other Formats

Digital facsimiles of the Harriet Otis diaries and the Harrison Gray Otis travel diary are available on Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Loose manuscripts, 1691-1870

This series makes up the bulk of the Harrison Gray Otis microfilm edition. Included is correspondence, both incoming and outgoing, as well as deeds, receipts, memoranda and other legal, financial, and political papers. For a list of the items in this series, see the List of Items in Series I or use the links below to go directly to specific date ranges.

Reel 1


Reel 2


Reel 3


Reel 4


Reel 5


Reel 6


Reel 7


Reel 8


Reel 9


Reel 10


Reel 11


Box 13

Family correspondence [transcripts], 1790-1820

Box 14

Professional, business, personal correspondence [transcripts], 1793-1816

II. Harrison Gray Otis papers II, 1660-1852

This series contains legal and financial papers, papers related to land dealings, correspondence on political matters, genealogical notes, and other papers of Harrison Gray Otis. Other individuals represented in this series include Asher Benjamin, William E. Channing, Henry Clay, William Penn, and James Sullivan.

Reel 11

Letter from William Ellery Channing [Boston] to Mr. Guild asking if he might come to dinner, undated

With note on provenance by Samuel Eliot Morison.

Reel 11

Report by Jeremiah Smith on a farm at Peterboro, Vt., purchased at auction by James Templeton, undated

Reel 11

Notes on the Otis family genealogy stemming from James Otis, Jr., undated

Originals located at Ms. S-68.

Reel 11

Argument against the land treaty providing restitution for Native American lands in Georgia by the U.S., undated

Reel 11

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Stoddard and Lincoln on a land purchase, undated

Reel 11

Legal opinion by Harrison Gray Otis on the definition of Massachusetts's "heirs-at-law" in an estate case, undated

Reel 11

Sermon preached by John Gorham Palfrey on Jeremiah 8:15, undated

Reel 11

Memorandum from S. Parkman to Harrison Gray Otis about leasing a house from Mr. May, undated

Reel 11

Order for issuing money to pay for victualing the British navy, 13 Jan. 1660

Signed by John Lewys, E. Montague, William Penn, George Thompson, and John Weaver.

Reel 11

Record of a deed for the sale of ropewalk at Boston, 18 June 1771 [copy]

Reel 11

Promissory notes of Harrison Gray Otis, 1789-1797

Reel 11

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Asa Ellis, 10 Sep. 1789

Reel 11

Agreement of James Templeton regarding Peterboro, Vt., land recovery, 23 May 1791

Reel 11

Letter from [James Sullivan] to Harrison Gray Otis predicting war with France and on political matters, with typescript copy, 17 Dec. 1796

Reel 11

Resolutions of the Republican Committee for Rockingham County, 27 July 1814

Reel 11

Letter from William Foster Otis (Boston) to John H. B. Latrobe about the future of South America, 2 Apr. 1822

Reel 11

Receipts and agreements of Asher Benjamin on behalf of Harrison Gray Otis for work on building houses on Beacon Street, 1828-1829

Reel 11

Receipt from the warden of New Hampshire State Prison to Asher Benjamin for payment for building stone for Beacon Street houses and Mill Dam wharf commissioned by Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Sep. 1828

Reel 11

Letter from Henry Clay (Washington) to Henry Williams about Williams's desire to publish an engraved portrait of him along with one of Daniel Webster, 30 Mar. 1852

III. Bound volumes, 1788-1840

A. Letterbook, 1788-1807

This letterbook contains outgoing letters from Harrison Gray Otis to a variety of individuals, including Susanna Boutineau, Elizabeth Brown, William Coxe, Harrison Gray, Harrison Gray, Jr., Robert Hallowell, John Hancock, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, John Pringle, and many others. Listed below are the individual letters in the order in which they appear on the microfilm.

Reel 11Page 1

Letter from to William Coxe, 24 Sep. 1788

Reel 11Page 3

Letter to John Pringle, 24 Sep. 1788

Reel 11Page 4

Letter to Andrew Craigie, 29 Sep. 1788

Reel 11Page 5

Letter to Thomas Ludlow, 29 Sep. 1788

Reel 11Page 6

Letter to John Francis, 4 Oct. [1788]

Reel 11Page 8

Letter to William Cogswell, 10 Oct. 1788

Reel 11Page 8

Letter to Harrison Gray, 18 Oct. 1788

Reel 11Page 11

Letter to John Pringle, 21 Oct. 1788

Reel 11Page 12

Letter to William Coxe, 26 Oct. 1788

Reel 11Page 15

Letter to Benjamin Mason, 4 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 15

Letter to Charles Vaughan, 12 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 16

Letter to William Amory, 14 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 17

Letter to Richard Grubbs, 5 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 18

Letter to Daniel Davis, 19 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 19

Letter to Charles Vaughan, 6 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 21

Letter to Robert Hallowell, 22 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 22

Letter to Andrew Craigie, 26 Nov. 1788

Reel 11Page 24

Letter to Joseph Jones, 9 Dec. 1788

Reel 11Page 25

Letter to Oliver Whipple, 28 Dec. 1788

Reel 11Page 25

Letter to Robert Hallowell, 2 Jan. 1789

Reel 11Page 27

Letter to Benjamin Eames, 13 Jan. 1789

Reel 11Page 28

Letter to John Pringle, 20 Jan. 1789

Reel 11Page 29

Letter to Oliver Whipple, 28 Jan. 1789

Reel 11Page 30

Letter to Robert Hallowell, 9 Feb. 1789

Reel 11Page 31

Letter to Harrison Gray, 9 Feb. 1789

Reel 11Page 33

Letter to Robert Hallowell, 24 Feb. 1789

Reel 11Page 35

Letter to Daniel Davis, 24 Feb. 1789

Reel 11Page 36

Letter to John Brown, 6 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 37

Letter to John Davis, 6 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 37

Letter to Isaac Winslow, 6 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 38

Letter to John Pynchon, 6 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 40

Letter to William Sever, 9 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 40

Letter to Joshua Thomas, 27 Mar. 1789

Reel 11Page 40

Letter to John Pringle, 1 Apr. 1789

Reel 11Page 41

Letter to Anna Chandler, 7 Apr. 1789

Reel 11Page 41

Letter to Oliver Phelps, 7 Apr. 1789

Reel 11Page 42

Letter to Messrs. Brown and Francis, 20 May 1789

Reel 11Page 43

Letter to Samuel Cary, 21 May 1789

Reel 11Page 46

Letter to Ebenezer Sparhawk, 28 May 1789

Reel 11Page 47

Letter to Patrick Jeffry, 2 June 1789

Reel 11Page 47

Letter to Harrison Gray, 2 June 1789

Reel 11Page 50

Letter to E. Champney, 10 June 1789

Reel 11Page 51

Letter to Mr. Payne, 10 June 1789

Reel 11Page 51

Letter to Mr. Prout, 24 June 1789

Reel 11Page 52

Letter to Mr. Adams, 24 June [1789]

Reel 11Page 53

Letter to John Pringle, 25 June 1789

Reel 11Page 53

Letter to John Francis, [28] June 1789

Reel 11Page 54

Letter to Thomas Fitzsimmons, 30 June 1789

Reel 11Page 55

Letter to William Coxe, 11 July 1789

Reel 11Page 57

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 19 July 1789

Reel 11Page 59

Letter to Francis Ingraham, 19 July 1789

Reel 11Page 59

Letter to John Patterson, 25 July 1789

Reel 11Page 61

Letter to John Stone, 30 July 1789

Reel 11Page 62

Letter to William Coxe, 30 July 1789

Reel 11Page 63

Letter to William Coxe, 18 Aug. 1789

Reel 11Page 65

Letter to Messrs. Brown and Francis, 22 Sep. 1789

Reel 11Page 65

Letter to Jonathan Simpson, Jr., 22 Sep. 1789

Reel 11Page 66

Letter to Samuel Wait, 28 Sep. 1789

Reel 11Page 66

Letter to Aaron Wait, 28 Sep. 1789

Reel 11Page 66

Letter to Samuel Wait, 18 Oct. 1789

Reel 11Page 67

Letter to Messrs. Brown and Francis, 14 Nov. 1789

Reel 11Page 69

Letter to Mr. Chandler, 18 Nov. 1789

Reel 11Page 69

Letter to [Joseph Otis], 19 Nov. 1789

Reel 11Page 70

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 21 Nov. 1789

Reel 11Page 71

Letter to Zenas Parsons, 12 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 72

Letter to Alexander MacCaulay, 26 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 72

Letter to John Patterson, 26 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 73

Letter to John Reade, 26 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 73

Letter to William Coleman, 30 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 74

Letter to Joshua Bragdon, 30 Dec. 1789

Reel 11Page 75

Letter to Oliver Whipple, 11 Jan. 1790

Reel 11Page 75

Letter to Harrison Gray, 14 Jan. 1790

Reel 11Page 78

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 7 Feb. 1790

Reel 11Page 78

Letter to [William Coxe], 20 Feb. 1790

Reel 11Page 80

Letter to Dwight Foster, 1 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 81

Letter to John Jones, 1 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 81

Letter to Messrs. Smith and Kinsey, 13 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 83

Letter to John Reade, 30 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 84

Letter to E. Champney, 31 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 85

Letter to Jeremiah Smith, 31 Mar. 1790

Reel 11Page 85

Letter to Harrison Gray, 17 Apr. 1790

Reel 11Page 90

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 17 Apr. 1790

Reel 11Page 92

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 21 May 1790

Reel 11Page 95

Letter to Messrs. Brown and Francis, 24 May 1790

Reel 11Page 96

Letter to Thomas L. Halsay, 24 May 1790

Reel 11Page 96

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 2 June 1790

Reel 11Page 98

Letter to John Pringle, 10 Aug. 1790

Reel 11Page 99

Letter to Alexander MacCaulay, 18 Aug. 1790

Reel 11Page 100

Letter to Samuel Cary, 16 Sep. 1790

Reel 11Page 101

Letter to Messrs. Smith and Kinsey, 17 Sep. 1790

Reel 11Page 101

Letter to John Atkinson, 27 Oct. 1790

Reel 11Page 102

Letter to John Pringle, 30 Nov. 1790

Reel 11Page 103

Letter to William Coleman, 30 Nov. 1790

Reel 11Page 105

Letter to John Lowell, 12 Mar. 1791

Reel 11Page 106

Letter to Harrison Gray, 21 Mar. 1791

Reel 11Page 107

Letter to Harrison Gray, 9 Nov. 1790

Reel 11Page 112

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 29 May 1791

Reel 11Page 113

Letter to George Benson, 13 June 1791

Reel 11Page 114

Letter to Dana Middleton, 31 July 1791

Reel 11Page 116

Letter to Alexander Watt, 10 Oct. 1791

Reel 11Page 122

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 10 Oct. 1791

Reel 11Page 125

Letter to John Pintard, 21 Mar. 1792

Reel 11Page 125

Letter to Nathaniel Prince, 21 Mar. 1792

Reel 11Page 126

Letter to John Hancock, Apr. 1792

Reel 11Page 130

Letter to Harrison Gray, 1 May 1792

Reel 11Page 132

Letter to Harrison Gray, 5 June 1792

Reel 11Page 134

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 8 June 1792

Reel 11Page 134

Letter to George Benson, 18 July 1792

Reel 11Page 135

Letter to the cashier of the Bank of the United States, 1 Oct. 1792

Reel 11Page 137

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 1 Nov. 1792

Reel 11Page 142

Letter to William Coxe, 28 Dec. 1792

Reel 11Page 143

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 11 Mar. 1793

Reel 11Page 145

Letter to William Coxe, 11 Mar. 1793

Reel 11Page 145

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 28 Mar. 1793

Reel 11Page 146a

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 29 Mar. 1793

Reel 11Page 149

Letter to James Sprout, 30 Mar. 1793

Reel 11Page 149

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 13 Apr. 1793

Reel 11Page 150

Letter to Harrison Gray, 9 May 1793

Reel 11Page 151

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 10 May 1793

Reel 11Page 152

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 10 May 1793

Reel 11Page 153

Letter to Mr. Spur, 23 June 1793

Reel 11Page 153

Letter to Samuel W. Dana, 30 June 1793

Reel 11Page 154

Letter to Joseph Anthony & Son, 11 July 1793

Reel 11Page 156

Letter to Messrs. Sutton and Hardy, 14 July 1793

Reel 11Page 157

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 8 Aug. 1793

Reel 11Page 158

Letter to Harrison Gray, 20 Aug. 1793

Reel 11Page 160

Letter to Messrs. Austin and Helms, 22 Aug. 1793

Reel 11Page 162

Letter to Elizabeth Brown, 24 Sep. 1793

Reel 11Page 164

Letter to Harrison Gray, 12 Nov. 1793

Reel 11Page 166

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 15 Nov. 1793

Reel 11Page 167

Letter to Winslow Hobbey, 26 Nov. 1793

Reel 11Page 168

Letter to Susanna Boutineau, 28 Nov. 1793

Reel 11Page 169

Letter to John Borland, 28 Nov. 1793

Reel 11Page 172

Letter to Harrison Gray, 24 Dec. 1793

Reel 11Page 173

Letter to Harrison Gray, 4 Jan. 1794

Reel 11Page 173

Letter to William Coxe, 22 Jan. 1794

Reel 11Page 174

Letter to Dr. Benjamin Greene, 26 June 1794

Reel 11Page 174

Letter to Jeremiah Smith, 26 June 1794

Reel 11Page 175

Letter to Messrs. Edward Cane & Sons, 26 June 1794

Reel 11Page 176

Letter to H. & S. Johnson & Co., 28 June 1794

Reel 11Page 177

Letter to William Coxe, 28 June 1794

Reel 11Page 177

Letter to John Borland, 28 June 1794

Reel 11Page 178

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 30 June 1794

Reel 11Page 179

Letter to Harrison Gray, 30 June 1794

Reel 11Page 181

Letter to Harrison Gray, 11 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 182

Letter to Thomas Dickason, Jr., 11 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 183

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 30 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 185

Letter to George W. Erving, 30 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 186

Letter to Alexander Watt, 30 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 186

Letter to John Hollingsworth & Co., 30 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 187

Letter to Harrison Gray, 30 Nov. 1794

Reel 11Page 190

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 17 June 1795

Reel 11Page 193

Letter to C. A. Wheelwright, 28 Oct. 1795

Reel 11Page 194

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 27 Nov. 1795

Reel 11Page 197

Letter to C. A. Wheelwright, 30 Nov. 1795

Reel 11Page 199

Letter to Joshua Johnson, 30 Nov. 1795

Reel 11Page 200

Letter to Captain Scott, 30 Nov. 1795

Reel 11Page 202

Letter to Thomas Mason, 28 Dec. 1795

Reel 11Page 203

Letter to Oliver Phelps, 10 Jan. 1796

Reel 11Page 204

Letter to John Greenleaf, 10 Jan. 1796

Reel 11Page 205

Letter to N. W. Otis, 15 Jan. 1796

Reel 11Page 206

Letter to James Scott, 17 Jan. 1796

Reel 11Page 207

Letter to John Peck, 5 Feb. 1796

Reel 11Page 208

Letter to Messrs. Fry and Steele, 12 Mar. 1796

Reel 11Page 209

Letter to Messrs. Fry and Steele, 14 May 1796

Reel 11Page 209

Letter to Messrs. Clift and Pratt, 21 May 1796

Reel 11Page 210

Letter to Messrs. Clift and Pratt, 8 Aug. 1796

Reel 11Page 210

Letter to Messrs. Brooke and Owen, 1 Dec. 1796

Reel 11Page 211

Letter to Col. Cummins, 18 Apr. 1797

Reel 11Page 212

Letter to Messrs. Janney and Irish, 28 Apr. 1797

Reel 11Page 213

Letter to Amasa Jackson, 22 Aug. 1797

Reel 11Page 214

Letter to Joseph Anthony, 30 Aug. 1797

Reel 11Page 215

Letter to Messrs. Brooke and Owen, 28 Oct. 1797

Reel 11Page 215

Letter to Messrs. Lucena and Crawford, 28 Oct. 1797

Reel 11Page 218

Letter to Messrs. Lucena and Crawford, 5 Nov. 1797

Reel 11Page 221

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 10 Nov. 1798

Reel 11Page 222

Letter to Messrs. Lucena and Crawford, 28 Mar. 1799

Reel 11Page 222

Letter to Messrs. Lucena and Crawford, 19 Apr. 1799

Reel 11Page 223

Letter to Thomas Cummings, 22 Apr. 1799

Reel 11Page 225

Letter to James Duff, etc., 7 Nov. 1799

Reel 11Page 227

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 27 Apr. 1801

Reel 11Page 227a

Letter to John J. Waldo, 3 May 1801

Reel 11Page 228

Letter to Messrs. Stricker and Payson, 4 May 1801

Reel 11Page 229

Letter to Stephen Hussey, 26 May 1801

Reel 11Page 229

Letter to James Madison about an admiralty case involving William Bingham, 3 June 1801

Reel 11Page 234

Letter to Abraham Lincoln, 8 June 1801

Reel 11Page 235

Letter to James Madison, 14 July 1801

Reel 11Page 236

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 8 Oct. 1801

Reel 11Page 237

Letter to William Johnson, 8 Nov. 1801

Reel 11Page 238

Letter to Messrs. Spur and Stewart, 16 May 1802

Reel 11Page 239

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 9 Oct. 1802

Reel 11Page 240

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 1 Oct. 1802

Reel 11Page 242

Letter to Elizabeth Schoolbred, 6 May 1803

Reel 11Page 242

Letter to R. Sullivan, 12 July 1803

Reel 11Page 245

Letter to Ann Barraud, 7 Sep. 1807

Reel 11Page 246

Letter to Harrison Gray, Jr., 7 Sep. 1807

Reel 11Page 247

Letter to John Lane, 10 Sep. 1807

B. Account books, 1810-1820

Reel 11

Accounts and records of land sales in the Bingham Purchase and at Lechmere Point, 1810-1820

Reel 11


Reel 11


C. Journals, 1806-1840

This subseries contains a journal of a tour to Quebec taken by Harrison Gray Otis, 2-21 July 1806; a diary kept by Harriet Otis in Washington, D.C., and Boston, 21 Dec. 1811-27 Feb. 1814; a journal of Harriet Otis's trip to Vermont, 17-27 July 1817; and an unidentified diary of a trip to England and France, 27 Sep.-12 Oct. 1840.

Digital facsimiles of the Harriet Otis diaries and the Harrison Gray Otis travel diary are available on Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available to researchers on MHS library computers. See a reference librarian for information on how to access this resource.

Reel 11

Harrison Gray Otis journal, 1806

Reel 11

Harriet Otis diary, 1811-1814

Reel 11

Harriet Otis journal, 1817

Reel 11

Anonymous travel diary, 1840

List of Items in Series I


Reel 1

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding the acts passed in John Adams's first session, undated

Reel 1

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding the initiation of the Hartford Convention, undated

Reel 1

Extracts from a 25 Apr. 1828 deed of partition, undated

Reel 1

Extract from a 28 Apr. 1828 deed of partition executed by Harrison Gray Otis respecting Chestnut Street, undated

Reel 1

Indenture between Elizabeth Woodmansey and John Richards, 19 Aug. 1691 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed from John Davie to James Allen, 11 May 1699 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed from Jonathan Belcher to Hannah Belcher, 5 Feb. 1718 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed of sale from George Cradock to Joseph Uran for property at Boston, 10 Aug. 1729 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Byfield Lyde to Benjamin Salisbury for property at Boston, 10 Aug. 1729 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Byfield Lyde to George Tilley for land at Boston, 10 Aug. 1729

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Francis Brinley to Andrew Symms for land at Boston, 11 Aug. 1729

Reel 1

Will of Jonathan Waldo, 15 May 1731 [copy]

Reel 1

Will of Jeremiah Allen, 26 June 1736 [copy]

Reel 1

Execution of the Suffolk Superior Court in the review of a judgment against Richard Gookin, 26 Jan. 1748 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed from Richard Gookin to John Shepard, 7 Feb. 1750 [copy]

Reel 1

Registrar's certification concerning the removal of N. Cunningham to New York, [1758]

Reel 1

Memorandum by Mr. Jarvis of the accounts of Christopher Kilby and Gilbert McAdams related to N. Cunningham's affairs, [17 June 1758]

Reel 1

Memorandum related to a mortgage held by James Otis and the settlement of N. Cunningham, Jr.'s real estate holdings at Cambridge, [1760]

Reel 1

Certification by Thomas Hutchinson of debts of Thomas Clarke's estate related to the proposed sale of real estate, 26 Aug. 1760

Reel 1

Certification of the record related to the administrators of George Tilley's estate, 16 Oct. 1761

Reel 1

Memoranda by James Otis about Murrayfield, Mass., 1762-1767

Reel 1

Letter from Jonathan Sewall (Charlestown) to Robert Treat Paine inquiring about his opinions and asking a favor, 11 Feb. 1762

Reel 1

Letter from Robert Treat Paine (Taunton) to Jonathan Sewall with facetious answers to his queries, 17 Feb. 1762

Reel 1

Deed from John Chandler, John Murray, and Timothy Paine to James Otis of a proprietor's right in Murrayfield, 10 June [1762]

Reel 1

Surveyor's description of Glass Cochran's lot no. 49 at Murrayfield, 5 Jan. 1763, with notation of transfer to James Otis, 13 Jan. 1767

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Edward Taylor of Ebenezer Webber's lot no. 33 at Murrayfield, with notation of transfer to James Otis, 5 Jan. 1763

Reel 1

Agreement between John Murray and James Otis regarding purchase of half interest in East Hoosac, Mass., 8 Feb. 1763

Reel 1

Letter from Joseph Jacob (Newport) to Harrison Gray about a deposit for the treasury, 1 Sep. 1763

Reel 1

Surveyor's description of James Otis's lots #36, 39, 46, 48, 50, 76, 96, and 115 at Murrayfield, Mass., 1 Oct. 1763

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Ebenezer Webber to James Otis for land at Murrayfield, 3 Oct. 1763

Reel 1

Petition from the proprietors of Murrayfield to the Massachusetts General Court, 21 Dec. 1763 [copy]

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Charles Baker of a grant of additional lands to Murrayfield proprietors, 25 Apr. 1764

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis (Barnstable) to Harrison Gray about underwriting his son's loan, 8 Sep. 1764

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis (Barnstable) to Harrison Gray about the marriage of Samuel Allyne Otis and Elizabeth Gray, 10 Dec. 1764

Reel 1

Survey of James Otis's lots #4, 9, 17, 28, 40, 60 at Murrayfield, Mass., 12 Dec. 1764

Reel 1

Account of James Otis's original interest in Murrayfield, Mass., [1765]

Reel 1

Memorandum by Timothy Paine of James Otis's lands at Murrayfield, [1765]

Reel 1

Letter from Francis Bernard to Harrison Gray on matters related to the treasury, 1 Jan. 1765

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Charles Baker of lots owned by James Otis at Royalston, Mass., and recorded in the proprietors' book, 20 Mar. 1765

Reel 1

Order from Thomas Hutchinson related to the distribution of Jonas Fairbank's estate, 30 May 1766 [copy]

Reel 1

Power of attorney from James Otis to James Powers to act for his real estate interests at Windsor, N.Y., 3 June 1766 [copy]

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (Norwalk, Conn.) to Harrison Gray about his travel plans for return to Boston, 3 Oct. 1766

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (Newport, R.I.) to Harrison Gray describing his difficult trip from Connecticut by carriage, 9 Oct. 1766

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Charles Baker of James Otis's lots #29 and 42 at Murrayfield, Mass., 14 Jan. 1767

Reel 1

Account of James Otis with John Murray related to Otis's real estate holdings at Murrayfield, Mass., 30 May 1767

Reel 1

Receipt for James Otis's payment for building a church at Murrayfield, Mass., 11 June 1767

Reel 1

Account of James Otis with John Murray related to Otis's real estate holdings at Murrayfield, Mass., 9 Feb. 1768

Reel 1

Receipt from Aaron Willard, Jr. to James Otis for payment for building the meeting house at Murrayfield, Mass., 10 Feb. 1768

Reel 1

Bond from Israel Curtis to James Otis, 6 Apr. 1768

Reel 1

Letter from John Boynton and Jonathan Wilder (Winchendon) to James Otis offering to mow his property at Royalston, 17 May 1768

Reel 1

Memorandum by Timothy Paine and Abijah Willard about the settlement of Murrayfield, 25 June 1768

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Royalston) to Samuel Allyne Otis about land at Royalston, 18 Oct. 1768

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis (Boston) to William Deane with directions for the management of his real estate interests at Windsor, N.Y., 8 Dec. 1768 [copy]

Reel 1

Bond of James Otis, 10 Nov. 1769

Reel 1

Papers of administration in the settlement of William Tilley's estate, 19 Dec. 1769 [copies]

Reel 1

Agreement between James Putnam and John Stearns for terms for leasing property at Worcester, 22 Jan. 1770

Reel 1

Grant from the committee of Royalston, Mass., to Eleazer Weld of farmland by a division ordered by the Superior Court, 7 June 1770

Reel 1

Bond from James Otis to James Otis, Jr., 5 July 1770, with James Otis, Jr.'s assignment, 31 Mar. 1783 [signature missing]

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Charles Baker of lots owned by James Otis at Murrayfield, Mass., Oct. 1770

Reel 1

Deed of sale from John Murray to James Otis for land at East Hoosac, 22 Apr. 1771

Reel 1

Obligation from John Murray to James Otis about David Smith's bond, 23 Apr. 1771

Reel 1

Lease from James Otis to Jonathan Robbins for lands in Royalston, Mass., with copy, 21 June 1771

Reel 1

Receipt from Nathaniel Parker to Nathaniel Gorham, James Otis, and James Prescott for payment for a survey of the new Otisfield township granted to Capt. John Gorham's company for service in 1690, 3 July 1771

Reel 1

Memorandum by James Otis of his settlement with John Murray about East Hoosac, Mass., 23 Aug. 1771

Reel 1

Surveyor's description by Charles Baker of James Otis's lots #2, 9, and 16 at Murrayfield, Mass., 2 Oct. 1771

Reel 1

Account by [James Otis] of the new township of Otisfield, Me., [1772]

Reel 1

Memoranda on Otisfield proprietors' meetings, 1772-1798, enclosed with letter from J. D. Hopkins to Harrison Gray Otis regarding proprietors' meetings on the division of land in Maine, 12 Feb. 1814

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Royalston) to James Otis about overseeing his property at Royalston, 28 Dec. 1772

Reel 1

Extracts from the records of the Otisfield proprietors, 1773-1791

Reel 1

Account of James Otis with John Murray regarding real estate at Murrayfield, Mass., 10 Feb. 1773

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Royalston) to James Otis about his land at Royalston, 8 Apr. 1773

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis to John Murray about East Hoosac, Mass., 1 June 1773 [copy]

Reel 1

Memorandum by Solomon Goodell regarding lawsuits lodged against him, 20 Aug. 1773

Reel 1

Account of James Otis with the new township of Otisfield, Me., 17 Nov. 1773

Reel 1

Receipt from William Blair Townsend to James Otis for payment of his share of taxes on land in the new township of Otisfield, 18 Nov. 1773

Reel 1

Account by [John Murray] of interest received on Hoosac lands, 1774

Reel 1

Deed from William Story to Harrison Gray of 18 proprietors' shares in Barnard, Vt., 31 Mar. 1774

Reel 1

Receipt from William Blair Townsend to James Otis for payment of taxes on property at Otisfield, 1 June 1774

Reel 1

Agreement between James Otis and George Peirce related to procuring settlers for Otisfield, Me., 2 June 1774

Reel 1

Memorandum of "Otisfield business general," [July 1774]

Reel 1

Deed from Olive Haskell to Timothy Winn for Lunenburg lands, 6 July 1774

Reel 1

Memorandum of the rights of land at Otisfield drawn for the heirs of Samuel Sturgis, 2 Nov. 1774

Reel 1

Letters from Elizabeth Gray Otis to her father Harrison Gray, copied by him for Harrison Gray Otis, 1775-1778

Reel 1

Commission of John Mayo as first lieutenant in Isaac Bolston's company in the 3rd Regiment of Foot, Continental Army, 1 Jan. 1776 [photocopy]

Signed by John Hancock.

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis (Barnstable) to [Timothy Paine] about records of lands laid out at Murrayfield, Mass., 16 Feb. 1776 [copy]

Reel 1

Letter from James Otis (Barnstable) to Enoch Shephard about Murrayfield, Mass., 26 Mar. 1776 [copy]

Reel 1

Bond from James Otis to John Davis, Jr., 25 May 1776 [copy]

Reel 1

Notes on a meeting of the Otisfield proprietors, with plan and draft of the second division, 16 Oct. 1776

Reel 1

Letter from John Davis to James Otis about land in Royalston, 28 Dec. 1776

Reel 1

Agreement between James Otis and Archibald Woods regarding land to be conveyed to Woods at Otisfield, Me., 23 Jan. 1777, with Woods's order for delivery of the deed, 15 Apr. 1777

Reel 1

Order from Archibald Woods to James Otis to give him a deed for his land at Otisfield, 15 Apr. 1777, on James Otis's agreement on land to be conveyed to Woods, 23 Jan. 1777

Reel 1

Receipt from John Marston to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment for the expenses of a meeting, 5 Nov. 1777

Reel 1

Letter from Oliver Prescott to Samuel Allyne Otis about Otisfield affairs, 16 Dec. 1777

Reel 1

Memorandum of Otis's interest in land at Murrayfield, Mass., [1778]

Reel 1

Plot sketch by Pliny Dwight of Murrayfield Equivalent showing the division of land set off to James Otis and Stephen Farr, 30 May 1778 [copy], enclosed with letter from Caleb Strong to Samuel Allyne Otis, 1 June 1778

Reel 1

Letter from Caleb Strong (Northampton) to Samuel Allyne Otis about surveys of Otis land at Murrayfield, 1 June 1778

Reel 1

Receipt for continental and clothing tax at Murrayfield, Mass., 15 July 1778

Reel 1

Letter from Caleb Strong (Northampton) to Samuel Allyne Otis about title for land at Murrayfield, 9 Sep. 1778

Reel 1

Warrant to set off the land of James Otis and Stephen Farr, Jr. at Murrayfield Equivalent, 22 Sep. 1778

Reel 1

Account of lands owned by James Otis in Murrayfield, Mass., [1] Nov. 1778

Reel 1

Letter from Caleb Strong (Northampton) to Pliny Dwight about grants of land at Murrayfield to James Otis and Stephen Farr, 2 Nov. 1778

Reel 1

Petition from David Shepard, Jr., for the town of Murrayfield, to the Council for a bridge across the Westfield River at Norwich, 6 Jan. 1779

Reel 1

Resolve of the Massachusetts Council replying to the petition of Murrayfield, Mass., for a new bridge over the Westfield River at Norwich, 22 Jan. 1779 [copy]

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray about Elizabeth Gray Otis's death, 22 Jan. 1779

Copy in letters from Elizabeth Gray Otis to Harrison Gray, pp. 64-67.

Reel 1

Letter from Timothy Paine (Worcester) to Samuel Allyne Otis about his father's land holdings at Murrayfield and Norwich, 27 Jan. 1779

Reel 1

Account of the Otisfield proprietors with George Peirce, 12 Feb. 1779

Reel 1

Promissory note from [George Peirce] to Samuel Allyne Otis, with notation by Otis, 12 Feb. 1779

Reel 1

Memorial from Timothy Paine to the Massachusetts General Court about Murrayfield affairs, 14 Feb. 1779

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray (Brompton) to Harrison Gray [Jr.] about Elizabeth Gray Otis's death, 25 Apr. 1779

Copy in letters from Elizabeth Gray Otis to Harrison Gray, pp. 64-67.

Reel 1

Murrayfield tax bill of James Otis, 20 May 1779

Reel 1

Murrayfield tax bill of James Otis, 21 May 1779

Reel 1

Receipt from Henry Nichols to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of taxes at Royalston, 22 May 1779

Reel 1

Warrant from David Shepard to James and Joseph Otis for the repair of highways at Murrayfield, 7 June 1779

Reel 1

Resolution of the Continental Congress related to the death of Col. du Coudray, 26 Sep. 1779, enclosed with letter from James Lovell to Benjamin Franklin, 12 Oct. 1779

Signed by John Jay.

Reel 1

Letter from James Lovell to Benjamin Franklin about handling the affairs related to the drowning of Col. du Coudray in the United States, 12 Oct. 1779, with duplicate copy of resolution by the Continental Congress, 26 Sep. 1779

Reel 1

Plan of lots at Murrayfield, Mass., [1780]

Reel 1

Taxes of James Otis's lands at Murrayfield, Mass., [1780]

Reel 1

Memorandum by Samuel Allyne Otis of lots sold at Royalston, Mass., [1780]

Reel 1

Memorandum of lands leased by Enoch Shephard at Murrayfield, Mass., [1780]

Reel 1

Report of overtax on Otis lands at Murrayfield, Mass., 1780

Reel 1

Taxes on James Otis's lands at Murrayfield, Mass., 1780

Reel 1

Letter from John Bachellor to Samuel Allyne Otis about paying his taxes at Royalston, 3 Jan. 1780

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Samuel Allyne Otis and John Erving to Moses Goddard for land at Royalston, Mass., 5 Jan. 1780

Reel 1

Tax notice from Edward Wright to Samuel Allyne Otis for the amount due on James Otis's lands, 5 Feb. 1780

Reel 1

Letter from James Lovell (Philadelphia) to Benjamin Franklin about government matters pertaining to commerce and about corresponding in cipher, 24 Feb. 1780

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Stephen Gorham to Stephen Cook for a proprietor's right in land at Otisfield, 6 Mar. 1780

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Oliver Prescott to Stephen Cook for a proprietor's right for land at Otisfield, 4 Apr. 1780

Reel 1

Notice from the Murrayfield assessors to James Otis of real estate appraisal, 8 Apr. 1780

Reel 1

Deed of sale from James Prescott for a proprietor's right for land at Otisfield, 6 May 1780

Reel 1

Murrayfield tax bill of James Otis, 12 Aug. 1780

Reel 1

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield) to Samuel Allyne Otis about matters concerning the proprietors of Otisfield, 21 Aug. 1780

Reel 1

Murrayfield tax bill of James Otis, 20 Oct. 1780

Reel 1

Deed of sale from [Samuel Barrett], [Richard Cranch], and [Samuel Henshaw], members of the Suffolk County commission, to James Welsh for confiscated property belonging to the Loyalist William Bowes at Boston, 26 Apr. 1781 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Thomas Crocker to Joseph and Samuel Allyne Otis for Barnstable property, 14 Sep. 1781

Reel 1

Certification of the lease estimate for Otis land at Royalston from John Bachellor to Samuel Allyne Otis, 8 Nov. 1781

Reel 1

Memorandum on the state of the proprietors' lands at Royalston, Mass., [1782]

Reel 1

Accounts of Samuel Allyne Otis with the Otisfield proprietors, 1782-1787

Reel 1

List of Boston Overseers of the Poor, 1782-1806

Reel 1

Tax bill of Samuel Allyne Otis for lands at Royalston, Mass., 28 Jan. 1782

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Jacob Estey to Lott Woodbury for land at Royalston, 14 Mar. 1782

Reel 1

Bill from Samuel Barrett to the Navy Board, Apr. 1782

Reel 1

Judgment granted to Joseph Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis against John Otis, 16 Apr. 1782 [copy]

Reel 1

Execution of judgment by Joseph Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis against the estate of John Otis, 3 June 1782

Reel 1

Deed from Jacob Estey to Isaac Estey, 10 June 1782

Reel 1

Account of the Otisfield proprietors with George Peirce, 27 June 1782

Reel 1

Letter from Thomas Cushing (Boston) to Benjamin Franklin introducing William Foster, July 1782

Reel 1

Appraisal of the property of Samuel Allyne Otis at West Boston, 5 July 1782

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Allyne Otis with John Gill for services related to the proprietors of Otisfield, Nov. 1782

Reel 1

Account of the Otisfield proprietors for expenses in the sale of lands at auction, [1783]

Reel 1

Form of deed for land at Otisfield to be sold for non-fulfillment of obligations, 1783

Reel 1

Minutes by Samuel Allyne Otis of meetings of the Royalston proprietors, 1783-1785

Reel 1

Account by Samuel Allyne Otis of the Royalston proprietors, 1783-1787

Reel 1

Deed from James Otis, Jr. to Joseph and Samuel Allyne Otis, 14 Jan. 1783

Reel 1

Receipt from William Prescott and Winslow Parker to Otisfield for surveying services, 26 Feb. 1783

Reel 1

Report of the committee to couple lots at Otisfield, 27 Feb. 1783

Reel 1

Otisfield account of George Peirce, 27 Feb. 1783

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Allyne Otis with Oliver Prescott for taxes at Otisfield, 28 Feb. 1783

Reel 1

Receipt from George Peirce to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment for the proprietors of Otisfield, 28 Feb. 1783

Reel 1

Order from J. Brooks for hay for Mr. Fisher on behalf of the 7th Massachusetts Regiment, 5 Apr. 1783

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Ebenezer Blanding to Jacob Estey for land at Royalston, 30 May 1783

Reel 1

Minutes of the meetings of the Royalston proprietors, June 1783 [copy]

Reel 1

Request of the Royalston proprietors for calling a meeting, 10 June 1783

Signed by John Hancock and others.

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Joseph Otis to Samuel Allyne Otis for land at Barnstable, 8 Sep. 1783

Reel 1

Minutes of the meetings of the Royalston proprietors, Oct. 1783 [copy]

Reel 1

Receipt from George Peirce to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment on his account, 27 Oct. 1783

Reel 1

Bond from John Erving, Benjamin Kent, and Samuel Allyne Otis to Samuel Fitch for the sale of lands at Royalston, 28 Nov. 1783

Reel 1

Memoranda and return related to land purchases at Royalston, Mass., 1784

Reel 1

Memorandum of Royalston land sold for taxes, 1784

Reel 1

Form of deed to the purchasers of land at Royalston, Mass., 1784

Reel 1

Indemnity for John Chandler's bonds, 1784 [copy]

Reel 1

Receipts for Samuel Allyne Otis's taxes in Winchendon, Mass., 1784-1785

Reel 1

Account of Edward Carnes with the estate of Joseph Henderson, Feb. 1784, with certification of Charles Cushing to Harrison Gray Otis for payment, 17 Dec. 1804

Reel 1

Instructions and memoranda by Samuel Allyne Otis for Elijah Dunbar to act as his agent in the sale of his properties at Adams and Royalston, 16 Feb. 1784 [draft]

Reel 1

Power of attorney from Samuel Allyne Otis to Elijah Dunbar for the sale of his lands at Royalston, Winchendon, Murrayfield, and Windsor, 16 Feb. 1784

Reel 1

Bond from a committee of Royalston proprietors to John Fry, 20 Feb. 1784 [copy]

Reel 1

Bond from a committee of Royalston proprietors to Moses Goddard, 20 Feb. 1784

Reel 1

Letter from Jonathan Hutchinson and Peter Woodbury (Royalston) to the proprietors of Royalston about settlement of their bond, 3 Mar. 1784

Reel 1

Bill and receipt from Elijah Dunbar to the proprietors of Royalston for payment for services related to the sale of lands, 10 Mar. 1784

Reel 1

Receipt from Abel Wilder to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of taxes at Winchendon, 10 Mar. 1784

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Royalston) to Samuel Allyne Otis listing unsold lots at Royalston, 3 May 1784

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray (London) to Isaac Smith about the depreciation of the currency, 28 May 1784 [typescript]

Reel 1

Letter from George Dana (Ashburnham) to Samuel Allyne Otis about the sale of land at Royalston, 4 July 1784

Reel 1

Deed from Harrison Gray to Samuel Allyne Otis for his house in Boston, 13 July 1784

Reel 1

Bond from [Samuel Allyne Otis] to Martin Stevens, 13 July 1784 [copy]

Reel 1

Letter from [Samuel Allyne Otis], for the proprietors of Royalston, to Sylvanus Hemmingway denying a request for abatement of interest on a bond, 27 Aug. 1784 [copy]

Reel 1

Receipt from John Simonds to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of taxes on property at Leominster, 30 Sep. 1784

Reel 1

Bond from John Erving, Benjamin Kent, and Samuel Allyne Otis to Micah Baker related to a land purchase at Royalston, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Bond from John Erving, Benjamin Kent, and Samuel Allyne Otis to Lott Woodbury related to a land purchase at Royalston, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Bond from Benjamin Woodbury and Peter Woodbury to Samuel Allyne Otis and John Erving related to payment for land at Royalston, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Bond from Lott Woodbury to Samuel Allyne Otis and John Erving related to a land purchase Royalston, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Indemnification from the Royalston proprietors to Ebenezer Elliott, Jr. for payment of his bond, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Indemnification from the Royalston proprietors to Sylvanus Hemmingway for payment of his bond, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Indemnification from the Royalston proprietors to Peter Woodbury for payment of his bond, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Bill and receipt from Elijah Dunbar to the proprietors of Royalston for payment of their account for attorney's fees, 21 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Bill and receipt from Gardner Wilder to the proprietors of Royalston for payment for work on Royalston lands, 24 Oct. 1784

Reel 1

Letter from Stephen Jacobs (Windsor) to Rufus G. Amory regarding the land interests of James Otis at Windsor, 23 Nov. 1784

Reel 1

Report of the committee of Royalston proprietors for redeeming certain lands, 1 Dec. 1784

Reel 1

Warrant for a meeting authorized by Samuel Danforth, John Erving, Jr., and Samuel Allyne Otis, [1785]

Reel 1

"A general view of Royalston affairs as they stood in 1785," 1785

Reel 1

Minutes excerpted from Dr. John Chandler's record of a Royalston proprietors' meeting, 1785

Reel 1

Memorandum by Samuel Allyne Otis regarding his Royalston lots, 1785

Reel 1

Promissory note from Benjamin Guild to Nathaniel Ingraham, enclosed with letter from Ingraham to Harrison Gray Otis, 15 Jan. 1785

Reel 1

Letter from Nathaniel Ingraham to Harrison Gray Otis about settlement of a debt, enclosing Benjamin Guild's promissory note, 15 Jan. 1785

Reel 1

Notice from a creditor to Martin Stevens demanding payment, 16 Feb. 1785

Reel 1

Contract between Elijah Dunbar for the Royalston proprietors and Ebenezer Bartlett, 28 Feb. 1785

Reel 1

Contract between Elijah Dunbar for the Royalston proprietors and Timothy Bliss, 28 Feb. 1785

Reel 1

Contract between Elijah Dunbar for the Royalston proprietors and Jonas Warren, 28 Feb. 1785

Reel 1

Contract between Elijah Dunbar for the Royalston proprietors and John Whitmore, 28 Feb. 1785

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Allyne Otis with Elijah Dunbar for legal services pertaining to Royalston property, 8 Mar. 1785

Reel 1

Account of the Royalston proprietors with Elijah Dunbar, 11 Mar. 1785

Reel 1

Receipt from Adams and Nourse to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of tax on his property at Winchendon, 26 Apr. 1785

Reel 1

Notation by [Samuel Allyne Otis] of the settlement of Ruth Otis's account, May 1785

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Allyne Otis and Joseph Otis with George Peirce for services in dividing lands at Otisfield, 24 May 1785

Reel 1

Account by George Peirce of the division of lands at Otisfield, 24 May 1785

Reel 1

Power of attorney from John Lindsey to Samuel Kendall, Jr., 10 June 1785

Reel 1

Letter from John Chandler (London) to Samuel Allyne Otis about affairs in Royalston, Mass., with duplicate, 2 July 1785

Reel 1

Receipt from Adams and Nourse to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment for publication of the advertisement of the Otisfield proprietors, 14 July 1785

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Nathaniel Bragg to Benjamin Perry for land at Royalston, with Perry's transfer of the property to Samuel Allyne Otis, 6 Sep. 1785

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Boston) to [Samuel Allyne Otis] about land grants at Royalston, 8 Nov. 1785

Reel 1

Deposition by Peleg Jennings concerning the purchase of Royalston land from John Chandler, 8 Feb. 1786

Reel 1

Certificate of John Mayo's death on 4 Mar. 1776, 21 Mar. 1786

Signed by William Heath.

Reel 1

Bill and receipt from Powars and Willis to Samuel Allyne Otis for advertising, 29 Mar. 1786

Reel 1

Memorandum by [Samuel Allyne Otis] related to unsold lands at Murrayfield, Me., 23 May 1786

Reel 1

Receipt from James Ball to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of the taxes of Martin Stevens, 19 June 1786

Reel 1

Statement of obligation by George Peirce regarding Otisfield property, 20 Aug. 1786

Reel 1

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as captain of the militia, 27 Oct. 1786

Reel 1

Power of attorney from John and Love (Oliver) Knight to Rufus G. Amory, 2 Feb. 1787

Signed by Thomas Hutchinson.

Reel 1

Deed of sale from [Samuel Allyne Otis] to James and Thomas Lamb for Joseph Otis and Thomas Crocker's property at Barnstable, 7 May 1787 [draft]

Reel 1

Deed of sale and release from Samuel Allyne Otis to James and Thomas Lamb for property at Barnstable, 11 May 1787 [copy]

Reel 1

Assignment of power of attorney from the Royalston proprietors to John Fry, 4 Nov. 1787

Reel 1

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as major for service as aide-de-camp to General Lincoln, 20 Dec. 1787

Signed by John Hancock.

Reel 1

Account of the proprietors of Royalston with [Samuel Allyne Otis], 1788

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (New York) to William Thacher about politics, 19 Apr. 1788 [typescript]

Reel 1

Appraisal by John Bursley, Daniel Davis, and Isaac Hinckley of the Otis family farm at Barnstable, 24 Apr. 1788

Reel 1

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with William Foster & Co., 21 July 1788

Reel 1

Bill from George Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for services pertaining to lands at Gorham, 19 Sep. 1788

Reel 1

Memorandum by [Samuel Allyne Otis] of an agreement with Moses Goddard regarding land ownership, 5 Dec. 1788

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis to Samuel Felch about payment on his bond [draft], with draft of letter from Otis to John Fry about overdue bonds to the proprietors of Royalston, 6 Dec. 1788

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (Royalston) to John Fry about overdue bonds to the proprietors of Royalston [draft], with draft of letter from Otis to Samuel Felch about payment on his bond, 6 Dec. 1788

Reel 1

Receipt from Gad Peirce to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment on behalf of the Royalston proprietors, 6 Dec. 1788

Reel 1

Letter from John Fry (Royalston) to Samuel Allyne Otis about matters concerning land purchases at Royalston, 15 Dec. 1788

Reel 1

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] on laws governing Loyalists' rights to recovery of confiscated property and debts made while prosecuting claims of his grandfather Harrison Gray, [1789]

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster inviting her to go for a drive, [1789]

Reel 1

Power of attorney from [Samuel Allyne Otis], for the proprietors of Royalston, to Harrison Gray Otis, 1789 [copy]

Reel 1

Memorandum of the bond of Jacob Estis and Peletiah Metcalf to the proprietors of Royalston, 1789-1794

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (New York) to Jeremiah Wadsworth asking his help in securing a position as clerk of the Senate, 12 Jan. 1789 [typescript]

Reel 1

Bill from John Manton to the Otisfield proprietors for entertainment, Feb. 1789

Reel 1

Accounts of Joseph Otis with James and Thomas Lamb, 23 Feb. 1789

Reel 1

Receipt from George Peirce to Samuel Allyne Otis for payment for the purchase of land, 29 Feb. 1789

Reel 1

Indenture of Jeremy Baker, Edward Davis, and Joseph Harford with Messrs. Lowell, Otis, and Vaughan, 21 Mar. 1789

Reel 1

Senate record of the election of Samuel Allyne Otis as Senate secretary, attested by John Langdon, 8 Apr. 1789 [copy]

Reel 1

Agreement between Benjamin and Robert Hallowell related to the disposition of the shipyard belonging to the estate of their father Briggs Hallowell, 11 Apr. 1789

Reel 1

Receipt from Adams and Nourse to Willis Hall for payment for the advertisement of the Royalston proprietors, 23 July 1789

Reel 1

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Jeremiah Green over discharge of Green's debt, 28 July 1789, with copy of appraisal of property by Thomas Dawes and John Tileston, 19 Dec. 1789

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray (London) to John Hancock about collection of his debt, 31 July 1789 [draft]

Reel 1

Receipt from Lemuel Burrell to Samuel Kendall, Jr. for payment of his account and amounts credited for the period 1786-1789, 2 Oct. 1789

Reel 1

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to T. Russell for property at Adams, 3 Nov. 1789 [draft]

Reel 1

"State of affairs in Royalston," 6 Nov. 1789

Reel 1

Warrant by [Samuel Allyne Otis] for a meeting of the Royalston proprietors, 6 Nov. 1789 [draft]

Reel 1

Accounts by Samuel Allyne Otis related to Royalston lands, 6 Nov. 1789

Reel 1

Accounts of the Royalston proprietors with Samuel Allyne Otis, 7 Nov. 1789

Reel 1

Assignment of power of attorney from Samuel Allyne Otis and John Erving, for the Royalston proprietors, to Harrison Gray Otis, 19 Nov. 1789

Reel 1

Warrant by Samuel Allyne Otis for a meeting of the Royalston proprietors, 6 Dec. 1789

Reel 1

Appraisal by Thomas Dawes and John Tileston of a distillery owned by Jeremiah Green to be used in the discharge of a debt to Harrison Gray Otis, 19 Dec. 1789, with agreement, 28 July 1789

Reel 1

Agreement by [Harrison Gray Otis] to pay John Coffin Jones for a bond of James Otis to James Otis, Jr., 27 Dec. 1789

Reel 1

Memorandum from Joseph Otis to his brother Samuel Allyne Otis about the discharge of his note by his father's estate, [1790]

Reel 1

Letter from Mary Smith Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster upon Foster's engagement to Harrison Gray Otis, 12 Jan. 1790

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster about their coming marriage, 20 Jan. 1790

Reel 1

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (New York) to Sally Foster on Foster's engagement to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Jan. 1790

Reel 1

Letter from Sally Foster (Boston) to Samuel Allyne Otis on her engagement to Harrison Gray Otis, 31 Jan. 1790 [copy by Samuel Allyne Otis]

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Barnstable) to Sally Foster, [Feb.] 1790

Reel 1

Agreement between [William Foster] and Harrison Gray Otis on terms of a marriage bond, [5 Feb. 1790] [draft]

Reel 1

Agreement between [Harrison Gray Otis] and William Foster regarding a marriage bond, 5 Feb. 1790 [draft]

Reel 1

Marriage bond from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis, 5 Feb. 1790 [copy]

Reel 1

Appraisal of Joseph Otis's property at Barnstable conveyed to James and Thomas Lamb in satisfaction of an execution, 25 Mar. 1790 [copy]

Reel 1

Bill of exchange from Thomas Goadsby & Co. on John Erving in favor of Harrison Gray Otis, 31 Mar. 1790

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster about his sister Abba's approaching death, Apr. 1790

Reel 1

Appraisal and execution of Barnstable property belonging in part to Joseph Otis, 24 Apr. 1790 [copy]

Reel 1

Letter from Joseph Coolidge (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations and about covering his note, 2 June 1790

Reel 1

Account of Thomas Clements with John Brown, July 1790

Reel 1

Deed of sale from John Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for a distill house and property on Atkinson Street, Boston, 12 July 1790

Reel 1

Account of Sally Foster Otis with her father William Foster for purchases of household furnishings, [14 Aug. 1790]

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia Francis asking her to be his houseguest at Boston during her visit, 6 Sep. 1790

Reel 1

Order from William Cleveland on John and Thomas Lamb to pay Samuel Barton the amount due him from Samuel Allyne Otis, 13 Sep. 1790

Reel 1

Deed of sale and agreement of the Royalston proprietors with Peleg Jennings and Ebenezer Bullock for property at Royalston, 8 Nov. 1790, with memorandum of payments by Jennings and Bullock on their bond indebtedness related to the purchase of land at Royalston, 9 Jan. 1792

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Samuel Allyne Otis and John Erving to William Brown for land at Royalston, 8 Nov. 1790 [copy]

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Isaac Smith, Jr., William Smith, and Elizabeth Smith to Harrison Gray Otis for the farm at Barnstable formerly belonging to James Otis, 9 Nov. 1790

Reel 1

Notation sent to Harrison Gray Otis concerning bonds and interest outstanding, 28 Dec. 1790

Reel 1

Bond of Clement Lemon not to get drunk on the voyage of the Mary Ann, 31 Dec. 1790

Reel 1

Agreement between Francis Barretto and Jeremiah B. Stimson for the purchase of codfish in exchange for wine, 6 Jan. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Daniel Lewis (Liverpool) to Thomas Ramsdell giving his reasons for leaving his brig Mary Ann because of dissatisfaction with its captain Clement Lemon, 2 Mar. 1791

Reel 1

Account of Fernandes Barretto Silva with Jeremiah B. Stimson, 30 Mar. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis about his daughter's dowry, [Apr.] 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to his father-in-law William Foster about payment of Sally Foster Otis's dowry, [25 Apr. 1791] [draft]

Reel 1

Letter from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis about his daughter's dowry, 25 Apr. 1791

Reel 1

Deed from Samuel A. Otis, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis, 6 May 1791, ratified by Samuel A. Otis, Jr., 5 July 1791

Reel 1

Assignment of power of attorney from Thomas Lock to Samuel Maynard, 30 June 1791

Reel 1

Deposition of John Harling regarding the conduct of Capt. Clement Lemon on a voyage from Liverpool to Boston, 11 July 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Thomas Hudson (West Boston) to Thomas Ramsden with further comment on Capt. Clement Lemon's conduct on a voyage from Liverpool to Boston, enclosing deposition offering testimony on the conduct of Capt. Lemon, 11 July 1791

Reel 1

Release agreement of Obadiah Dickinson and Joshua Woodbridge with Samuel Allyne Otis for payment of notes due on a reassigned obligation, 12 July 1791

Reel 1

Notice from Samuel Allyne Otis to George Peirce regarding land transactions at Otisfield, Me., 6 Aug. 1791

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Allyne Otis with Oliver Prescott as collector at Otisfield, Me., 6 Aug. 1791

Reel 1

Memorandum on the state of the town of Otisfield, Me., 8 Aug. 1791

Reel 1

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to Abner Brigham, 10 Sep. 1791 [copy]

Reel 1

Order from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis for $250, 23 Sep. 1791

Reel 1

Warrant by Samuel Quincy of the Suffolk Court for the satisfaction of Thomas Beals in his suit against Lemuel Burrell, 5 Oct. 1791

Reel 1

Agreement between Joseph Henderson and Harrison Gray Otis for payment for services in recovering a debt at Philadelphia, 3 Nov. 1791

Reel 1

Agreement of Thomas Pons to accept Thomas F. Adams as apprentice goldsmith and jeweler, 25 Nov. 1791

Reel 1

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of Peleg Jennings and Ebenezer Bullock's bond, 6 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip to New York and about matters of family business, 11 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about his arrival in New York and members of the family involved in the military defeat at Fort Wayne, 14 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis describing his gift of a muff and about his plans to travel to Philadelphia, 16 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities at New York and Philadelphia, 18 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about social activities at Philadelphia, 22 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Deed from Elkanah Welch to Samuel and Ezra Welch for Woburn lands, 27 Dec. 1791

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the conduct of his business at Boston and his bitterness at John Hancock's refusal to pay back his loan, 3 Jan. 1792

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Susannah Brown to Paul de Nancrede for property in Boston, 4 Jan. 1792

Reel 1

Memorandum of payments by Peleg Jennings and Ebenezer Bullock on their bond indebtedness related to the purchase of land at Royalston, 9 Jan. 1792, with Royalston proprietors' deed and agreement, 8 Nov. 1790

Reel 1

Account of Harrison Gray Otis's adventure on the schooner Abigail on a trading voyage to Cadiz, 19 Jan. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Silas Heywood and Abijah Richardson (Royalston) to Samuel Allyne Otis about payment on a bond on land at Royalston, 28 Feb. 1792

Reel 1

Deed of sale from Stephen Cooke to Jonathan Swift for rights to land at Otisfield, Me., 1 Mar. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Samuel Kendall, Jr. with Lemuel Burrell for lodging at Roxbury, 8 Mar. 1792

Reel 1

Receipt from Joseph Robinson to Samuel Maynard for payment for horses, 28 Mar. 1792

Reel 1

Agreement between Joseph Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis for leasing property at Barnstable, 1 Apr. 1792

Reel 1

Receipt from [Harrison Gray Otis] for payment on Peleg Jennings's bond, 7 Apr. 1792 [copy]

Reel 1

Notice by William Donnison of the acceptance of Harrison Gray Otis's resignation as captain of the Independent Light Infantry Co., 23 Apr. 1792

Reel 1

Release from Prentiss Mellen to Samuel Allyne Otis, 25 Apr. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Joseph Brick as guardian of John Fairbank for the period 1776-1792, 6 June 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with David Brace, 16 June 1792, enclosed with letter to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with David Brace for supplies for the ship Friendship, 18 June 1792, enclosed with letter from Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with H. & C. Hale for stores for the ship Friendship, 18 June 1792, enclosed with letter from Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with H. & C. Hale for purchase of mustard at London, 18 June 1792, enclosed with letter from Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with John Shearer for spirits bought at London for shipment on the Friendship, 18 June 1792, enclosed with letter from Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Bill and receipt from Thomas Blackwell to David Brace for payment for supplies for the ship Friendship, 19 June 1792, enclosed with letter from Henry Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Discharged promissory note payable to Harrison Gray Otis, 20 June 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis describing his visit to New York and about the financial reverses of the Aspinwalls, 5 July 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis on personal matters, 7 July 1792

Reel 1

Accounting from Thomas Hickling to Capt. David Brace for port charges and disbursements for the ship Friendship at St. Michaels, 10-16 July 1792, enclosed with letter from Henry Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Calculation of bond between Samuel Allyne Otis and Harrison Gray Otis, Sep. 1792

Reel 1

Report by Isaac Ilsley as registrar for Cumberland County related to Otisfield land, 5 Sep. 1792

Reel 1

Statement by John C. Jones regarding an agreement between William Foster and Harrison Gray Otis about Sally Foster's dowry, 14 Sep. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis about his daughter's dowry, 19 Sep. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Robert Pagan (St. Andrews) to Thomas Pagan related to receipt of a shipment of ship's bread sent by Joseph Adams aboard the Prudence, 24 Oct. 1792 [copy]

Reel 1

Receipt from Joseph Adams to Capt. William Young for proceeds from the sale of a shipment of ship's bread at St. Andrews, 3 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis about travel plans for his trip to New York and his carelessness in starting out without the necessary papers, 7 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Notification from Samuel Ruggles to Joseph Adams of Thomas Pons's appearance in court to give a deposition about money received from Capt. William Young and delivered to Adams, 8 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Deposition of Thomas Pons related to a dispute between Capt. William Young and Joseph Adams, 9 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis describing a stormy voyage to New York, 11 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Writ of execution against Lemuel Burrell in a case brought by John Linsey, 14 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about his social activities at New York and displeasure over a news article about his sisters, 14 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Account of James and Thomas H. Perkins with Daniel McNeill, 20 Nov. 1792

Reel 1

Certification by Hilary Baker of the oath of allegiance of John Perreau, 7 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from David Brace (Boston) to Henry Johnson about paying what he owes him, 8 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Assignment of mortgage deed from Susanna Boutineau to Robert Hallowell and Harrison Gray Otis, 11 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Account of Henry Johnson with David Brace, with letter from Johnson to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Dec. 1792

Reel 1

Letter from Henry Johnson (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his accounts with David Brace, 24 Dec. 1792, enclosing papers related to his accounting, 16 June-24 Dec. 1792


Reel 2

Memorandum of receipts from William Foster in payment of Sally Foster Otis's dowry, 1793

Reel 2

Letter from Eben Prout (Boston) to Elisha Story about settling his account with the estate of Abiel Ruddock, 15 Jan. 1793

Reel 2

Canceled bond from [Harrison Gray Otis] to Samuel Pitts, 29 Jan. 1793

Reel 2

Mortgage deed from Harrison Gray Otis to Samuel Pitts for property on Hawkins Street, 29 Jan. 1793

Reel 2

Extract from the division of the real estate of James Pitts, 29 Jan. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Jonathan Swift to Harrison Gray Otis for land at Otisfield, 9 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Receipted bill from John Clinton to Isaac Bowers for tailoring, 14 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to Joseph Ruggles for payment on Benjamin Woodbury's bond, 15 Mar. [1793], with bond, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 2

Transfer of notes from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis, 25 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Receipt from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis for all accounts and book debts, 25 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Leonard Brown, Jr. to Thomas Crafts for land and a farm at Barnstable, 27 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Thomas Crafts to Harrison Gray Otis, 28 Mar. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Isaac Bowers to Harrison Gray Otis, 3 Apr. 1793

Reel 2

Agreement between William Foster and Harrison Gray Otis, 13 Apr. 1793

Reel 2

Note from [Harrison Gray Otis] to William Foster, 13 Apr. 1793

Reel 2

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of amounts paid on account by William Foster, 1 May 1793

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to William Foster apologizing for a disagreement over payment of a debt and with legal advice on his affairs, [June 1793] [draft]

Reel 2

Agreement between Kunckel & Ruys, Dutch merchants, and Capt. Peter Wilder to charter the ship Carolina, 27 June 1793, with letter from W. and E. Crafts to Harrison Gray Otis, May 1795

Reel 2

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of William Foster's accounts, [July] 1793

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Fairfield, Conn.) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip by stage to New York from Boston, 1 July [1793]

Reel 2

Certification of enrollment by William Tuck for the schooner Nancy, 1 July 1793

Reel 2

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of two notes, 11 July 1793

Reel 2

Letter from E. Brown (Sleaford) to Harrison Gray Otis about business matters, 13 July 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Harrison Gray Otis to Samuel Allyne Otis, 14 July 1793

Reel 2

Agreement between Joseph Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis over the settlement of property at Barnstable, 7 Aug. 1793

Reel 2

Letter from E. Brown (Sleaford) to Harrison Gray Otis about the payment of a bill of exchange, 16 Aug. 1793

Reel 2

Release from Ephraim Fenno to Caleb Wheaton of all actions pending against him in regard to the accusation of adultery, 26 Aug. 1793

Reel 2

Deposition of Lucy Fenno regarding her accusation of adultery against Caleb Wheaton, 26 Aug. 1793

Reel 2

Account of Ezekiel Savage with Robert Molineux, 7 Sep. 1793

Reel 2

Letter from Joseph Otis (Barnstable) to Harrison Gray Otis about a deal on property at Otisfield, 9 Sep. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Nicholas Brown to Samuel Clapp, 30 Sep. 1793

Reel 2

Citation by Oliver Prescott to the heirs of Samuel Brigham related to Harrison Gray Otis's claim on his estate as creditor, 1 Oct. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Nicholas Brown to Harrison Gray Otis, 18 Oct. 1793

Reel 2

Deed from Nicholas Brown to Harrison Gray Otis and John Lowell, 24 Oct. 1793

Reel 2

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with William Foster, Nov. 1793

Reel 2

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Samuel Bradford for selling Carnes College at auction, 3 Nov. 1793

Reel 2

Account of James Tisdale with Fernandes Barretto Silva for merchandise, 4 Nov. 1793

Reel 2

Declaration of protest by Capt. Peter Wilder, through the American consul Joseph Fenwick, against the embargo preventing his ship, the Carolina, from proceeding from Bordeaux, 25 Nov. 1793

Reel 2

Plan of land on Brattle Street, Boston, 1794

Reel 2

Agreement between Jonathan Willington and John Dinsdell for leasing part of his house on Cross Street, 7 Oct. 1794

Reel 2

Power of attorney from John Dinsdell to Robert Molineux, 11 Oct. 1794

Reel 2

Bill from Bulah Clark to Seth Allen for services to his son Eliada Allen, 18 Nov. 1793, with summons, 1 Nov. 1794

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Harrison Gray to Harrison Gray Otis for property at East Windsor, Conn., 18 Dec. 1793

Reel 2

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to William Foster about the proposition of Foster fulfilling his bond, 29 Dec. 1793 [draft]

Reel 2

Scale plan by [Harrison Gray Otis] of a lot of land on Brattle Street to be sold, [1794]

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Timothy Bigelow to Harrison Gray Otis for the right to land at Otisfield, 1 Jan. 1794

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip to Hartford from Boston by sleigh, Feb. [1794]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about business affairs, 3 Feb. 1794

Reel 2

Deed from Robert Hallowell to Harrison Gray Otis, 21 Apr. 1794

Reel 2

Declaration of protest by Phillip Jarvis against the sloop of war Friendly Cedar, notarized by William Bryant, 23 May 1794

Reel 2

Bill from Harvard College butler to George Otis, 29 May 1794

Reel 2

Bond from Joseph Coolidge indemnifying Harrison Gray Otis in the sale of land at Groton, 13 Aug. 1794

Reel 2

Bill to Harrison Gray Otis for pew rent at First Church, Boston, 20 Aug. 1794

Reel 2

Bill of exchange from Matthew Bridge to Harrison Gray Otis on Calef & Chuter, London, 15 Sep. 1794

Reel 2

Appointment of Robert Molineux as John Dinsdell's attorney, 11 Oct. 1794

Reel 2

Summons to Seth Allen to appear in a suit by Bulah Clark against the estate of his son Eliada, 1 Nov. 1794, with letter from Benajah Allen to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Nov. 1794

Reel 2

Letter from Benajah Allen (Medway) to Harrison Gray Otis asking him to represent Bulah Clark in a suit against Seth Allen, 24 Nov. 1794, enclosing copy of summons to Seth Allen, 1 Nov. 1794

Reel 2

Letter from J. Spalding (Charleston, S.C.) to Samuel Dowse about the deflated prices for rum and sugar, 24 Dec. 1794

Reel 2

Letter from John Singleton Copley to Samuel Cabot about the conveyance of his property and rental of his houses, [1795] [incomplete]

Reel 2

Letter from John Singleton Copley (London) to Mr. Crowther about meeting him on a matter of the sale of real estate, [1795]

Reel 2

Petition for pardon from Thomas Gleason to Samuel Adams and the Council, [1795]

Reel 2

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] about his Royalston accounts, [1795]

Reel 2

Receipt from George Clark to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for pew rent at the Brattle Street Church, 4 Jan. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Charles A. Wheelwright (London) to Harrison Gray Otis on money matters, 6 Jan. 1795, with copy of letter from Wheelwright to Otis, 5 Dec. 1795

Reel 2

Memorandum by Eben Crafts related to insurance claims for the seizure of the Carolina at Bordeaux, [24 Jan. 1795], enclosed with letter from Crafts to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Jan. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Eben Crafts to Harrison Gray Otis about the movements of the ship Carolina after being caught in the embargo at Bordeaux, 24 Jan. 1795, enclosed with memorandum related to insurance on the vessel, [24 Jan. 1795]

Reel 2

Deed from Samuel Brown to Harrison Gray Otis, 28 Jan. 1795

Reel 2

Deed from Josiah Waters to Harrison Gray Otis, 28 Jan. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from J. Spalding (Charleston, S.C.) to Samuel Dowse about ridding his ship of attachments, 5 Feb. 1795

Reel 2

Notation by Harrison Gray Otis of the terms for sale of a lot at Otisfield to Daniel Conant, on memorandum of trees cut on the lot in 1794-1795 by Enoch Perley and George Pierce, [25 Mar. 1795]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the affairs of Harrison Gray's estate, 25 Mar. 1795

Reel 2

Memorandum of stumpage for the computation of lumber removed from a lot in Otisfield, measured by George Peirce and Enoch Perley, 25 Mar. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Thomas Paine to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a subscription to the Orrery, 1 Apr. 1795

Reel 2

Division of real estate at Marblehead in Alexander Watt's estate by William R. Lee, Joshua Prentiss, and Samuel Sewall, members of the committee, 10 Apr. 1795 [copy]

Reel 2

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about his lands at Otisfield, 28 Apr. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from W. and E. Crafts (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about their insurance claim on the Carolina's freight seized at Bordeaux, May 1795, enclosed with charter party of the Carolina from Kunckel and Ruys, 27 June 1793

Reel 2

Appraisal by Samuel Lawrence, Wilder Sheple, and Henry Woods of land in Groton for Harrison Gray Otis and others, 4 May 1795

Reel 2

Mortgage deed from Oliver P. Holyoke and John Soren to Harrison Gray Otis on land in Wing's Lane, Boston, 19 May 1795

Reel 2

Insurance policy for Harrison Gray Otis's vessel Aurora for a voyage from Boston to Hamburg, underwritten by [Joseph Taylor], 20 May 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from John Lord for Henry Alline to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for filling deeds, June 1795

Reel 2

Promissory note from Jonathan Mason, Jr., Harrison Gray Otis, and Joseph Woodward to Martha Brown, 2 June 1795, with receipts from Jeremiah Allen to Joseph Woodward for payment, 16-17 June 1795

Reel 2

Bill of exchange from William and Richard Codman on J & F Baring Co. in favor of Harrison Gray Otis, 18 June 1795

Reel 2

Plan by Osgood Carleton of Warren Street, showing ownership of land through which it was laid out, 27 June 1795, with copy of record of land releases, 7 Sep. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Thomas Paine to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a subscription to the Orrery, [July 1795]

Reel 2

Deed from Josiah Danforth to Harrison Gray Otis, 2 July 1795

Reel 2

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of payments for John Singleton Copley's land, 2 July 1795

Reel 2

Deposition of Benjamin Marvell regarding Dudley Sargent succeeding Nathaniel Sargent as captain of the schooner Nancy, 3 July 1795

Reel 2

Deposition of Dudley Sargent regarding his succeeding Nathaniel Sargent as captain of the schooner Nancy, 3 July 1795

Reel 2

Receipts for George Peirce's taxes on lands in Otisfield, 6 July 1795

Reel 2

Bill from Samuel Bradford to Harrison Gray Otis for auctioneer's services, [22] July 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Elisha Gardner to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for boarding his nursemaid and for services, 28 July 1795

Reel 2

Letters of administration by Harrison Gray Otis for the estate of Edward Carnes, 28 July 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis about a business trip to Hartford and Hodgkinson's Theatrical Company playing at Hartford, 3 Aug. [1795]

Reel 2

Appointment of power of attorney from Josias Southwick to David Otis, 5 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from [James Scott] (London) to John Singleton Copley about complying with his agreement, 7 Aug. 1795 [copy]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Suffield) to Sally Foster Otis about business matters delaying him at Hartford, 9 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from the tax collector of Orange, Mass., to Samuel Crosby for payment of real estate taxes for 1791-1792, 14 Aug. 1795, enclosed with letter from Samuel Crosby to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from the tax collector of Orange, Mass., to Samuel Crosby for payment of real estate taxes for 1793, 15 Aug. 1795, enclosed with letter from Samuel Crosby to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from the tax collector of Orange, Mass., to Samuel Crosby for payment of real estate taxes for 1794, 15 Aug. 1795, enclosed with letter from Samuel Crosby to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Samuel Crosby (Winchendon) to Harrison Gray Otis about settling his taxes on property at Orange, 22 Aug. 1795, enclosing tax receipts, 14-15 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Charles A. Wheelwright to Harrison Gray Otis for money in escrow for the purchase of Boston real estate from John Singleton Copley, 25 Aug. 1795

Reel 2

Memorandum from James Prescott to Samuel Allyne Otis about land assessments at Otisfield, 2 Sep. 1795

Reel 2

Record of land taking on Warren Street, Boston, 7 Sep. 1795 [copy], with plan of street by Osgood Carleton, 27 June 1795

Reel 2

Order from Francis Barretto authorizing D. Jose de Britto to settle Jeremiah B. Stimson's account with him for wines, 20 Sep. 1795, with letter from Francis Barretto to Stimson, 24 Sep. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Francis Barretto (New York) to Jeremiah B. Stimson about settling his account for wines purchased from him at Madeira, 24 Sep. 1795, enclosing order from Barretto authorizing D. Jose de Britto to act for him, 20 Sep. 1795

Reel 2

Account of Jeremiah B. Stimson with Fernandes Barretto Silva for the purchase of wines at Madeira in 1791, 30 Sep. 1795

Reel 2

Letter on behalf of [Francis Barretto] to Jeremiah B. Stimson asking him to settle his overdue account [draft], with copy of account for wines purchased at Madeira, 1 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Deed from John Otis to Nathaniel W. Otis of rights in Otisfield, Me., 7 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Deed from Nathaniel W. Otis to Harrison Gray Otis for lands at Otisfield, Me., 7 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Reassignment by [Harrison Gray Otis] of Jeremiah B. Stimson's account with Francis Barretto, 15 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Contract between [Harrison Gray Otis] and the firm of Fernandes Barretto Silva for security on the discharge of Jeremiah B. Stimson's debt, 16 Oct. 1795 [draft]

Reel 2

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to William Scollay for payment of money on a court order in a bill in chancery against John Singleton Copley, 19 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Eliza Gray to her cousin to settle her account with William Turner, 25 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Cashier's receipt from the United States Bank at Boston to the clerk of the District Court at Boston for deposit of Harrison Gray Otis's payment on a bill in chancery against John Singleton Copley, 27 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Jonathan Mason, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for the return of money placed in escrow with Charles Wheelwright for payment for John Singleton Copley's land at Boston, 31 Oct. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Joseph Woodward to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for Benjamin Joy's buildings, 4 Nov. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Joseph Woodward to Harrison Gray Otis for the return of money placed in escrow with Charles Wheelwright for payment of John Singleton Copley's land in Boston, 4 Nov. 1795

Reel 2

Contract between [Harrison Gray Otis] and Asabel Carpenter for sale of land at Royalston, 18 Nov. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Charles A. Wheelwright (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about proceeding against John Singleton Copley and financial transactions on his account, 5 Dec. 1795, on letter from Wheelwright to Otis, 6 Jan. 1795

Reel 2

Receipt from Nathan Goodale to Harrison Gray Otis for payment to the District Court for copies of papers in the case against John Singleton Copley, 9 Dec. [1795]

Reel 2

Receipt from Philip Wentworth to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for moving charges, 31 Dec. 1795

Reel 2

Letter from Charles Bulfinch to Nathan Goodale about the Copley estate, [1796]

Reel 2

Deed from Joseph Callender to Harrison Gray Otis, 4 Jan. 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Charles A. Wheelwright (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about his account, 6 Jan. 1796 [copy], with letter from Wheelwright to Otis, 2 Mar. 1796

Reel 2

Deed from Joseph Peirce to Joseph Carnes, 7 Jan. 1796

Reel 2

Receipt for Harrison Gray Otis's taxes on lands in Otisfield, 15 Jan. 1796

Reel 2

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Rufus G. Amory indemnifying Jonathan Hubbard against a defect in title of a house in Franklin Place, 6 Feb. 1796

Reel 2

Promissory note from Jonathan Mason, Jr., Harrison Gray Otis, and Joseph Woodward to William Hull, 23 Feb. 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Charles A. Wheelwright (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about James Scott's progress in completing the real estate deal with John Singleton Copley, 2 Mar. 1796, with copy of letter from Wheelwright to Otis, 6 Jan. 1796

Reel 2

Acknowledgement from Jonathan Mason, Jr. and Joseph Woodward to Harrison Gray Otis of his accounting of their interests in the purchase of John Singleton Copley's property at Boston, 4 Mar. 1796

Reel 2

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of A. Carpenter's promissory notes, [26 May 1796]

Reel 2

Letter from Timothy Pickering (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis accompanying his commission as U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, 26 May 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Timothy Pickering (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about putting an injunction on the sale of prizes by a French privateer at Boston, 30 June 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Russell and Soley (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about their part in the sale of prizes brought into Boston by the French privateers Tartar and George, 7 July 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Timothy Pickering (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about legal procedures to prevent prizes being sold by ships from countries at enmity with Great Britain, 12 July 1796

Reel 2

Letter from Thwaiter and Wheelwright (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about his account, with duplicate copy, 29 July 1796

Reel 2

Promissory note from Harrison Gray Otis to William Scollay, 1 Aug. 1796

Reel 2

Advertisement copied from the Columbian Centinel about the sale of John Vinal House and Bond House and lots in Copley and Allen pastures, [3 Aug. 1796]

Reel 2

Receipt from Joseph Woodward to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of proceeds on the sale of the John Vinal House on Beacon Street, 17 Aug. 1796

Reel 2

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis of rights at Royalston, 10 Oct. 1796

Reel 2

Receipt from Edward Rowe to the estate of Edward Carnes, Jr. for expenses of the commissioners of insolvency, 26 Oct. 1796

Reel 2

Accounts by [Harrison Gray Otis] on the Copley land purchase, [1797]

Reel 2

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of the account of Micah Baker's interest payments on a bond dating 1784-1797, [1797]

Reel 2

Agreement of Jonathan Mason, Jr. with Harrison Gray Otis and Jonathan Russell, Jr. for partnership in the discharge of the mortgage on Joy's buildings owned by them, 1 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Deed from Gardner Wilder to Harrison Gray Otis for rights at Royalston, 10 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Receipt from Young and Minns to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for advertising the petition for the opening of a canal from Boston to Worcester, 19 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Jonas Allen, Jacob Estey, and Peter Woodbury, a committee of Royalston settlers, to Harrison Gray Otis, attorney for the proprietors, protesting non-fulfillment of their agreement, 23 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Release from John Blagge to Harrison Gray Otis in the action against Samuel Blagge, 25 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Bill from Dr. John Jeffries to Harrison Gray Otis, 25 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Micah Baker (Royalston) to Harrison Gray Otis about holding a land transaction for him, 28 Jan. 1797

Reel 2

Receipt from Ezra Gibbs to George Peirce for payment for serving a writ on Harrison Gray Otis and others, 14 Mar. 1797

Reel 2

Deed from Joseph Otis, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis of rights in Otisfield, 3 Apr. 1797

Reel 2

Notation by [Harrison Gray Otis] of amounts paid on a bond by Mr. Cheney for 1793-1797, 10 Apr. 1797

Reel 2

Recorded deed from John Singleton Copley to Jonathan Mason, Harrison Gray Otis, and Joseph Woodward for his property on Beacon Hill, 17 Apr. 1797 [copy]

Reel 2

Receipt and memorandum of obligation from Harrison Gray Otis to Samuel Blagge for legal services, 21 Apr. 1797

Reel 2

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of Uriah Cotting's note, 28 Apr. 1797

Reel 2

Notes and computation of interest by Harrison Gray Otis on Peter and Benjamin Woodbury's bond, 28 Apr. 1797, with bond, 12 Oct. 1784

Reel 2

Mortgage loan from John T. Apthorp to Henry Newman, 1 May 1797

Reel 2

Memorandum by John T. Apthorp on Henry Newman's note, 1 May 1797

Reel 2

Guarantee by Harrison Gray Otis of the mortgage of Henry Newman, 1 May 1797 [copy]

Reel 2

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to George Peirce for payment of tax on property at Otisfield, 1 June 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Joseph Kimball (Waterborough) to Harrison Gray Otis offering to purchase land at Otisfield, 3 June 1797

Reel 2

Record related to the committee appointed to lay out the streets in West Boston, 23 Aug. 1797 [copy], with copy of authorization to William Taylor for the survey, 16 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., to John H. Perry related to property at Otisfield, 5 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Oliver Phelps to Harrison Gray Otis about the security of Henry Newman's bond, 9 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Receipt from Jonathan Mason, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for surveying Copley lands on Beacon Hill and recording deeds, 15 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Power of attorney from Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis, 16 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Authorization to William Taylor for a survey of streets in West Boston, 16 Sep. 1797 [copy], with copy of record related to the committee appointed to lay out the streets, 23 Aug. 1797

Reel 2

List of lots owned by Harrison Gray Otis at Otisfield, 25 Sep. [1797]

Reel 2

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of transactions related to his Otisfield real estate, 25 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Receipt from George Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for his gift to paint the meeting house at Otisfield, 26 Sep. 1797

Reel 2

Memorandum by Samuel Blagge respecting the leasing of William Foster's wharf and stores, 4 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Lease from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis for property on the South Battery, Boston, 4 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Oliver Prescott and James Prescott, for the Otisfield committee, to Samuel Allyne Otis for lot no. 17 at Otisfield, 20 Oct. 1797, enclosed with letter from Timothy Bigelow to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Oliver Prescott and James Prescott, for the Otisfield committee, to Samuel Allyne Otis for lot no. 22 at Otisfield, 20 Oct. 1797, enclosed with letter from Timothy Bigelow to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Oliver Prescott and James Prescott, for the Otisfield committee, to Samuel Allyne Otis for lot no. 43 at Otisfield, 20 Oct. 1797, enclosed with letter from Timothy Bigelow to Harrison Gray Otis, 22 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Timothy Bigelow (Groton) to Harrison Gray Otis about land transactions at Otisfield, 22 Oct. 1797, enclosing deeds from the Otisfield committee to Samuel Allyne Otis, 20 Oct. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about a carriage accident at Horseneck and her joining him at Philadelphia, 12 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about a private dinner with President Adams, news of the French Revolution, and personal matters, 16 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the dearth of social activity and plans to have her join him in Philadelphia, 17 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about social matters and directions for collections of his rents, 20 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the arrival of the U.S. commissioners to France in Europe and household matters, 23 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his financial condition, 24 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his anxiety over a business matter, 27 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about acceptance of his report by Congress, social matters at Philadelphia, and his unwillingness to buy a house in the country, 29-30 Nov. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Congressional matters and news of friends at Philadelphia, 3 Dec. [1797]

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about real estate transactions and political matters, 4 Dec. 1797

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 77.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about her confinement and his activities at Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about prospects of his return to Boston before the end of the Congressional session, 9 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with gossip about their friends and on personal matters, 10 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the collection of his rents and gossip about the Marsden Pintard family, 12 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about her health, 13 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about friends at Philadelphia and personal matters, 15 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his business affairs and the arrival of Thomas Johnson and the Adamses, 18 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Thomas W. Francis (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about a financial matter and a gift for his wife, 19 Dec. 1797, enclosed with letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis, 21 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (Philadelphia) to Thomas W. Francis thanking him for a gift for Sally Foster Otis, 19 Dec. 1797, enclosed with letter to Sally Foster Otis, 23 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about prospects of having his miniature painted, 20 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about a gift for her from Thomas W. Francis, 21 Dec. 1797, enclosing letter from Thomas W. Francis to Harrison Gray Otis, 19 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities at Philadelphia, 23 Dec. 1797, enclosing draft of letter to Thomas W. Francis, 19 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about a financial matter, 23 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about building a new bank at Boston, real estate transactions, and Franco-American relations, 24 Dec. 1797

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 86.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the financial reverses of George Harrison, 26 Dec. 1797

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis describing his attendance at the Assembly and about his appraisal of George Harrison's property for bankruptcy proceedings, 30 Dec. [1797]

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis for lands at Otisfield, 1 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis for interest in property of Harrison Gray on Cambridge Street, Boston, 2 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his social activities at Philadelphia, 3 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the threat of war with France, 6 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about friends and activities at Philadelphia, 7 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Congress considering allowing merchants to arm their vessels, 9 Jan. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about social activities at Philadelphia, 12 Jan. 1798

Reel 2

Act of the Massachusetts General Court authorizing John Carnes to sell property at Boston owned by the children of Edward Carnes, 23 Jan. 1798 [copy]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with news of family and friends, 25 Jan. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Matthew Lyon's insult to Roger Griswold and Otis's trip by sleigh from Boston to New York, 7 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis on political matters, 9 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the circumstances of his endorsement of Mr. Vaughan's note, 11 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the action by Congress to try to expel Matthew Lyon and George Harrison's financial affairs, 14 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Roger Griswold's retaliation against Matthew Lyon and the reaction of Robert Morris's wife to his being taken to prison for debt, 16 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about those leaving town to escape their creditors and with instructions for her confinement, 18 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his real estate transactions at Boston, opinion on the Lyon-Griswold fracas, and the situation with France, 19 Feb. 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 87-88.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about financial matters, 21 Feb. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the Washington birthday ball, 24 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about social activities at Philadelphia and political matters, 28 Feb. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his speech in Congress on foreign matters and their separation, 3 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Thomas H. Perkins (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about his new board position, 3 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the French controversy and social activities at Philadelphia, 4 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about foreign affairs, 8 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Henry Hill's statue of Venus, 10 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about attending a party at "Woodlands" and Andrew Hamilton's life as a bachelor, 11 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the commissioners to France and George Harrison's financial condition, 14 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Mercy Warren about Franco-American affairs, 16 Mar. 1798 [copy]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Congressional and foreign affairs, 17 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Agreement of John Slocum to rent Nashawena Island from the heirs of Grizzel Sanford, 19 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the arrival of Charles Bulfinch, his real estate affairs, and the serious situation with France, 20 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from William Heath (Roxbury) to Harrison Gray Otis related to Roxbury's protest against the arming of merchantmen, 21 Mar. 1798

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 88-89.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the forthcoming marriage of Sally McKean to the Marquis del Casa Yrujo, 22 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the business depression and with arrangements for her trip to Philadelphia, 23 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from John Gardner (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis on political matters, 24 Mar. 1798

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 90-91.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his anxiety over her welfare, 24 Mar. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his political and business career and Bulfinch's visit to Philadelphia, 25 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Boston opinion on arming merchantmen and business matters, 26 Mar. 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 91.

Reel 2

Letter from Joseph Gales to Harrison Gray Otis about reporting for the Annals, 29 Mar. 1798

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 63-65.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis speculating on when the Congressional term will end and about the financial losses of his friends, 29 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, 30 Mar. 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 92-94.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis acknowledging receipt of her letter, 31 Mar. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his dispute with William Giles and about obtaining a consular appointment for her brother William Foster, Jr., 1 Apr. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the prospect of her trip to Philadelphia, 3 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Mortgage deed from Ebenezer Blanchard to Harrison Gray Otis for property on Warren Street, Boston, 3 Apr. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about communications received by Congress from France and about naming their new daughter, 4 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with instructions for her trip to Philadelphia and gossip about their friends, 6 Apr. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about her trip by carriage to New York, 8 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Mary Foster Apthorp about a mistaken report of his dueling with William Giles, 9 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the wedding of Sally McKean to the Marquis del Casa Yrujo, 10 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the prospect of the end of the Congressional session, 11 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about George Harrison's business reverses and plans for her trip to Philadelphia, 12 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the lack of political opposition in Congress and his social activities, 14 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the bad road conditions between New York and Philadelphia, 16 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about meeting her in New York on her trip to Philadelphia, 18 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the expectation of her visit to Philadelphia, 19 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his dispute with William Giles and activities of Congress, 21 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Thomas H. Perkins (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the false report of his duel with William Giles and political matters at Boston, 21 Apr. 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 94-95.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about measures of Congress to provide tax revenue and about personal matters, 24 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis urging her to make the trip to Philadelphia, 26 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis urging her to join him in Philadelphia, 30 Apr. [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about financial matters and Franco-American relations, 3 May 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 95.

Reel 2

Letter from Charles Paine (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the conduct of his business affairs, 3 May 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his disappointment at her inability to make the trip to Philadelphia, 7 May [1798]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the inconvenience to her household of no longer having a nursemaid and directing her how to make the trip to Philadelphia, 8 May 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Thomas Geyer, John W. Gurley, John Joy, Francis J. Oliver, and John C. Warren to Harrison Gray Otis conveying the unanimous sentiments of the young gentlemen of Boston towards "President Adams," 15 May 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, banking matters, and the contract to cut down Beacon Hill, 28 May 1798

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 95-96.

Reel 2

Letter of apology from William Lee (Suffield, Conn.) to Harrison Gray Otis, 2 July 1798

Reel 2

Letters of marque for the frigate Boston under the command of George Little, issued by John Adams, 10 July 1798, enclosed with letter from Benjamin Stoddert to George Little, 27 June 1799

Reel 2

Appointment of Harrison Gray Otis as Alexander Watt's attorney to settle property at Marblehead devised to him by his father Alexander Watt, 1 Aug. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from John W. Keefe (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis asking about lands in Maine on which his client Henry Davies of Stratford Court holds the mortgage, 6 Aug. 1798

Reel 2

Receipt from Jonathan Mason, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share on James Allen's note, 8 Aug. 1798

Reel 2

Receipt from John Carnes to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of Edward Carnes's account as the administrator of his estate, 16 Aug. 1798

Reel 2

Receipt from Osgood Carleton to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for surveying property at Boston, 18 Aug. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Richard Codman (Paris) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, 26 Aug. 1798

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 168-170.

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about property inherited from his uncle and about the Irish rebel Arthur O'Connor, 10 Sep. 1798

Reel 2

Certification by Nathan Goodale of Harrison Gray Otis as attorney admitted to practice in the Massachusetts District Court, 20 Oct. 1798

Reel 2

Certificate of Harrison Gray Otis for admission to the Circuit Court, 20 Oct. 1798

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Nathaniel Balch about his help in obtaining a commission in the army, 5 Dec. 1798 [typescript]

Reel 2

Letter from Joseph Otis (Barnstable) to his brother Samuel Allyne Otis requesting an extension for payment of his rent, 28 Dec. 1798

Reel 2

Circular instructions to "commanders of vessels in the service of the United States," 29 Dec. 1798, enclosed with letter from Benjamin Stoddert to George Little, 27 June 1799

Signed by Benjamin Stoddert.

Reel 2

Letter from Charles Jackson (Albany) to Harrison Gray Otis about compensation for his father, 5 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Petition from David Shepard to the Council for a bridge over the Westfield River at Norwich, 6 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to William Foster about the resolution before Congress to disband the army, 10 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, 12 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about her activity in Boston, 14 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Circular instructions to "commanders of vessels in the service of the United States," 16 Jan. 1799, enclosed with letter from Benjamin Stoddert to George Little, 27 June 1799

Signed by Benjamin Stoddert.

Reel 2

Letter from Esther Sprague (Dedham) to Harrison Gray Otis authorizing him to receive interest payments due her from the Philadelphia Hospital and about contributing to the hospital, enclosing order on the treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 23 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Order from Esther Sprague to the treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital authorizing payments due her to be paid to Harrison Gray Otis, enclosed with letter from Sprague to Otis, 23 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Bill from R. White to Harrison Gray Otis for renting rooms, 23 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Benjamin Waterhouse (Cambridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about William A. Barron, 24 Jan. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Joseph Woodward (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Dr. Logan's memorial, 25 Jan. 1799

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 170-171.

Reel 2

Letter from Mme. A. M. De Neufville (West Cambridge) to Harrison Gray Otis refusing his public address about her husband and discussing her reduced circumstances, 9 Feb. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to President Adams related to a diplomatic appointment, 21 Feb. 1799 [copy]

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, 27 Feb. 1799

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 171-173.

Reel 2

Circular instructions to "commanders of vessels in the service of the United States," 12 Mar. 1799, enclosed with letter from Benjamin Stoddert to George Little, 27 June 1799

Signed by Benjamin Stoddert.

Reel 2

Bill from Mary Boorman to Harrison Gray Otis for boarding himself and his family at New York, 13 Mar. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from John Neal [Kneal] (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about buying land from him at Otisfield, 3 June 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Benjamin Stoddert (Philadelphia), on behalf of the Navy Department, to George Little enclosing letters of marque for the frigate Boston issued by John Adams, 27 June 1799, and copies of circulars of instructions to commanders of vessels, 29 Dec. 1798, 16 Jan. 1799, 12 Mar. 1799, and printed copy of an act regarding the suspension of commercial intercourse between France and the United States, Dec. 1798

Reel 2

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr. to John Neal [Kneal]related to land at Otisfield, 29 June 1799, with memorandum of transactions, 5 Feb. 1816

Reel 2

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of sales of lands at Otisfield, 29 June 1799

Reel 2

Receipt from George Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his account, 29 June 1799

Reel 2

Receipt from George Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes at Otisfield, 29 June 1799

Reel 2

Promissory note from [Daniel Holden] to Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., 1 July 1799

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Oliver Prescott to Harrison Gray Otis for land at Otisfield, 15 July 1799

Reel 2

Deed of sale from Samuel J. Prescott to Harrison Gray Otis for land at Otisfield, 15 July 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Daniel Conant about a mistake in selling him land at Otisfield, 10 Aug. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from William Foster, Jr. (Morlais) to Harrison Gray Otis about Franco-American relations, 18 Aug. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Elijah Richardson and John Todd (Poland) to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of land at Otisfield, 2 Sep. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Jonathan Moors (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about purchasing land at Otisfield, 17 Sep. 1799

Reel 2

Order from Charles Cushing of the Suffolk County Court of Common Pleas to Ann Hughes for the sale of land in James Hughes's estate, Oct. 1799

Reel 2

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis for Winchendon lands, 3 Oct. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Elijah Richardson and John Todd about terms for selling property to them at Otisfield, 11 Oct. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Elijah Richardson and John Todd (Poland) to Harrison Gray Otis accepting his terms for purchase of land at Otisfield, 9 Nov. 1799

Reel 2

Receipt from James Scott to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for services as an agent in land transactions with John Singleton Copley, 20 Nov. 1799

Reel 2

Receipt from James Sullivan to Harrison Gray Otis for retainer's fee, 30 Nov. [1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his living accommodations, 1 Dec. [1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the session of Congress and lodging with his father, 3 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities at Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his impatience over their separation, 8 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about not hearing from her, 12 [Dec.] 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the use of worm lozenges and his activities, 13 Dec. [1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his anxiety at not hearing from her, 14 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the report of Washington's death, [18 Dec. 1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis describing the destructive hotel fire on 6th St., 18 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the public response to Washington's death, 20 Dec. [1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to William Foster refusing to sell his house, 23 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to William Foster about his willingness to help his son obtain a government appointment, 25 Dec. 1799

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis describing Congress's plan to pay homage to Washington and about dress fashions in Philadelphia, 26 Dec. [1799]

Reel 2

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with a journal of his social activities, 28 Dec. [1799]


Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of shares purchased in property at Otisfield, [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip from Philadelphia, [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with news of his colleagues at Philadelphia and about a problem with one of his servants, 1 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about an insufficient offer for his house and about her health, 4 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about legislative activities and news of friends at Philadelphia, 11 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his impatience to return home, 12 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about Maria Bingham's divorce and social activities at Philadelphia, 18 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his returning to Boston after the Congressional session, 18 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his social activities and plans for acquiring household furnishings, 22 Jan. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from John C. Jones (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the transfer of certificates of subscription for the frigate Boston, 25 Jan. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about legislative matters in Congress and personal matters, 29 Jan. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about a stag party at Woodlands, 1 Feb. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his plans to resume business in Boston after the end of the Congressional session, 4 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the extravagant lifestyle in Philadelphia and his proposal for the end of the Congressional session, 8 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis encouraging her to write more often, 10 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis anticipating the end of the Congressional session and about a ball at the Binghams' house, 13 Feb. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his preoccupation with Congressional duties, 15 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis reminiscing on their courtship and about getting a nursemaid, 16 Feb. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about social activities at Philadelphia and his plan to return to Boston, 20 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about activities in Congress and passage of the Bankruptcy Bill, 22 Feb. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about buying her new horses and a fashionable carriage and about his gout attacks, 26 Feb. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with social news, 26 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Joseph Otis (Barnstable) to his brother Samuel Allyne Otis about payment of his debt, 28 Feb. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis on political matters and his opinion of Fisher Ames's speech, 1 Mar. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about political maneuverings in Congress and Bingham family gossip, 5 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the fire at his Boston house, 6 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about voting down Livingston's resolution in Congress and about Richard Rush's activities, 10 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Paul Revere (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his experiments in copper manufacture, 11 Mar. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the adjournment of the session of Congress, 12 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis with observations about acquaintances at Philadelphia, 13 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Benjamin Mussell (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 14 Mar. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about plans to return to Boston and personal business, 15 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the arrival of the ship Philadelphia from Bengal and the selling price of his carriages, 17 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about arranging his business affairs and the sale of his coaches, 20 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his son Allyne's illness, 26 Mar. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his anxiety over his family's health, 27 Mar. [1800]

Reel 3

Receipt from Charles Cushing to Harrison Gray Otis for payment as administrator of Edward Carnes, Jr.'s estate to the estate of Joseph Henderson, 12 May 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Annapolis) to Harrison Gray Otis about political matters, 25 June 1800

Reel 3

Letter from S. Sewall (York) to Harrison Gray Otis about an appointment as solicitor general, 25 June 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Benjamin Huger (Georgetown, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about presidential politics, 7 July 1800

Reel 3

Will of Nathan Spear, 31 July 1800 [copy]

Reel 3

Letter from John Marshall (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about the wane in Federalist popularity and on a financial matter, 5 Aug. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1800, 28 Aug. 1800

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 192-196.

Reel 3

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1800, 10 Oct. 1800

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 197-198.

Reel 3

Receipt from Samuel Parris to Harrison Gray Otis in favor of George Peirce for payment of taxes on his lots of land in Maine, 15 Oct. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Robert Beverly (Blandfield, Va.) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing himself and asking questions about Boston and civil liberties, [27 Oct.] 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election and taking up his new duties in Congress, 15 Nov. 1800

Reel 3

Receipt from John T. Apthorp to Mark Knight for payment of his debt to Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Nov. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster describing his arrival in Washington and on personal errands to be done for him at Boston, 25 Nov. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from William Foster (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about his investment in Long Wharf and the election, 3 Dec. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to his daughter Elizabeth with paternal advice, 4 Dec. 1800

Reel 3

Letter from Samuel Sewall (Marblehead) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1800, 10 Dec. 1800

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 211-212.

Reel 3

Letter from Elijah Richardson (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about developing his lot at Otisfield, 12 Dec. 1800

Reel 3

Receipt from Sarah Heald to John Heald for payment for work on lot no. 40 on the east side of the Kennebec River, 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Martha Johnston (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about the welfare of her children in her absence, 6 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to her sister Mary Foster Apthorp describing a visit to Mount Vernon, her social activities at Washington, and current fashions, 13 Jan. 1801

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 146-149.

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis, Jr. (Boston) to his mother Sally Foster Otis about his brothers and sisters, 18 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the fire in the treasury office and his social activities, 21 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Thomas Dawes (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the solicitor-generalship of Massachusetts, 22 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about depositing money for her use, 23 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Theophilus Parsons (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1800 and the French treaty, 23 Jan. 1801

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 213-214.

Reel 3

Letter from John Marston (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the sale of real estate, 24 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the Sedition Bill and his social activities, 24 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John T. Apthorp (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the sale of his house, 25 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Lowell, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about an appointment as circuit judge for his father John Lowell, 26 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about political allegations against Oliver Wolcott and their return trip to Boston, 29 Jan. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing Congressional balloting for the election of president, [1 Feb. 1801]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing parties at Georgetown, 1 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Davis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the effect of the Judiciary Bill and his interest in an appointment, 2 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about his failure to be named solicitor general and activities in Congress, 4 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the sale of their house and plans to build another, 6 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Davis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about changing his mind about an appointment as district judge, 9 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the proceedings of Congress in preparing for the election of the president and about social engagements at Georgetown, 9 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Davis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Judge George R. Minot's views on an appointment as district judge, 11 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Lowell (Roxbury) to Harrison Gray Otis about tendering his resignation to the secretary of state, dependent on the passage of the judiciary bill, 11 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about closing off his Congressional duties and describing parties held at Georgetown, 15 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to John Adams about an appointment for Judge John Lowell, 16 Feb. 1801 [draft]

Reel 3

Notes by Harrison Gray Otis on balloting in the election of 1800-1801, [18] Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about his nomination as U.S. attorney for Massachusetts and Congress' reaction to the nomination of Bayard as minister to France, 18 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as United States attorney for the district of Massachusetts, 20 Feb. 1801, enclosed with letter from Marshall to Otis, 21 Feb. 1801

Signed by John Adams and John Marshall.

Reel 3

Letter from John Marshall (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis, 21 Feb. 1801, enclosing John Adams's commission to Harrison Gray Otis as U.S. attorney for the district of Massachusetts, 20 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about delaying his return by several days, 23 Feb. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Davis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his unwillingness to be considered for an appointment as district judge at its current salary level, 1 Mar. 1801

Reel 3

Receipt from Isaac Parker to Nathan Burnham for payment on account of Joseph Kimball's note to Harrison Gray Otis, 16 Mar. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) about the sale of a farm to Dawson Drake, 3 Apr. 1801 [typescript]

Reel 3

Letter from Henry Lee (Stratford, Va.) to Harrison Gray Otis about locating his runaway servants in Boston, 6 Apr. 1801

Reel 3

Receipted bill from Rufus Webb's School (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for his son's tuition, 18 Apr. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Robert Beverly (Blandfield, Va.) to Harrison Gray Otis about the advantages of living in Massachusetts and moving his residence there, 20 May 1801

Reel 3

Release of Harrison Gray Otis from all demands by William Foster, 28 May 1801

Reel 3

Cut signature of James Madison, [2 June 1801]

Reel 3

Deed from Mehitable Blanchard to Harrison Gray Otis, 17 June 1801

Reel 3

Agreement of commissioners [Nathan Goodale], [George R. Minot], and [William Tudor] with John Callender as assignee in the bankruptcy proceedings against Andrew Spooner, 17 June 1801 [copy]

Reel 3

Assignment by commissioners [Nathan Goodale], [George R. Minot], and [William Tudor] of Andrew Spooner's real estate to John Callender in bankruptcy proceedings, 17 June 1801 [copy]

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge to Harrison Gray Otis about supervising his son Robert while a student at Harvard, 2 July 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Caleb Strong (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about dealing with the British consul on the matter of the seizure of a British transport by French prisoners, 13 July 1801

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Giles Alexander, Jr. to John Lowell for shares in Long Wharf and Island Wharf, 1 Aug. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from George Blake (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about succeeding him as U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, 10 Aug. [1801]

Reel 3

Memoranda on "Million Acres" by David Cobb, 31 Aug. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 15 Sep. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis about Samuel Allyne Otis's position as secretary of the Senate, 25 Sep. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from C. Champlin (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis about the probability of Senate support for continuing his father as Senate secretary, 27 Sep. 1801

Reel 3

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to Mark Knight for payment for a lot of land at Otisfield, 30 Sep. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Jonathan Dayton (Elizabethtown) to Samuel Allyne Otis about the uncertainty of Otis retaining his position as Senate secretary, 6 Oct. 1801, enclosed with letter from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis, 3 Nov. 1801

Reel 3

Letter from Samuel Allyne Otis (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about the possibility of his being replaced as Senate secretary, 3 Nov. 1801, enclosed with letter from Jonathan Dayton to Samuel Allyne Otis, 6 Oct. 1801

Reel 3

Deed from John Heald to Nathan Baker, 10 Dec. 1801

Reel 3

Memorandum by Jonah Spaulding about the purchase of Daniel Foster's land, 31 Dec. 1801

Reel 3

Inventory of the effects of Nathan Spear, 11 Jan. 1802

Reel 3

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otisfield lands, 13 Jan. 1802

Reel 3

Deed from Ezekiel Hersey Derby to Harrison Gray Otis and Artemas Ward for shares in Long Wharf, 12 Feb. 1802

Reel 3

Memorandum of Silas Parlin, Jr.'s application for land in Maine, 12 Feb. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Elisha Hutchinson to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802, on transfer of power to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Thomas Hutchinson to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802 [copy], with reassignment to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Edward Lyde to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802, on transfer of power to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Brinley S. Oliver to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802 [copy], with reassignment to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Daniel Oliver to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802 [copy], with reassignment to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Power of attorney from William S. Oliver to William Sabatier, 18 Mar. 1802, on transfer of power to Rufus G. Amory, 4 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Memorandum by [George Peirce] for Harrison Gray Otis of timber cut on Lodge land at Otisfield, 6 Apr. 1802

Reel 3

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 14 May 1802

Reel 3

Receipt from Stephen Knight to George Peirce for taxes on Otisfield lots owned by Harrison Gray Otis, 7 June 1802

Reel 3

Memorandum regarding Samuel B. Goodhue's application for land, 19 June 1802

Reel 3

Resolve of the Massachusetts legislature for removal of the Boston powder magazine, 23 June 1802, with memorandum of purchase and claim of land by the Mount Vernon proprietors, Jan. 1806

Reel 3

Transfer from William Sabatier to Rufus G. Amory of power of attorney given by Thomas and Elisha Hutchinson, 1 July 1802

Reel 3

Memorandum regarding John Goodridge's application for land, 16 July 1802

Reel 3

Transfer from William Sabatier to Rufus G. Amory of power of attorney for Thomas Hutchinson and others, 4 Sep. 1802, certified by Edward Livingston, 31 May 1802

Signed by John D. Reese.

Reel 3

Agreement between Giles Lodge and Harrison Gray Otis over the purchase of his rights for land at Otisfield, 13 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Receipt from Osgood Carleton to Mark Knight for payment for Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Sep. 1802

Reel 3

Registrar's certificate by Eliphalet Pond related to land owned by Robert Pierpont at Roxbury, 6 Oct. 1802

Reel 3

Memorandum regarding Edward S. York's application for the purchase of land at Otisfield, 16 Oct. 1802

Reel 3

Deed from James Perkins to John Heard, et al., 1 Nov. 1802 [copy]

Reel 3

Application by John Jennes for purchase of land at Otisfield, 11 Nov. 1802

Reel 3

Names of promissors of the Broad Street Association, [1803]

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis about terms for the sale of lots at Otisfield to R. Hobbs and William Gannon, [1803]

Reel 3

Deposition by [William Taylor] related to laying out streets in Boston west of George Street and south of Cambridge Street for the selectmen in 1797, [1803]

Reel 3

Deposition by William Taylor related to laying out streets in Boston on the Allen and Byfield grants between Cambridge, Belknap, and Olive Streets and the river, [1803]

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of payments and transactions related to real estate at Otisfield, 1803-1806

Reel 3

Record by [Harrison Gray Otis] of the sale of lots at Otisfield, 1803-1807

Reel 3

Application by Joseph Huntoon for land on the west side of the Kennebec River, 17 Jan. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from William Ellery Channing (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis declining the pastorate of the Brattle Street Church, 25 Jan. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about Massachusetts courts, 7 Feb. 1803

Reel 3

Bill from William Hacher to Harrison Gray Otis, 15 Feb. 1803

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Joseph De Mass for music, 15 Feb. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 15 Feb. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John T. Apthorp to Harrison Gray Otis about speculation in real estate and his plans to return to Boston from England, 30 Mar. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Brabant, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 3 Apr. 1803

Reel 3

Receipt from Timothy Goodwin to Amos Lincoln for payment for hardware for Jonathan Mason and partners in the Mount Vernon proprietors, 16 May 1803

Reel 3

Receipt from Amos Lincoln to Benjamin Joy for payment for a rail fence, with memorandum of division of ownership by his partners in the Mount Vernon Association, 17 May 1803

Reel 3

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis about judicial reform, 27 May 1803

Reel 3

Letter from Henry Warren (Plymouth) to Harrison Gray Otis congratulating him on his election as speaker of the House, 29 May 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Wethersfield, Conn.) to Harrison Gray Otis about his reception of his nephew Hugh Rutledge on arrival in Boston and his suspicions of postal snooping in public mail, 25 June 1803

Reel 3

Receipt to George Peirce for payment of taxes on Giles Lodge's real estate in Otisfield, 2 July 1803

Reel 3

Letter from Elijah Richardson (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about payments on his land, 2 July 1803

Reel 3

Receipt from William Lock, Boston tax collector, to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of tax on his cow, 13 July 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Wethersfield, Conn.) to Harrison Gray Otis about tracing a freedom seeker and describing Gouverneur Morris's appearance during a visit to an inn at Pomfret, 17 July 1803

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 278-279.

Reel 3

Promissory notes from Jonathan Britton, Benjamin Green, and Benjamin Patch to Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., 11 Aug. 1803 [copy]

Reel 3

Receipts from George Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for payments for Otisfield taxes for the period 1799-1802, 11 Aug. 1803

Reel 3

Promissory note from John Holden, Jr., David Mayberry, and George Walker to Harrison Gray Otis, 12 Aug. 1803 [copy]

Reel 3

Tax receipt of Harrison Gray Otis, 12 Aug. 1803

Reel 3

Translation of the circumstances related to the ships Diana, Asia, and Polly on trading voyages to Guatemala, 19 Aug. 1803, certified by Francis Sales, 26 Apr. 1805

Reel 3

Schedule by [Harrison Gray Otis] of Otis lots at Otisfield, 20 Aug. 1803

Reel 3

Account of timber cut on Otisfield lands, 1 Sep. 1803

Reel 3

Deed from John Osborn to Uriah Cotting, 10 Sep. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Wethersfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 1 Oct. 1803

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 279-280.

Reel 3

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis on personal matters, 5 Oct. 1803

Reel 3

Promissory note from Jeremy Johnson, William Johnson, and John Trickey to Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Oct. 1803 [2 copies], with Otis's memorandum of payment, 31 Jan. 1810

Reel 3

Letter from Daniel Conant (Falmouth) to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of land at Otisfield, Me., 16 Oct. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from William Gammon (Portland) to George Peirce about terms for buying a lot of land at Otisfield from Harrison Gray Otis, 17 Oct. 1803

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with W. Turner's School (Boston) for his children's tuition, receipted by George Schaffer, 20 Oct. 1803

Reel 3

Memorandum of Silas Parlin's application for land at Otisfield, 18 Nov. 1803

Reel 3

Articles of agreement between Gardiner Greene, Jonathan Mason, and Harrison Gray Otis for the purchase of land at North Hill in Dorchester from William Tudor for use in building a bridge to Boston, 30 Nov. 1803 [copy]

Reel 3

Lease from William McKean to Ezra Whitney of a store on Central Wharf, 2 Dec. 1803, with assignment of lease to the Broad Street Association, 2 Apr. 1805

Reel 3

Mortgage deed from Ezra Whitney to William McKean for stores on Central Wharf, 2 Dec. 1803

Reel 3

Letter from Jonathan Moors (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about payment on a note and about his real estate taxes for 1803, 5 Dec. 1803

Reel 3

Receipt from Gilbert Stuart to Samuel Smith for partial payment for Jefferson's portrait, 22 Dec. 1803

Reel 3

Account by Francis C. Lowell of India Wharf owners Uriah Cotting and Henry Jackson for the period 9 Mar. 1803-25 Apr. 1804, [1804]

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of financial transactions related to the Broad Street Association, [1804]

Reel 3

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of Otisfield real estate transactions, [1804]

Reel 3

Memorandum regarding land purchases of the South Boston Association, [1804]

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of his real estate transactions related to the Broad Street Association, 1804

Reel 3

Agreement of James Perkins with Benjamin Bussey, James Lloyd, Jr. and Rufus Greene Amory related to the building of a new warehouse on Broad Street, Boston, 1804 [draft]

Reel 3

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis describing his proposals for Massachusetts judiciary reform, 7 Jan. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about his real estate transactions at Otisfield, 20 Jan. 1804

Reel 3

Release from Eleazer Johnson to Robert Hallowell for payment of expenses of the suit related to the Broad Street development, on deed from Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Hallowell, 6 Feb. 1804

Reel 3

Deed of shipyards from Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Hallowell, 6 Feb. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (South Carolina) to Harrison Gray Otis about a forthcoming trip to Boston, 18 Feb. [1804] [incomplete]

Reel 3

Agreement of the South Boston Association with William Brown, Benjamin Goddard, Josiah Knapp, and Arnold Welles, members of the Front Street Corporation, related to the building of a new bridge from Dorchester Point to Boston, 18 Feb. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about terms for the sale of his lots at Otisfield, 6 Mar. 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Charles Vaughan to Robert Hallowell for shipyards, 10 Mar. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to George Peirce for payment of school tax assessment, 21 Mar. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to George Peirce for payment of tax on John and Adam Lodge's land at Otisfield, 21 Mar. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to George Peirce for payment of tax on Harrison Gray Otis's land at Otisfield, 21 Mar. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Thomas W. Francis (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the founding of the Political and Commercial Register to be edited by William Jackson, 17 Apr. 1804

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Thomas Brewer, 18 Apr. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Scipio Dalton to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for plants for his greenhouse, 19 Apr. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for the account of India Wharf, 19 Apr. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from William Jackson (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis seeking subscriptions for a new paper, 20 Apr. 1804

Reel 3

Assignment by Francis C. Lowell and Uriah Cotting of 1/4 interest in the Broad Street Association to Harrison Gray Otis, 1 May 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his account with Lowell and Cotting as former owners of India Wharf, 1 May 1804

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis, as part owner of India Wharf, with Uriah Cotting and Francis C. Lowell, 1 May 1804

Reel 3

Letter from R. Q. Hoskins to Harrison Gray Otis alleging misconduct of postal officials at Boston, 18 May 1804

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about South Carolina politics, 22 May 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about public response to the judiciary reform bill and asking his support, 24 May 1804

Reel 3

Statement by [Rufus G. Amory] of legalities related to the claim of an American creditor against the estate of James Murray, 26 May 1804

Reel 3

Opinion by J. A. Sullivan on certain legal points regarding former Loyalists' land titles, 27 May 1804

Reel 3

Letter from William H. Harrison (Vincennes) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing Peter Cheauteau, 29 May 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Salisbury Jackson to Uriah Cotting for property and the wharf below Kilby Street, Boston, 31 May 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis describing problems caused by John Gray's indebtedness and about getting him out of the country, 4 June 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Uriah Cotting to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on his account, 8 June 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the inadequacy of recompense for Harrison Gray's government service, financial aid for John Gray, and the rise of Napoleon, 12 June 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Jedediah Lincoln to Uriah Cotting, 18 June 1804

Reel 3

Agreement between Samuel Wheelwright and Uriah Cotting, 22 June 1804

Reel 3

Promissory note from Benjamin Joy to Jonathan Mason, 29 June 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Robert Hallowell to Uriah Cotting for Battery March Street property, 30 June 1804

Reel 3

Deed from John F. Loring to Uriah Cotting, 30 June 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Joshua Loring to Uriah Cotting, 30 June 1804

Reel 3

Bill from Benjamin Waterhouse to Harrison Gray Otis for vaccinating children, July 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for charges on India Wharf, 10 July 1804

Reel 3

Deed from John Bowers to Harrison Gray Otis and R. G. Amory, 12 July 1804

Reel 3

Deposition by William Homer regarding ownership of land on Cambridge Street, Boston, 14 July 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from James Lloyd to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for his share of property bought from Uriah Cotting, 24 July 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Henry Knox about his debt to the estate of William Bingham, enclosed with letter from Hare to Harrison Gray Otis, 30 July 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about money owed by Gen. Henry Knox to the estate of William Bingham, enclosing letter from Hare to Henry Knox, 30 July 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Benjamin Whitwell (Augusta) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 31 July 1804

Reel 3

Memorandum by Daniel Cony of Benjamin Jennings's application for land in the Million Acre Tract, 2 Aug. 1804, with memorandum, 21 Mar. 1806

Reel 3

Notice from John Quincy Adams to Harrison Gray Otis of his election to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 9 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (Albany) to Harrison Gray Otis acknowledging his sympathy on her husband Alexander Hamilton's death, 12 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about arranging terms for Henry Knox's payment of his debt to the estate of William Bingham, 12 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Agreement of [Rufus G. Amory], [Uriah Cotting], [James Lloyd, Jr.], and [Francis C. Lowell] of the Broad Street Association with James Ivers to replace his store displaced by the laying of Broad Street, 17 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Obligation from the Broad Street Association to James Ivers, 17 Aug. 1804 [copy]

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (Litchfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Constitutional Convention at New Haven, 17 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Gardiner Greene to Harrison Gray Otis, 18 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Gardiner Greene to pay his share of expenses on land purchased in South Boston, 18 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Mortgage from John Bowers to Harrison Gray Otis, 21 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Robert Hallowell (Gardiner) to Rufus Greene Amory about payment of a debt, 23 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Rufus G. Amory for payment of the Broad Street Association account, 28 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for his share of India Wharf land, 28 Aug. 1804

Reel 3

Deed from Benjamin Bussey to Uriah Cotting for State Street property, 4 Sep. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Jonathan Goodwin on behalf of the Mount Vernon proprietors to Harrison Gray Otis, 4 Sep. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about forcing Henry Knox to put up security to pay his debt to the estate of William Bingham, 19 Sep. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of the account of India Wharf, 6 Oct. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from John Rutledge (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about his depression over his family relationship and about ordering fish from New England, 28 Oct. 1804

Reel 3

Account of the owners of India Wharf with Francis C. Lowell, 31 Oct. 1804

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with [Francis C. Lowell] for India Wharf, receipted by John Tracy, Jr., 31 Oct. 1804

Reel 3

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about his reasons for not paying on time for his land, 10 Nov. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell, as treasurer of the Broad Street proprietors, to Harrison Gray Otis and Rufus G. Amory for their notes in payment for Central Wharf, 14 Nov. 1804

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with the Broad Street proprietors, receipted by Francis C. Lowell, 15 Nov. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from John May to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for planking for the Mount Vernon abutment, 16 Nov. 1804

Reel 3

Due bill from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for Copley land, 3 Dec. 1804

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Eleanor Davis to Rufus Greene Amory, Benjamin Bussey, and James Lloyd, Jr. for a warehouse and store on State Street, Boston, 13 Dec. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Stephen Knight to George Peirce for payment of taxes on the Lodge lots at Otisfield, 13 Dec. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Stephen Knight to George Peirce for Harrison Gray Otis for payment of Otisfield real estate taxes, 13 Dec. 1804

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of advances on the project of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 26 Dec. 1804

Reel 3

Schedule of Broad Street Association lots sold and those remaining to be sold, with estimation of value, [1805]

Reel 3

List of notes and mortgages of the Broad Street Association, [1805]

Reel 3

Mason's contract for Nos. 5 and 6, Broad Street, Boston, [1805] [draft]

Reel 3

Statement of property undisposed of and belonging to Fort Hill and India Wharf estates, [1805]

Reel 3

Memorandum by [Francis C. Lowell] of Harrison Gray Otis's account with the Broad Street Association, [1805]

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of shareholders in the South Boston Bridge, [1805]

Reel 3

Memoranda by Harrison Gray Otis of sales of lots and total net expenditures in the Broad Street development, [1805]

Reel 3

Sketch by [Harrison Gray Otis] of the Broad Street route through the Wheelwright property near Central Wharf, [1805] [draft]

Reel 3

Notes and minutes by Harrison Gray Otis of the case Stephen Higginson vs. Insurance Office related to the seizure of the Diana while on a trading voyage to Guatemala in 1800, including notes on the validity of passport papers, [1805]

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Benjamin Joy, [1805]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Benjamin Joy about his account on Copley land, [1805]

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Benjamin Joy about settling the accounts of the Mount Vernon proprietors, [1805]

Reel 3

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to Francis C. Lowell for payment on the account of the Fort Hill estate, [1805] [copy]

Reel 3

Memoranda by Harrison Gray Otis on Nashawena lands, 1805-1813

Reel 3

Bill from John S. J. Gardiner's School (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for his sons' tuition, 6 Jan. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 16 Jan. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 23 Jan. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Mercy Warren (Plymouth) to Harrison Gray Otis about her lack of contact with Thomas Jefferson and on politics, 9 Feb. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from J. Park to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a subscription to the Repertory, 12 Feb. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the death of his uncle and soliciting money for the support of his family, 15 Feb. [1805]

Reel 3

Deed from Rufus G. Amory, Benjamin Bussey, Uriah Cotting, John Harris, Samuel D. Harris, James Lloyd, Jr., John F. Loring, Joshua Loring, Francis C. Lowell, and Harrison Gray Otis to the Broad Street Association, Mar. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of expenses of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 9 Mar. 1805

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Isaiah Doane to the Broad Street Association for property on Doane's wharf, 12 Mar. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of a note of the Fort Hill proprietors, 19 Mar. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Benjamin Pickman, Jr. (Salem) to Harrison Gray Otis about terms for the purchase of his house in Boston, 27 Mar. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of payments on South Boston Association property, [1 Apr. 1805]

Reel 3

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of obligations to Abraham Gould, [9 Apr. 1805]

Reel 3

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. (Richmond) to Harrison Gray Otis about the defeat of the South Boston Bridge project, 9 Apr. 1805

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Isaiah Doane to the Broad Street Association for property on Doane's wharf, 11 Apr. 1805

Reel 3

Lease from William McKean to the Broad Street Association, 20 Apr. 1805

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Alexander Baring to Thomas M. Willing and Charles W. Hare, 29 Apr. 1805 [copy]

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Henry Baring to Thomas M. Willing and Charles W. Hare, 29 Apr. 1805 [copy]

Reel 3

Receipt from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to George Peirce for payment of the bridge tax on Lodge lots, 1 May 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to George Peirce for payment of the bridge tax on Harrison Gray Otis's lands, 1 May 1805

Reel 3

Appraisal by Rufus G. Amory, Uriah Cotting, and Isaac P. Davis of Buttolph Street land belonging to Harrison Gray Otis and Stephen Higginson, Jr., on letter from Otis and Higginson, 16 May 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis and Stephen Higginson, Jr. to R. G. Amory, Uriah Cotting, and Isaac P. Davis asking them to appraise a tract of land on Buttolph Street, 16 May 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Zeruiah Roby to the Broad Street Association, 20 May 1805

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Lemuel Allen to the Broad Street Association for a share in Roby warehouse near Loring's Wharf, 23 May 1805

Reel 3

Order from Benjamin Joy for the Mount Vernon proprietors for payment to Moses Gardner, 12 June 1805, with receipt by Gardner, 29 July 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of Samuel Walley's note, 14 June 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by Benjamin Joy of disbursements on property of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 20 June 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of expenditures of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 21 June 1805

Reel 3

Broad Street Association account for India Wharf property showing payment by Harrison Gray Otis for his share, 29 June 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 29 June 1805

Reel 3

Bill from Winthrop Rollings to Harrison Gray Otis for taking down the powder house and carting, July 1805

Reel 3

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as justice of the peace, 3 July 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Thomas R. Bromfield to Harrison Gray Otis on the account of India Wharf, 9 July 1805

Reel 3

Account by Benjamin Joy of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 10 July 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Benjamin Joy, 12 July 1805

Reel 3

Letter to Mr. Ware about the division of lands in Bingham, Me., 12 July 1805

Reel 3

Account of the Fort Hill proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 13 July 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of disbursements for the Mount Vernon proprietors, 14 July 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis on the account of India Wharf, 16 July 1805

Reel 3

Schedule of notes by Francis C. Lowell for India Wharf and Fort Hill properties to be divided, with memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis on their disposition, 23 July 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell for Fort Hill and India Wharf properties, 23 July 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Uriah Cotting to Harrison Gray Otis, 26 July 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Ezra Whitney to the Broad Street Association, 31 July 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Thomas Hutchinson and others to Harrison Gray Otis of land on Nashawena, 1 Aug. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 1 Aug. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Sophia Gray (London) to Harrison Gray Otis asking financial help for his uncle John Gray's orphaned children, 17 Aug. 1805

Reel 3

Statement of Broad Street Association affairs, 31 Aug. 1805

Reel 3

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and [Samuel] Hayden for masonry work on Otis's new stores at Nos. 5 and 6, Broad Street, Sep. 1805 [draft, 2 copies]

Reel 3

Agreement between the heirs of Isaiah Doane and the Broad Street Association, 5 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Gardiner Greene to Harrison Gray Otis with an estimate of the investment in the South Boston Association, 7 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by Silas Parlin, Jr. related to Maine real estate transactions, 11 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to Benjamin Wright for payment on David Mayberry's note, 12 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Order from Timothy Hunt on Harrison Gray Otis for payment to Washington Cutter, 13 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Order from Timothy Hunt on Harrison Gray Otis for payment to Silas Whitney, 13 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Promissory note from Timothy Hunt to Willard Clarke, 14 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Ward N. Boylston to the Broad Street Association for Hallowell's shipyard, 23 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis on the account of India Wharf, 23 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Benjamin Joy for his share of disbursements for the Mount Vernon proprietors, 27 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt for taxes on Harrison Gray Otis's lands in Otisfield, Me., 29 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Account by Francis C. Lowell of India Wharf for the period July-Sep. 1805, 30 Sep. 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 1 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of disbursements by the Mount Vernon proprietors, 5 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Thomas Roby to Richard Mansfield, 8 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (Boston) to Harrison Gray, Jr. about contributing money for the care of his uncle's children in England, 10 Oct. 1805 [draft]

Reel 3

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to Sophia Gray about helping with the care of his uncle John Gray's children, 10 Oct. 1805 [draft]

Reel 3

Memorandum regarding Isaac Temple's application for Maine lands, 14 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Deed from Richard Mansfield to the Broad Street Association for State Street property, 15 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis on Otisfield lands, 16 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 30 Oct. 1805

Reel 3

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Benjamin Joy, Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of Copley land, 1 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Statement by [Jonathan Mason, Jr.] related to the agreement with Joseph Woodward on the conveyance of land owned by Gardiner Greene, 1 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 5 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Statement by [Harrison Gray Otis] of Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr.'s account of land transactions at Otisfield, Me., from 1797 to 1803, with Samuel Allyne Otis's acknowledgment, 5 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis of his agreement with Joseph Woodward related to the ownership of land in the South Boston Association, 7 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis on the disposal of his interest in the South Boston Association, [10 Nov. 1805]

Reel 3

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis on matters of personal business and about Philadelphia news, 11 Nov. [1805]

Reel 3

Agreement between William Gammon, Harrison Gray Otis, and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., for the sale of land at Otisfield, 11 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of restitution for the sale of the wrong lot of land at Royalston, 12 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Endorsement by Gardiner Greene of William Tudor's obligation, 15 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from Josiah Dwight (Stockbridge) to the Federalist Central Committee about district politics, 18 Nov. 1805

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 312-313.

Reel 3

Deed of sale from Joseph Roby, for Sarah Roby, to the Broad Street Association for land, 18 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 20 Nov. 1805

Reel 3

Account and receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of fines for delinquency at meetings of the Broad Street Association, [Dec. 1805]

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 5 Dec. 1805

Reel 3

Letter from John Holden III (Otisfield, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about buying a lot of land at Otisfield, 9 Dec. 1805

Reel 3

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 23 Dec. 1805

Reel 3

Power of attorney from Robert Gilmer to Thomas M. Willing and Charles W. Hare, 28 Dec. 1805 [copy]

Reel 3

Account by Francis C. Lowell of India Wharf for the period Oct.-Dec. 1805, 31 Dec. 1805


Reel 4

Accounts of the Broad Street Association with Uriah Cotting, etc., [1806]

Reel 4

Accounting by [Benjamin Joy] of monies disbursed for fencing on lots in Copley Pasture property, [1806]

Reel 4

Estimate by [Harrison Gray Otis] of the cost of the Broad Street development, [1806]

Reel 4

Schedule by [Harrison Gray Otis] of lots of land to be conveyed in Township No. 1 of the Bingham Purchase, [1806] [draft]

Reel 4

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to the selectmen of Boston about the proposals of the Broad Street Association, [1806] [draft]

Reel 4

Field notes on a survey of three ranges of townships in the Bingham Purchase, 1806

Reel 4

Memorandum of purchase of the Boston powder magazine and claim of land by the Mount Vernon proprietors, Jan. 1806, with copy of resolve of the Massachusetts legislature for its removal, 23 June 1802

Reel 4

Application by Silas Parlin, Jr. for land in the Million Acre Tract, Me., 5 Jan. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 6 Jan. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from William Shattuck (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of land at Otisfield, 27 Jan. 1806

Reel 4

Memorandum by Daniel Cony of Silas Parlin's application for land in Kennebec River Township No. 1 of the Bingham Purchase, 31 Jan. 1806

Reel 4

Deed from Uriah Cotting to Harrison Gray Otis, 31 Jan. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Ann Barraud (Fulham) to Harrison Gray Otis about John Gray's children, 3 Feb. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Gardiner Greene (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the expenses of the South Boston Association, 3 Feb. 1806

Reel 4

Deed from Samuel Wheelwright and others to the Broad Street Association, 4 Feb. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of disbursements of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 27 Feb. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Sophia Gray (Wellington) to Harrison Gray Otis about his assistance for John Gray's children, 1 Mar. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Lewis Gray (Hull, England) to Harrison Gray Otis suggesting himself for the American consulship at Hull, 4 Mar. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about Lewis Gray's bankruptcy and John Gray's children, 9 Mar. [1806]

Reel 4

Receipts from Harrison Gray Otis to Lemuel Weeks & Son for payments for Thomas Wesson and Benjamin Mother, 10 Mar. 1806 [copies]

Reel 4

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Hayden for the erection of houses on George Street, 18 Mar. 1806

Reel 4

Memorandum by Daniel Cony of Noah Marble Gould's application for land in the Million Acre Tract, 21 Mar. 1806

Reel 4

Quarterly statement by Francis C. Lowell of the India Wharf account, 31 Mar. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt to George Peirce for payment of taxes on Lodge land in Harrison, Me., 1 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt to George Peirce for payment of taxes on the property of Harrison Gray Otis in Harrison, Me., 1 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Power of attorney from Edward Lyde to Rufus G. Amory and John Holmes, 2 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Stephen G. Blyth (Salem) to Harrison Gray Otis about setting up a lottery to establish a Catholic charity school in Boston, 3 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to George Peirce for payment of taxes on Lodge land, 8 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to George Peirce for payment of the taxes of Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Benjamin Joy for the Mount Vernon proprietors, with copy, 10 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis, 16 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his assessment, 16 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Account of the owners of Fort Hill with the Broad Street Association, 18 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell for the Broad Street Association, 19 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Elijah Richardson (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis about reassignment of his land in Maine to Jacob Smith, 23 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 28 Apr. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Gordon Duff & Co. (Madeira) to Harrison Gray Otis about an order for wines, 10 May 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about his disappointment in not being appointed chief justice in place of Theophilus Parsons, 16 May 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Robert G. Harper about politics, 20 May 1806 [copy]

Reel 4

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 27 May 1806

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 280-281.

Reel 4

Application by Jonathan Robbins for land in the Million Acre Tract, Me., 27 May 1806

Reel 4

Protest of a group of Massachusetts Federalist senators against a report of the joint committee to examine returns of votes for governor and lieutenant governor in the election of 1806, [6 June] 1806

Signed by Daniel Bigelow, George Bliss, Elijah Brigham, Peter C. Brooks, Elias Hasket Derby, Christopher Gore, Thomas Hale, John Hastings, John Heard, Hugh McClallen, Harrison Gray Otis, John Phillips, John Rowe, William Spooner, Ezra Starkweather, Nathaniel Thurston, Enoch Titcomb, and Salem Town.

Reel 4

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about his unwillingness to serve under Chief Justice Theophilus Parsons, 6 June 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from John Tracy, Jr., on behalf of Francis Lowell, to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 9 June 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from John Tracy, Jr., on behalf of Francis Lowell, to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 20 June 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his assessment, 23 June 1806

Reel 4

Account of the cost of stores built by proprietors of India Wharf, 24 June 1806

Reel 4

Promissory note from Harrison Gray Otis to Jonathan Mason, 24 June 1806

Reel 4

Agreement between Daniel Holden, Harrison Gray Otis, and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., for the sale of land at Otisfield to Holden, 1 July [1806]

Reel 4

Receipt from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his share of expenses of the Mount Vernon proprietors, 1 July 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about his not being appointed to the chief justiceship, 1 July 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Baltstown) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip to Quebec via Lake Champlain, 5 July 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Skeensborough) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip to Quebec and on personal business, 7 July [1806]

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (St. Johns) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip across Lake Champlain on his way to Quebec, 9 July [1806]

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 10 July 1806

Reel 4

Memorandum about Isaac Elder's application for land in the Million Acre Tract, 11 July 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Montreal) to Sally Foster Otis about his proposed voyage to Quebec by open boat, 13 July [1806]

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Quebec) to Sally Foster Otis about sightseeing excursions and on personal matters, 17 July [1806]

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Montreal) to Sally Foster Otis about his trip to Canada, 23 July 1806

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about foreign affairs, 29 July 1806

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 281-282.

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 11 Aug. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from John Tracy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 13 Aug. 1806

Reel 4

Instructions from Daniel Cony to Solomon Adams and Lemuel Perham for the survey of townships west of the Kennebec River, 14 Aug. 1806 [copy], enclosed in field notes kept by Adams and Perham, 9 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Instructions from Daniel Cony to Philip Bullen for surveying lands in the Bingham Purchase on the east side of the Kennebec River, 14 Aug. 1806 [copy], enclosed in Philip Bullen's field notes on the survey, 18 Nov. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 20 Aug. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about his personal business affairs, 3 Sep. [1806]

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Daniel Cony] of Asa Redington's application for logging rights in the Million Acre Tract, 6 Sep. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from G. Labottierre to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for dancing school fees for his children, 17 Sep. 1806

Reel 4

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis to Nathaniel Gerry for mortgage on land at Otisfield, 3 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis to Jacob Smith for mortgage on land at Harrison, 3 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from Joel Gustine to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for timber, 6 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Release from Joseph Otis to Samuel Allyne Otis, 7 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Account of the owners of Fort Hill with Francis C. Lowell, 31 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 31 Oct. 1806

Reel 4

Statement by [Harrison Gray Otis] of interest in the South Boston Association, [Nov. 1806]

Reel 4

Survey and plan by Philip Bullen of lots in Township No. 1 on the west side of the Kennebec River in the Million Acre Tract, Nov. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Harrison Gray, Jr. advising him about the real estate market at Boston and on family matters, Nov. 1806 [draft]

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 1 Nov. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from John Tracy, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf and on his account, 4 Nov. 1806

Reel 4

Field notes by Philip Bullen on the survey of lands in the Bingham Purchase on the east side of the Kennebec River, 18 Nov. 1806

Reel 4

Certification of Jonathan Spaulding's ownership of land in the Million Acre Tract, 1 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Certification of Joseph Collins's ownership of land in the Million Acre Tract, 3 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Certification of Perkins Allen's ownership of land in the Million Acre Tract, 8 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Field notes by Solomon Adams and Lemuel Perham of a survey of townships west of the Kennebec River within the Bingham Purchase, 9 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Certification of Joseph Moodey's ownership of land in the Million Acre Tract, 9 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Deed from the devisees of William Bingham's estate to the heirs of Amos Heald, Jr. for land in the Bingham Purchase, 10 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Receipt from G. Labottierre to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for dancing school services for his children, 18 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Archibald Lee (Georgetown) to Harrison Gray Otis about payment of a debt to Samuel Allyne Otis, 26 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 31 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Agreement between James Bridge, Samuel Cony, and Harrison Gray Otis (on behalf of the devisees of William Bingham) for the sale of land in the Bingham Purchase, [1807]

Reel 4

Memorandum of the agreement between James Bridge, Harrison Gray Otis, and John Richards, [1807]

Reel 4

List by [Harrison Gray Otis] of settlers on his property in Plantation No. 2, [1807]

Reel 4

Field notes by Lemuel Perham of descriptions of lots in Township No. 2, west of the Kennebec River in the Bingham Purchase, [1807]

Reel 4

Notice from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis of a settlement made with Joel Gustine for the proprietors of Mount Vernon property, 1807

Reel 4

Settlement of accounts between Harrison Gray Otis and Benjamin Joy, 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from John Tracy, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 5 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 7 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Gardiner Greene (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis authorizing the sale of land at South Boston, 10 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Report of the committee of the Massachusetts General Court related to Charles W. Hare's petition and the Bingham Purchase, 13 Jan. 1807 [draft]

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Rev. Joseph Clay about becoming minister of the Third Baptist Church Society, 13 Jan. 1807 [copy]

Reel 4

Resolution of the Massachusetts General Court in reply to the petition of Charles W. Hare, 17 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Agreement of Harrison Gray Otis to sell land in Harrison, Me., 17 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 20 Jan. 1807 [copy]

Reel 4

Assessment of the Broad Street Association on Harrison Gray Otis, 24 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the Broad Street assessment, 24 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Daniel Cony] of Edward Stevens York's application to purchase land in the Million Acre Tract, 30 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Statement of Edward Stevens York related to Maine lands, 30 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Gardiner Greene (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about shareholders in the South Boston Association, 26 Feb. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 27 Feb. 1807

Reel 4

Certification of Edward Stevens York's ownership of land in the Million Acre Tract, Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Thomas S. Lee (Georgetown) to Harrison Gray Otis about repayment of his son's loan, 2 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Nathaniel Tracy to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 2 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Francis C. Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis, 6 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 9 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare and Thomas M. Willing (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards about Bingham lands, 9 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

List by Francis C. Lowell of notes received for and due to the Broad Street Association, 9 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Appointment of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards, Jr. as attorneys for the trustees of William Bingham's estate, 16 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Jacob Emerson, tax collector of Harrison, Me., to George Peirce for payment of taxes on property in Harrison, 26 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Account of the owners of India Wharf with Francis C. Lowell, 26 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about a loan, 30 Mar. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from J. D. Hopkins (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election in Maine towns, 12 Apr. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Robert G. Harper about the discouraging prospect of obtaining a loan in Massachusetts and about Joseph Story, 19 Apr. 1807 [typescript]

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 282-283.

Reel 4

Letter from Sophia Gray (Liverpool) to Harrison Gray Otis about family news, 25 Apr. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Joseph Story (Salem) to Harrison Gray Otis asking him for letters of introduction for his trip to the South, 5 May 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the administration of William Bingham's estate, 11 May 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Uriah Cotting] of the purchase of the Cushing and Tilden estates, 13-14 May 1807

Reel 4

Bond from Moses Carleton, Jr., Stephen Jones, Harrison Gray Otis, and John Richards to the state of Massachusetts with reference to Maine lands in the Bingham Purchase, 1 June 1807 [draft and copy]

Reel 4

Deed of sale from Stephen Jones to Harrison Gray Otis for land in the Bingham Purchase, 1 June 1807, with certification of John Gardner as witness, 27 Jan. 1817

Reel 4

Returns of settlers in the Kennebec and Washington County areas of the property of Charles Hayden, Theodore Lincoln, and Joseph Patten, 3 June 1807

Reel 4

Listing by [Harrison Gray Otis] of papers to be recorded by John Richards at Kennebec County, 5 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 8 June 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of settlement with Uriah Cotting for houses in Battery March Street, 10 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from John Richards (Hallowell) to Harrison Gray Otis about surveying and the sale of lands in the Bingham Purchase, 10 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about handling Gen. Jackson's claim on William Bingham's estate in relation to lands in the Bingham Purchase, 12 June 1807

Reel 4

Translation of the decree of the Russian Imperial Committee of Prizes related to the seizure of the brigantine Hector by a Russian frigate, 19 June 1807, with letter from William Allen to Israel Thorndike, Jr. about its capture and condemnation, 2 July 1807 [copies]

Reel 4

Receipt from John Lowell to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a Boston Athenaeum share, 20 June 1807

Reel 4

Agreement between James Bridge and Harrison Gray Otis, attorney for the Bingham trustees, to purchase a township in Bingham lands, 22 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the terms of agreement with Mr. King related to lands in the Bingham Purchase, 22 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about his son, 23 June 1807

Reel 4

Statement of property owned by the Broad Street Association and the proposed manner of division, 24 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis approving his agreement with James Bridge on the sale of a township in the Bingham Purchase, 25 June 1807

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with the Broad Street Association, submitted by William Blaney, 25 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about terms of the deed to James Bridge and Mr. Williams for land in the Bingham Purchase, 29 June 1807

Reel 4

Letter from William Allen (Smyrna) to Israel Thorndike, Jr. about the capture and condemnation of the brigantine Hector by a Russian frigate, 2 July 1807, enclosed with translation of the decree of the Russian Imperial Committee of Prizes related to the seizure, 19 June 1807 [copies]

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with James Lloyd, Jr., 6 July 1807

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with James Lloyd, Jr., 6 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Jacob Read (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing his aide-de-camp, 6 July 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to George Peirce for payment of Harrison Gray Otis's taxes on real estate, 7 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from George Harrison (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Chesapeake affair, 10 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Lothrop Lewis (Gorham, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about Bingham lands, 10 July 1807

Reel 4

Deed from Jeremiah Gardner to Harrison Gray Otis, 15 July 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from James Lloyd, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 17 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from James Bridge (Augusta) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 21 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Gordon Duff & Co. (Madeira) to Harrison Gray Otis about his order for wines, 28 July 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about speculating in land and Gen. Henry Jackson's claim to lands in the Bingham Purchase, 28 July 1807

Reel 4

Receipt from Josiah Quincy to Harrison Gray Otis for subscribing to the fund to establish a professorship of natural history, 1 Aug. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about Anglo-American relations, 3 Aug. 1807

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 284.

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about relations between England and the United States and on family affairs, 10 Aug. 1807

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 284-285.

Reel 4

Receipt from James Lloyd, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 10 Aug. 1807

Reel 4

Receipt to Harrison Gray Otis for payment on the account of India Wharf, 17 Aug. 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Daniel Cony] about his responsibilities in overseeing property in the Million Acre Tract, 31 Aug. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 1 Sep. 1807

Reel 4

Deed from John Callender, as assignee of Andrew Spooner, to Rufus G. Amory, 9 Sep. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from George Harrison (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about a financial matter and an order for wine, 18 Sep. 1807

Reel 4

Return of settlers in Hancock County by Mason Shaw and Melatiah Jordan, 18 Sep. 1807 [copy]

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] about Enoch Spur's note, 25 Sep. 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum regarding the failure of [Nathaniel Swett] to honor promissory notes to Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, [8 Oct. 1807]

Reel 4

18-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

18-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

30-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

30-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

42-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

42-month promissory note from Nathaniel Swett to Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr., 8 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with James Lloyd, Jr., 10 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with James Lloyd, Jr., 10 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from George Peirce (Otisfield, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about meeting with him, 17 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

Power of attorney from Thomas Hutchinson, Jr., et al., devisees in the estate of Grizzel Sanford, to Rufus G. Amory, 19 Oct. 1807

Reel 4

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of payments on lot no. 25, Otisfield, for the period 1803-1807, 28 Nov. 1807

Reel 4

Bill from Uriah Cotting to Harrison Gray Otis for expenses of the Broad Street Association, Dec. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis on a financial matter, 4 Dec. 1807

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 24 Dec. 1807

Reel 4

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis about his financial situation and family news, 25 Dec. 1807

Reel 4

Field book by Philip Bullen of a survey of Township No. 1 in the Bingham Purchase, 31 Dec. 1807

Reel 4

List of local presses in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, [1808]

Reel 4

Letter from Isaac P. Davis to [Harrison Gray Otis] listing the Council members for 1808, [1808]

Reel 4

Lists of settlers on Bingham lands, 1808-1824

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Uriah Cotting, 1 Jan. 1808

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis and the proprietors of India Wharf with James Lloyd, Jr., 13 Jan. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge to Harrison Gray Otis about the effect of the embargo, 19 Jan. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Timothy Pitkin (Washington) to John Treadwell about the presidential caucus, 25 Jan. 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Deed from Jeremiah Gardner to Harrison Gray Otis, 30 Jan. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from George Clinton (Washington) to DeWitt Clinton about Anglo-American relations, 13 Feb. 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Letter from George Clinton (Washington) to DeWitt Clinton about his candidacy, 18 Feb. 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Statement by Charles Hayden about the settlement of lands in the Bingham Purchase for Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards as agents for William Bingham's estate, 7 Mar. 1808

Reel 4

Certification by John Read and William Smith of returns of settlers in Hancock and Washington Counties on lands of the Bingham Purchase, with copy, 8 Mar. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Josiah Dwight (Northampton) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 16 Mar. 1808

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 333-335.

Reel 4

Division of lots between Broad and India Streets by James Lloyd, Jr., 20 Mar. 1808, with Harrison Gray Otis's account and agreement, 1 Apr. 1808

Reel 4

Agreement between Uriah Cotting, James Lloyd, Jr., Francis C. Lowell, and Harrison Gray Otis over the accounting for divisions of lots between Broad and India Streets, 1 Apr. 1808, with account of the division of lots on verso, 20 Mar. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from DeWitt Clinton (Albany) to George Clinton about New York politics, 3 Apr. 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Account of the India Wharf proprietors with Francis C. Lowell, 8 Apr. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis on family matters, 14 Apr. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to his children Sally and Sophia about his observations of young people on his trip to New York and Philadelphia, 1 May 1808

Reel 4

Memorandum about Joseph Whittier's purchase of land in the Bingham Purchase, 16 May 1808

Reel 4

Colored plan of Township No. 2, first range west of the Kennebec, in the Bingham Purchase, 16 May 1808

Reel 4

Certification by John Read and William Smith of returns of settlers on lands of the Bingham Purchase, with copy, 21 May 1808

Reel 4

Letter from James Lloyd to Harrison Gray Otis about his election to the Senate, 1 June 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 2 June 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 6 June 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Theodore Sedgwick (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 18 June 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election and Federalist politics, 19 June 1808

Reel 4

Letter from James A. Mason (Providence) to Harrison Gray Otis about Federalist plans in Rhode Island, 11 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles C. Pinckney (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing his nephew Ralph Stead Izard, 11 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Federalist prospects in Pennsylvania, 12 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from [John Richards] to Mr. Ware regarding Maine lands, 12 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Egbert Benson (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 13 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Abraham Van Vechten (Albany) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 21 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from William Eaton (Brimfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about Jefferson's prediction of war, 23 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about defeating Madison in the presidential election, 26 July 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Peter B. Porter (Canandaigua) to DeWitt Clinton about politics, 27 July 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about indications of war with Great Britain, 2 Aug. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from George Cabot to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 14 Aug. 1808

Printed in part in: American Historical Review XVII (1911-1912). 755.

Reel 4

Letter from George Cabot (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, [15] Aug. 1808

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 335.

Reel 4

Letter from Jacob Emerson (Harrison, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about paying his taxes for land at Harrison, 31 Aug. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from [Cadwallader D. Colden], [Josiah O. Hoffman], [S. Jones, Jr.], and [Jacob Radcliff] of the New York Federal Republican Committee to the Federal Republican Committee of Charleston, S.C., about their choice of Charles Pinckney as candidate for president in the 1808 elections, [Sep. 1808] [copy], enclosed with letter to Harrison Gray Otis, 9 Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 6 Sep. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Nathaniel Fellows (Havana) to Harrison Gray Otis about the favorable outcome in a court decision over allowance of his uncle's will, 8 Sep. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from "a Statesman and republican" to DeWitt Clinton about George Clinton, 16 Sep. 1808 [copy]

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (New Haven) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 18 Sep. 1808

Reel 4

Receipt from B. Yarnold to the Misses Otis, Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis to Benjamin Kimball for the sale of land in Harrison, Me., 3 Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Thomas Fitzsimmons (Philadelphia) to Christopher Gore, James Lloyd, and Harrison Gray Otis about political considerations related to the election, 4 Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Cadwallader D. Colden, Josiah O. Hoffman, S. Jones, Jr., and Jacob Radcliff of the New York Federal Republican Committee to the Harrison Gray Otis and the Boston committee about political successes, 9 Oct. 1808, enclosing copy of letter to the Federal Republican Committee of Charleston, S.C., [Sep. 1808]

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 10 Oct. 1808, with account of the India Wharf proprietors, 24 Dec. 1807

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis with Francis C. Lowell, 12 Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from Jacob Radcliff (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis and the Massachusetts central committee about the election of 1808, 25 Oct. 1808

Reel 4

Receipt for taxes on Harrison Gray Otis's lands in Harrison, Me., 1 Nov. 1808

Reel 4

Receipts for taxes on Harrison Gray Otis's lands in Otisfield, Me., 10 Nov. 1808

Reel 4

Receipts from the tax collector of Otisfield, Me., to Benjamin Patch for payment of taxes on Lodge lands, 10 Nov. 1808

Reel 4

Letter from James A. Mason (Providence) to Harrison Gray Otis about the election of 1808, 21 Nov. 1808

Reel 4

Deed from Andrew Craigie to Harrison Gray Otis, 30 Nov. 1808

Reel 4

Receipt from the tax collector of Harrison, Me., to Benjamin Patch for payment of real estate taxes on Lodge lands, 8 Dec. 1808

Reel 4

Minutes regarding the township of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards, [1809]

Reel 4

List of persons on Harrison Gray Otis's township in the Bingham Purchase in Maine, [1809]

Reel 4

List of persons in Township No. 1, west of the Kennebec, to whom Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards engaged to give deeds, 1809

Reel 4

Sketch of accounts of Harrison Gray Otis with Charles W. Hare and John H. Powell in connection with Bingham lands, 1809-1819

Reel 4

Receipt of payment from F. Mallet to Miss Otis for lessons, 12 Jan. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the estate of William Bingham, 27 Jan. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from Wilde and Bond to Daniel Cony for payment of charges related to the estate of William Bingham, 2 Feb. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Michael Hogan (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about William Foster and the intention of the present administration to ally with France, 6 Feb. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 10 Feb. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from Seth Canfley to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Harrison, Me., 16 Mar. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from Seth Canfley to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 16 Mar. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on Mrs. Gore, the election of James Madison, and the activities of his sons, 26 Mar. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from John Millan to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of his wages, 1 Apr. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from George Harrison (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing his intention to visit, their business arrangements, and his financial situation, 11 Apr. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from John Ware to Daniel Cony for payment for services related to the Bingham lands, 17 Apr. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from Daniel Adams to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of tuition for his two sons, 6 May 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Joshua Howard and Benjamin Kimball (Harrison) to Harrison Gray Otis about an error on their bonds to property in the Bingham Purchase, 16 May 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis describing her activities, June 1809

Reel 4

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing his son Robert and promising Otis to furnish him with seeds and plants for his new country seat, 6 June 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Daniel Holden (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the purchase of a lot of Otis's land in Maine, 10 June 1809

Reel 4

Receipted bill from J. R. Smith, drawing master, to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for drawing lessons for his children, July 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Caleb Jewett with instructions to disseminate the information that his lands cannot be retailed to settlers, 8 July 1809 [copy]

Reel 4

Power of attorney from [Harrison Gray Otis] to James D. Hopkins, 10 July 1809 [copy], with writ of possession between Harrison Gray Otis and Daniel Gammon, 2 Feb. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Noah Greeley (Mt. Vernon, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about Bingham lands, 13 July 1809

Reel 4

Extract of letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 28 July 1809 [copy]

Reel 4

Receipt from James Burton to Daniel Cony for payment for copying of plans, 5 Aug. 1809

Reel 4

Deed from Nathan Baker to Asa Baker, 5 Sep. 1809

Reel 4

Bill from Coppenhagen & Kummer to Harrison Gray Otis for groceries, 12 Oct. 1809 [incomplete]

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 12 Oct. 1809

Reel 4

Receipt from Gilbert Stuart to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a portrait of his wife Sally Foster Otis, 27 Nov. 1809

Reel 4

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Anson, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis containing the list of settlers on Otis's lands in Maine, 1 Dec. 1809

Reel 4

List by [Harrison Gray Otis] of rights and lots regarding the Bingham lands in Maine, [1810]

Reel 4

Abstract by [Harrison Gray Otis] of real estate appraised, [1810]

Reel 4

Estimate by [Harrison Gray Otis] of roads and bridges in Township No. 1, Kennebec lands, Me., [1810]

Reel 4

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to Charles W. Hare regarding a project to sell the Kennebec lands, [1810] [copy]

Reel 4

Minutes by [Harrison Gray Otis] of the argument in Cunningham vs. Otis and Mason, [1810]

Reel 4

Schedule by [Harrison Gray Otis] of title deeds related to Nashawena, 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to Sally Foster Otis about family matters and the weather in Boston and Washington, 8 Jan. [1810]

Reel 4

Receipt from Stephen Knight to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Otisfield, Me., 9 Jan. 1810

Reel 4

Receipt from Stephen Knight to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 9 Jan. 1810

Reel 4

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr. for their obligation to Joshua Howard, 14 Jan. 1810

Reel 4

Accounting by Harrison Gray Otis of payments on Nathaniel Burnham's note, 17 Jan. [1810], with agreement, 17 Jan. 1807

Reel 4

Promise of payment from Josiah Hale to John Richards, 27 Jan. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 31 Jan. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Abraham Van Vechten and Thomas P. Grosvenor (Albany) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding resolutions to be passed in the Massachusetts Assembly, Feb. 1810

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 29-30.

Reel 4

Letter from Robert Dunlap to Harrison Gray Otis requesting mill privileges and additional acres of land in Township No. 2, north of Athens, Me., Mar. 1810, with copy of letter from Otis to Dunlap, 22 Mar. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Edward Russell (North Yarmouth) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding an error in the account of Samuel Gammon, 2 Mar. 1810

Reel 4

Indenture of the partition of three townships in Somerset County between Harrison Gray Otis and Stephen Jones on the one part and William King, et al. on the second part, 13 Mar. 1810, with affidavit by John Hayward, 5 Feb. 1817

Reel 4

Deed from John and Love (Oliver) Knight to Harrison Gray Otis, 17 Mar. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Dunlap, 22 Mar. 1810, enclosed with letter from Dunlap to Otis requesting mill privileges and additional acres of land in Township No. 2, north of Athens, Me., Mar. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from James Sproat (Taunton), on behalf of Mr. Padilford, to Harrison Gray Otis apologizing for an error, 23 Mar. 1810

Reel 4

Receipt from Peter Gibson to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Harrison, Me., 6 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Receipt from Peter Gibson to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 6 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the sale of Otis's land in Nashawena, 12 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Humphrey Marshall (Frankfort, Ky.) to Harrison Gray Otis enclosing a prospectus of the American Republic, 16 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis agreeing to Otis's terms for the sale of his property in Nashawena, 18 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the title and conveyances of Otis's land in Nashawena, 19 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, with copy, 30 Apr. 1810

Reel 4

Receipt from Wilde and Bond to Daniel Cony in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards for payment for legal services, 3 May 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to John Richards regarding his commission upon the sale of the Bingham lands, 7 May 1810 [copy]

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis informing him of his inability to complete and exchange papers related to the Nashawena purchase, 11 May 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Grinfill Blake (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis expressing his desire to purchase a lot of Otis's land, 14 May 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Richards (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding a misunderstanding about the amount of their commission on the sale of Bingham lands, 16 May 1810

Reel 4

Deed from Rufus G. Amory to Harrison Gray Otis, 17 May 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Daniel Cony (Augusta, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards regarding expenses incurred in arresting the destruction of pine timber on Bingham lands, enclosed with account of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards with Daniel Cony, 22 May 1810

Reel 4

Account of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards with Daniel Cony for detecting trespassers on Bingham lands, enclosed with letter from Cony to Otis and Richards regarding expenses incurred in arresting the destruction of pine timber on Bingham lands, 22 May 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Richards (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding their commissions upon the sale of Bingham lands, 30 May [1810]

Reel 4

Receipt from Charles W. Hare to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for services related to the Bingham lands, 1 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Maine lands, 12 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Richards (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis related to proof of ownership of Maine lands, 12 June 1810, enclosing canceled deed of Amos Heald, 10 Dec. 1806

Reel 4

Letter from Francis J. Jackson (Claremont) to Harrison Gray Otis about the relationship of the United States with Great Britain and France and the ramifications of the revolution in St. Domingo, 18 June 1810

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 30-31.

Reel 4

Letter from William Lowell (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding his account, 20 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis regarding her baggage and commenting on her grammar, 21 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the improvement and sales of the Kennebec lands in Maine, 25 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Merrick (Hallowell) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the Canada road, 30 June 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Christopher Greene (Providence) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting that he write a biographical sketch of General Benjamin Lincoln to be included in Henry Lee's Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States, 2 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis suggesting alterations in the terms of the mortgage and the deed to his land in Nashawena, 5 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis discussing the study habits needed in obtaining an education and praising her for her accomplishments at school, 6 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the importance of learning the Scriptures and of maintaining a dignified deportment, 13 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Samuel D. Parker to Jonathan Mason regarding his investigation of Mrs. Searle, 17 July 1810

Reel 4

Memorandum by Samuel D. Parker of his investigation of Mrs. Searle, 17 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Asher Robbins about Nashawena, 20 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 21 July 1810

Reel 4

Bill from Elisha Clap's School (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of tuition for his son William, 23 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis describing his activities and advising her to be attentive to her personal habits, 30 July 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis defining the terms of Otis's commission, 1 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis about Nashawena, 2 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Henry D. Sedgwick (Stockbridge) to Harrison Gray Otis about forgeries committed by the treasurer of Berkshire County, 2 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Giles Howland (New Bedford) to Asher Robbins stating the boundaries of his land in Nashawena, 24 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis with paternal advice about her stay in Philadelphia, 25 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Maine lands, 27 Aug. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Richards to Harrison Gray Otis about Bingham lands, [Sep. 1810]

Reel 4

Letter from Francis Blake (Worcester) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the case of Mrs. Putnam, 3 Sep. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Jonathan Mason, Jr. to W. Bromfield regarding the deposition of John Singleton Copley, 5 Sep. 1810 [copy in the hand of Harrison Gray Otis]

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the boundaries of Otis's land in Nashawena, 11 Sep. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Otis's property in Nashawena, 15 Sep. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis about his assuming power in order to oversee Otis's land in Harrison and Otisfield, 25 Sep. 1810

Reel 4

Bill from Matthew Lodge to Harrison Gray Otis, 5 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on her activities in Philadelphia and advising her to improve her style of letter writing, as well as her manners with strangers, 7 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Smith (Edgartown) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding papers to be sent to the Office of Records for Dukes County, with memorandum by Otis regarding the contents of these papers, 12 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Receipts from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards for payment for services related to the Bingham lands, 15 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Merrick (Hallowell, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the Canada road, 15 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about her winter clothing and her lack of description and imagination in letter writing, 17 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Samuel Smith (Edgartown) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the registering of deeds, etc., 24 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from John Merrick (Hallowell, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the Canada road, 26 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about Sophia H. Otis's schooling in New York and Catherine Amory, 28 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about her schooling in New York, 30 Oct. 1810

Reel 4

Legal document of Michael Gay, 1 Nov. 1810 [fragment]

Reel 4

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr. for their obligation to Thomas Edes, 1 Nov. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about the weather and their daughter Sally, 2 Nov. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the payment of his debt, 16 Nov. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis describing his trip from New York and advising her to practice her dancing and to cleanse her mouth and teeth after eating, 24 Nov. 1810

Reel 4

Memorandum by Harrison Gray Otis regarding the case of Otis and Jonathan Mason vs. the heirs of Nathaniel Cunningham, 30 Nov. 1810

Reel 4

Indenture between the India Wharf proprietors and the Broad Street Association, 4 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about her winter clothes and the fundamentals of letter writing, 17 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from James Lloyd (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing the foreign and domestic affairs of the United States, 18 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Asher Robbins (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis about Nashawena, 19 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about her winter clothing and the principles underlying the circulation of money, 22 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from James Lloyd (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on the vacancy on the bench of the Supreme Court and the political situation in the United States, 27 Dec. 1810

Reel 4

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis reflecting on her prospects for the future and advising her how to compose an intelligent, interesting letter, 30 Dec. 1810


Reel 5

Abstract by [Harrison Gray Otis] of real estate appraised, [1811]

Reel 5

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding his account, [1811]

Reel 5

Minutes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding the case of Bannister and Cunningham vs. Curtis and Francis, [1811]

Reel 5

Affidavit by John Mitchell verifying the signatures of Joshua Jonathan Smith and Christopher Smith, 12 Jan. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from John Merrick (Hallowell, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands and roads, 18 Jan. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 20 Jan. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis discussing the importance of exercising one's mind when composing letters and commenting on Mr. Thorndike's overtures toward Sally, 24 Feb. 1811

Reel 5

Receipt from Silas Blake to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Otisfield, Me., 11 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Receipt from Silas Blake to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Pierce for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 11 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Receipt from Samuel Scribner to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Harrison, Me., 11 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Receipt from Samuel Scribner to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Pierce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 11 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from "O" to DeWitt Clinton expressing alarm at recent youthful opposition to the party, 14 Mar. 1811 [typescript]

Reel 5

Letter from Edward Russell (North Yarmouth) to Bezaleel Young regarding an error in the account of Harrison Gray Otis, 14 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing his legal and financial affairs, 20 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis differentiating between habits and customs and commenting on the comparative misery of blindness and deafness, 23 Mar. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on the affairs of Spain and Portugal and the United States's relationship with Great Britain, 18 Apr. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on her progress in school and relating his plans for the future, 19 Apr. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the depressed spirit of her letters and expressing her desire to be together, 20 Apr. 1811

Reel 5

Writ of attachment of Harrison Gray Otis and Samuel Parkman issued against Jonathan Ireland, 26 Apr. 1811, with sheriff's return, 1 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray, Jr. commenting on their legal affairs and political relations between the United States and Great Britain, 30 Apr. 1811 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about their daughter Sally's progress in school and his activities in New York, 11 May 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting the return of a letter from Mr. Paine, 21 May 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Anson) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, enclosed with names of settlers in Township No. 2 of the Bingham Purchase, 1 June 1811

Reel 5

List of settlers in Township No. 2 of the Bingham Purchase, enclosed with letter from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis, 1 June 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing the political relations of the United States and Great Britain, 11 June 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about his legal affairs and the stir caused by Otis's letter on the relations of the United States and Great Britain, 17 June [1811]

Reel 5

Letter from Joshua Webb (Falmouth, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis specifying his plans for paying Otis the money due him, 2 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the reaction to Otis's letters published in the Morning Chronicle, 3 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from John G. McDonald (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about accommodations for Otis and his wife in Washington and political maneuverings in the capital, 3 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis inquiring about the activities and health of her family, 24 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about their plans for traveling in Maine, 25 July 1811

Reel 5

Certification by John Read and William Smith of returns of settlers in Hancock and Washington Counties within the Bingham Purchase, 26 July 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about their plans for visiting Maine and the possibility of war with Great Britain, 9 Aug. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis (Chelsea) to Mary Otis about their plans for meeting together, 12 Aug. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting a deed for his property, 26 Aug. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Caleb Jewett about Maine lands, Sep. 1811 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from John Rutledge (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about the marriage of Sally Otis to Israel Thorndike and about his activities, 16 Sep. 1811

Reel 5

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis, Jr. to Samuel Allyne Otis concerning lands in Otisfield, Me., 28 Sep. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis discussing his activities, 15 Oct. [1811]

Reel 5

Receipt from R. Roulstone to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for riding school, 15 Oct. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from John Rutledge (Richmond) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 22 Oct. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Josiah Quincy (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics and Anglo-American relations, 8 Nov. 1811

Reel 5

Letter from Josiah Quincy (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis elucidating the Federalist position on Anglo-American relations, 26 Nov. 1811

Reel 5

Account of George Harrison with Harrison Gray Otis, 27 Dec. 1811

Reel 5

Special power of attorney from [George William Murray] to George Sullivan, [1812]

Reel 5

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] on the facts related to John Henry and his negotiations, [1812]

Reel 5

Receipts from Daniel Foster to Caleb Jewett in favor of the heirs of William Bingham for payment of taxes on their lands in Bingham, Me., 1812-1816

Reel 5

Diary of Harriet Otis, Jan.-July 1812

Reel 5

Extract of letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray, Jr. regarding Anglo-American relations, 14 Jan. 1812 [printed]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to a friend in London regarding the British Orders in Council, 14 Jan. 1812 [newspaper clipping]

Reel 5

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to Thomas Edes for payment for a lot of land in Otisfield, Me., 15 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his land in Harrison, Me., 22 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 22 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Spencer Perceval to Harrison Gray, Jr. about the British Orders in Council, 22 Feb. 1812, enclosed with letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. to Harrison Gray Otis, 28 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from R. C. D. to Edward, Count de Crillon, enclosed with letter from G. U. to Harrison Gray Otis, 23 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis, 28 Feb. 1812, enclosed with letter from Spencer Perceval to Harrison Gray, Jr. about the British Orders in Council, 22 Feb. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis, for payment of taxes on his lots of land in Otisfield, Me., 3 Mar. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce, for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 3 Mar. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from John A. Harper (Washington) to William Plumer about the papers of John Henry, 11 Mar. 1812 [typescript]

Reel 5

Letter from Josiah Quincy (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about the John Henry papers, 19 Mar. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Henry Coolidge (Waterford, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the purchase of lands in Maine, 21 Mar. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Joshua Howard (Harrison, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining his failure to pay Otis the money due him, 30 Mar. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the misuse of Otis's letters on Anglo-American relations, 8 Apr. 1812

Reel 5

Agreement between Samuel Parkman and proprietors in interest of Spear's Wharf, Boston, 12 May 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Anson) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 16 May 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Charles Smith to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Captain Brown and his family, 19 May 1812

Reel 5

Letter from James Ogilvie (Augusta) to Harrison Gray Otis about Paul Allen's proposed life of Charles Brockden Brown, with printed notice, 20 May [1812]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to John Powell regarding taxes on the Bingham lands, 20 May 1812 [draft]

Reel 5

Letter from Evan Jones (New Orleans) to Harrison Gray Otis entrusting to Otis the care of the Turner children, 27 May 1812 [duplicate]

Reel 5

Letter from Thomas Callender (New Orleans) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Turner children, 28 May 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Evan Jones (New Orleans) to Harrison Gray Otis providing financial support for Otis's care of the Turner children, 28 May 1812 [duplicate], with letter from Evan Jones to Harrison Gray Otis, 1 June 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Grinfill Blake (Falmouth, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining the delay in his payments, 8 June 1812

Reel 5

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as justice of the peace, 20 June 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 24 June 1812

Reel 5

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to the Massachusetts General Court regarding the surrender of various resolutions and letters on the subject of the embargo, 27 June 1812 [draft]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on the repeal of the British Orders in Council, Otis's published letters, and the ill-manneredness of Americans, 2 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from William Turner (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Turner children, 5 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Evan Jones about the Turner children, 6 July 1812 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to the Overseers of the Poor about the Turner children, 8 July 1812 [copy]

Reel 5

Article by [Harrison Gray, Jr.] published in the Star regarding Otis's letters on the British Orders in Council, 12 July 1812 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the publication of extracts of Otis's letter, 13 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Josiah O. Hoffman to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 17 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Robert Smith (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 22 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from James Milnor and other members of the Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence to Harrison Gray Otis about the possibility of nominating DeWitt Clinton for the presidency of the United States, 27 July 1812

Reel 5

Letter from "A Fed" to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the danger of a mob attack, 2 Aug. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Anglo-American relations, 5 Aug. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Vice-Admiral Herbert Sawyer (Halifax) to Andrew Allen, British consul of Massachusetts, regarding protection of United States vessels en route to Spain and Portugal, 5 Aug. 1812 [copy], with decree guaranteeing said protection, 3 Sep. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Edward J. Coale, Walter Dorsey, and Joseph Sterett to Harrison Gray Otis on behalf of Alexander C. Hanson and Jacob Wagner, 20 Aug. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 25 Aug. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Josiah O. Hoffman, David B. Ogden, Jacob Radcliff, and Caleb S. Riggs of the New York Federalist Corresponding Committee to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the forthcoming election of president and vice president, 25 Aug. 1812

Reel 5

Decree guaranteeing protection to United States vessels en route to Spain and Portugal, 3 Sep. 1812, with copy of letter from Herbert Sawyer to Andrew Allen, 5 Aug. 1812

Signed by Andrew Allen.

Reel 5

Letter from Samuel Dexter (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis on politics, 12 Sep. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Robert Smith (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 8 Oct. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Joseph Hopkinson (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 16 Oct. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from George Tibbits (Troy, N.Y.) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the nomination of Mr. Clinton, 22 Oct. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to William Sullivan regarding an article against DeWitt Clinton and its consequences for the Federalist Party, 23 Oct. 1812 [typescript]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the children of Captain Turner, 28 Oct. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lots of land in Otisfield, Me., 1 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 1 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Joseph Pearson (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 9 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from John Rutledge (Savannah) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 10 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Election of Harrison Gray Otis as a member of the American Antiquarian Society, 19 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from William Griffith (Burlington, N.J.) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 30 Nov. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Alden Bradford to Harrison Gray Otis certifying him as an elector for the presidential and vice presidential elections, 1 Dec. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to [Caleb Strong] regarding a dinner meeting with the electors, 1 Dec. 1812 [typescript]

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 7 Dec. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Stephen A. Hopkins (New Orleans) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Turner children, 8 Dec. 1812

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Turner children and the war between America and Great Britain, 14 Dec. 1812

Reel 5

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] pertaining to his ownership of Nashawena Island for 1805-1813, [1813]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on the Turner children, the insatiable ambition of Napoleon, and the war in Europe, 6 Jan. 1813

Reel 5

Deed from Joseph Dudley to Harrison Gray Otis and Israel Thorndike, 27 Jan. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from William M. Richardson (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis on politics, 13 Feb. 1813

Reel 5

Receipt from William Lemon to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for services, 26 Mar. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Gouverneur Morris (Morrisania) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on the politics of Federalism, 3 Apr. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis about his account and his son John, 5 Apr. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from David Parish (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining that he contributed aid to the government under the assumption that peace was forthcoming, 12 Apr. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about taking Otis's son into his office and about a possible journey to Maine, 13 Apr. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Gouverneur Morris (Morrisania) to Harrison Gray Otis on the progress of Napoleon, the war in Europe, and the political situation in the United States, 29 Apr. 1813

Reel 5

Will of Samuel Allyne Otis, 5 May 1813

Reel 5

Letter from A. Daschkoff (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Russian consul in Boston, 13 May 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Daniel Tucker and others (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting that, as a representative, he introduce measures for the relief of debtors, 30 May 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis describing her activities and inquiring about her friends, 10 June 1813

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his land in Harrison, Me., 21 Aug. 1813

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 21 Aug. 1813

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis commenting on her activities and her friends, 31 Aug. 1813

Reel 5

Receipt from Benjamin Foster to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis, for payment of taxes on his land in Harrison, Me., 7 Sep. 1813

Reel 5

Receipt from Benjamin Foster to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce, for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 7 Sep. 1813

Reel 5

Anonymous letter to Harrison Gray Otis concerning the evil intentions of Commodore Oliver H. Perry, [1814]

Reel 5

Schedules H and J of the Hartford Convention, 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 193-195.

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otis's orphaned cousins and the war in Europe, 3 Jan. 1814

Reel 5

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of payments on a note of Nathaniel Burnham, 17 Jan. 1814, with agreement, 17 Jan. 1807

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis on the Federalist attitude toward the war, 10 Feb. 1814

Printed in part in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 174-175.

Reel 5

Letter from J. D. Hopkins (Portland) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding proprietors' meetings on the division of land in Maine, 12 Feb. 1814, enclosed with memoranda on proprietors' meetings, 1772-1798

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his lands in Otisfield, Me., 17 Feb. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 17 Feb. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of an additional highway tax on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 17 Feb. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Richard C. Derby to C. Haight requesting his opinion of the conversation that took place related to Harrison Gray Otis, [Mar. 1814] [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from John Rutledge (Charleston, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis on the war, 1 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Deed transferring the claim of John Torrey, et al., to certain parcels of land over to Benjamin Joy, Jonathan Mason, and Harrison Gray Otis, 8 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as a judge of the Boston Court of Common Pleas, 10 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Harrison Gray Otis to E. Scribner for payment on a note of Nathaniel Burnham, 15 Mar. 1814, with agreement, 17 Jan. 1807

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to the Suffolk County bar about his assumption of the office of judge of the town court and the rules and regulations of practice, 16 Mar. 1814 [in the hand of Samuel Eliot Morison]

Reel 5

Letter from Ann Barraud (London) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding a sum of money that she requested from him, 17 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Lemuel Shaw (Boston), on behalf of the committee of the Suffolk County bar, to Harrison Gray Otis recommending William Minot for the office of recorder for the town court, 24 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from C. Haight (Philadelphia) to Richard Derby regarding Derby's conversation related to Harrison Gray Otis, 25 Mar. 1814

Reel 5

Memorandum by James Lloyd on war loans, Apr. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 72-73.

Reel 5

Letter from Thomas W. Francis (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on "unleashed democracy" in Philadelphia, the war with Great Britain, and the erection of a national bank, 1 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding war loans, 13 Apr. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 73-75.

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Richard C. Derby reducing their relationship to one of mere civility, 20 Apr. 1814 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Frederick May (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about Samuel Allyne Otis's illness, 21 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from William Cranch (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the death of Samuel Allyne Otis, 22 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Richard C. Derby (New Haven) to Harrison Gray Otis about their conversation and the severance of their relationship, 23 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Israel Thorndike (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about war loans, 23 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about war loans, 26 Apr. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 73-75.

Reel 5

Receipt from Peter O. Thacher to Harrison Gray Otis in favor of Daniel Webster, 28 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Edward Everett to Harrison Gray Otis regarding a reconciliation between them, 30 Apr. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on his health, his financial situation, and the downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte, 8 May 1814

Reel 5

Letter from James Warren (Plymouth) to Harrison Gray Otis offering sympathy on the death of Samuel Allyne Otis, 8 May 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Mercy Warren (Plymouth) to Harrison Gray Otis offering condolences on the death of Samuel Allyne Otis, 8 May 1814

Reel 5

Tax assessment on the lands in Somerset County granted to William Bingham, [10 May 1814]

Reel 5

Letter from James Lloyd (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis about war loans, 16 May 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding taxation of Otis's lands in Maine, 19 May 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to [ ] regarding his father's estate, 28 May 1814

Reel 5

Compilation of taxes and interest for William Bingham's estate, [June 1814]

Reel 5

Deed from Samuel Allyne Otis to Harrison Gray Otis to lands in Otisfield and Harrison, Me., 1 July 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis concerning their arrangements related to the Bingham lands in Maine, 17 July 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from the 5th Collection District of Massachusetts to Caleb Jewett for payment of taxes on lands in Bingham, Me., belonging to the heirs of William Bingham, 18 Aug. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from the 5th Collection District of Massachusetts to Caleb Jewett for payment of taxes on lands in Bingham, Me., belonging to Harrison Gray Otis and Stephen Jones, 18 Aug. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from the 7th Collection District of Massachusetts for payment of taxes on the land of Harrison Gray Otis, 19 Aug. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis for payment of taxes on his land in Harrison, Me., 20 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Simeon Carswell to Oliver Peirce in favor of Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce for payment of taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 20 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Ephraim Kneeland to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis, for payment of taxes on his lands in Otisfield, Me., 20 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Ephraim Kneeland to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce, for payment of taxes on their lands in Otisfield, Me., 20 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Jonathan Moors to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis, for payment of taxes on his lands in Otisfield, Me., 20 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Commission of Harrison Gray Otis as a member of the Massachusetts Committee of Defense, 22 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Silas Blake and others (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the settling of a minister in Otisfield, Me., 24 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Thomas W. Francis (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis concerning his son John, 24 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis outlining his actions related to Otis's land in Maine, 29 Sep. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Thomas W. Francis (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the character and education of his son John, 1 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Federalist attitude toward the war, 1 Oct. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 176-180.

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare to Harrison Gray Otis about the Hartford Convention, 11 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Federalist attitude toward the war, 15 Oct. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 176-180.

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis (Newburyport) to Mary Smith Gray Otis inquiring about her activities and describing the sermon of Mr. Morse, 16 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Resolution of the Massachusetts General Court authorizing the invitation to other New England states to the Hartford Convention, 17 Oct. 1814 [copy]

Reel 5

Report by Harrison Gray Otis stating the adverse effects of the war on Massachusetts and calling for a convention of delegates from the other New England states to air their grievances and concerns, 20 Oct. 1814 [printed]

Reel 5

Notice of the election of Harrison Gray Otis as a delegate to the Hartford Convention, 20 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from S. C. Carpenter (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting copies of Otis's speeches for his compilation of American eloquences, 21 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Federalists and the war, 21 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Henry Warren (Plymouth) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding family and personal matters, 23 Oct. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from John T. Gilman (Exeter, N.H.) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Hartford Convention, 31 Oct. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 181-182.

Reel 5

Letter from Gouverneur Morris (Morrisania) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Hartford Convention, 8 Nov. 1814

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 182-184.

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Christopher Gore on the Hartford Convention, 3 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Benjamin Foster to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis, for payment of highway taxes on his land in Harrison, Me., 10 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Receipt from Benjamin Foster to Oliver Peirce, in account for Harrison Gray Otis and the heirs of George Peirce, for payment of highway taxes on their lands in Harrison, Me., 10 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Charles Stewart (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding his misunderstanding with Captain Henderson and requesting Otis to act on his behalf, enclosed with copy of questions regarding the agreement made between Captains Henderson and Stewart and minutes of Stewart's recollections and impressions related to the agreement, 14 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis describing the men and the activities at the Hartford Convention, 15 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from M. O. Creighton (Newport) to Harrison Gray Otis and Charles Bradbury responding to questions concerning the agreement between Captains Stewart and Henderson, 17 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis about the Hartford Convention and the activities of their children, 18 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on her impressions of a ball, the style of Miss Boardman, and his stay in Hartford, 18 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis describing the Hartford Convention, 22 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities at the Hartford Convention and expressing his continued love for her, 23 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sophia H. Otis explaining the reasons for the paucity of descriptive passages in his letter and commenting on the literary talents of Miss Hunting, 31 Dec. 1814

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis (Boston) to her friends about attending an entertainment on Castle Island, [1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Charleston, S.C.) to Sophia H. Otis describing the scenery and flora in Carolina, 7 Jan. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to [ ] about the Hartford Convention, 21 Jan. 1815

Reel 5

Receipt from Oliver Peirce to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for real estate taxes on his lands in Otisfield and Harrison, Me., 25 Jan. 1815

Reel 5

Vote of the Massachusetts General Court authorizing the governor to send commissioners to Washington, 27 Jan. 1815 [draft in Harrison Gray Otis's hand]

Reel 5

Letter from Caleb Strong (Boston) to Messrs. Otis, Perkins, and Sullivan notifying them of their appointment as commissioners to negotiate at Washington regarding military matters, 31 Jan. 1815

Reel 5

Commission from Caleb Strong to Harrison Gray Otis, Thomas H. Perkins, and William Sullivan to represent Massachusetts in negotiating with the federal government at Washington, 31 Jan. 1815, with instructions to the commissioners, 28 Jan. 1815, and copy of resolution of the General Court, 27 Jan. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New Haven) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip to New Haven with Sophia H. Otis and giving instructions for filling his ice house, 5 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Receipt from J. Falcone for payment for dancing school lessons, 9 Feb. 1815 [incomplete]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip from New York and with instructions for her to attend to matters of his business, 9 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Baltimore) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip from Philadelphia, 12 Feb. [1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis with parental advice for her visit to the Harrison family at Philadelphia, 12 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to Sally Foster Otis about his situation in Washington and rumors of peace, 14 Feb. [1815]

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 164-165.

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities at Washington and plans to return home, 17 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Alexander J. Dallas (Washington) to [Harrison Gray Otis] about presidential clemency in the prosecution of Hampshire County residents for non-payment of taxes, 18 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to Sally Foster Otis about his attack of gout and activities at Washington, 20 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to Alexander J. Dallas about presidential clemency for residents of Hampshire County who had refused to pay their taxes, 21 Feb. 1815 [draft]

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis with parental advice for her visit away from home, 21 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about President Madison's reaction to the commissioners sent to negotiate with the government on military matters, 22 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to Sally Foster Otis describing the Washington birthday balls and his opinion of the administration's lack of style, 24 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Baltimore) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip from Washington, 28 Feb. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Princeton, N.J.) to Sophia H. Otis about his trip from Philadelphia, [Mar. 1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to J. Richards about developing lands in the Bingham Purchase, [Mar. 1815] [draft]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis about leaving her for an extended visit in Philadelphia, [Mar.] 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Lancaster) to Sally Foster Otis describing his trip from Baltimore, 3 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about his plans to return to Boston and leave Sophia H. Otis in Philadelphia, 6 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about settling affairs concerning Maine lands in the Bingham estate and about Alexander Dallas going to Boston to secure a loan, 9 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Daniel Holden (Otisfield, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about purchasing land at Otisfield and Harrison, 15 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis on family matters and plans for her return to Boston, 17 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Grinfill Blake (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of lots and payment of overdue debts, 20 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Benjamin Patch and Oliver Peirce (Otisfield, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about donating land to the first parish in Otisfield and about the purchase of lands in Otisfield and Harrison, 20 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about family matters and social news at Boston, 29 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the discharge of claims related to the settlement of William Bingham's estate, 30 Mar. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about plans for her trip from Philadelphia and family news, 9 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about an agency for the collection of French spoliation claims, 15 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis with parental advice, 20 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about French spoliation claims, 22 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Memorandum of an agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Peter Nutting, Jr. on the sale of land at Otisfield, 25 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Memorandum of an agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Silas Nutting on the sale of land at Otisfield, 25 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Bonaparte's return ending his plans for an agency to collect French spoliation claims, 28 Apr. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis about her sister Elizabeth Otis Lyman's miscarriage, [May 1815]

Reel 5

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards to the state of Massachusetts, 1 May 1815 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis asking her to bring their mother for a visit, 3 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about lands in the Bingham Purchase, 6 May 1815 [draft]

Reel 5

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 10 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from John Adams (Quincy) to Jedediah Morse about Unitarianism, 15 May 1815 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about household news, 19 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about how to handle a situation related to Sophia H. Otis during her visit to Philadelphia, 20 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis with news of Boston and their household, 21 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about his regard for her and with news of Boston, 21 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family health, 24 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his willingness to allow her to extend her trip, 27 May [1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about Williams Museum, family activities, and changing servants, 27 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about the arrival of the Constitution and personal matters, 29 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his entertaining at dinner, 30 May 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities during her absence, 2 June 1815

Reel 5

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis], on behalf of the Committee on Eastern Lands, to Charles Hayden and Caleb Jewett authorizing them to make a return of settlers on the Million Acre Tract, 23 June 1815

Reel 5

Account of the heirs of William Bingham's estate with Caleb Jewett, 24 June 1815

Reel 5

Receipts from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis for payments on his account, 24 June 1815

Reel 5

Account of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards with Caleb Jewett for work on Maine lands, 24 June 1815

Reel 5

Bill from George W. Coffin to Harrison Gray Otis for copying the plan of a Maine road, 24 June 1815

Reel 5

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] related to business with Caleb Jewett on Maine lands, 26 June 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis about Miss Adams's illness, 7 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (Isle of Wight) to Harrison Gray Otis about taking care of his business affairs at Boston and reporting on Napoleon's flight and affairs in France, 8 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis about family activities, 8 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis about family news, 9 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from D. W. Francis (Willington) to Harrison Gray Otis acknowledging his letter of condolence on the death of her husband, 13 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary and Nancy Otis about family activities, 13 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about selling his real estate in Boston and with news of Napoleon's exile, 15 July 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her mother Mary Smith Gray Otis and sister Mary Otis about her social activities, 30 July 1815

Reel 5

Notation and agreement by Rufus G. Amory concerning unhindered title to land purchased from the estate of Grizzel Sanford, 1 Aug. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis about her activities and visit to Lynn, 4 Aug. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from William Tudor (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about a proposed "institution for the Fine Arts," 2 Sep. 1815

Reel 5

Memorandum of an agreement between Harrison Gray Otis, Levi Patch, and Oliver Peirce related to land at Otisfield, 5 Sep. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from John Lowell (Roxbury) to Harrison Gray Otis on gardening, 20 Sep. 1815

Reel 5

Agreement of Levi Patch and Oliver Peirce to purchase land of Harrison Gray Otis at Otisfield, 25 Sep. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about news of family and friends during her absence, Oct. 1815

Reel 5

Plan and survey by Joseph Russell of a road from the Bingham Purchase to the Dead River, Oct. 1815

Reel 5

Return by Caleb Jewett and Charles Hayden of settlers in the Bingham Purchase, 9 Oct. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Maria Gray (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about her employment in an English household and Gray family matters, 12 Oct. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 22 Oct. 1815 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Benjamin Patch and Levi Patch (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis recommending Peter Nutting as a purchaser of land at Otisfield, 23 Nov. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Nathan Nutting (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis about his son's negotiations for a lot of land at Otisfield, 24 Nov. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Milton, N.J.) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her trip to New York and a meeting with Oliver Hazard Perry, 24 Nov. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Robert G. Harper about the cases of the brig Isanstorf and schooner Bothnia captured by the schooner Washington, 2 Dec. 1815 [copy]

Reel 5

Letter from Sophia H. Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family news, with addition by Harrison Gray Otis, 3 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis with instructions for her journey, 4 Dec. [1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Baltimore) to Sophia H. Otis about the suit against Fletcher and Gardiner for slandering Mrs. Law, with addition by Sophia [H. Otis] about Mrs. Otis's visit, 7 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis describing social events at Boston during her absence, 8 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Lord Liverpool to Harrison Gray, Jr. about Harrison Gray Otis's opinions expressed in a letter, 10 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family news, 12 Dec. [1815]

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about their correspondence, 19 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the estate of Samuel Sewall, 20 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis with news of their children and about his activities, 20 Dec. 1815

Reel 5

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis with news of Boston friends, 30 Dec. 1815


Reel 6

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about deeding over one of the family properties, [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to her mother Mary Smith Gray Otis on family matters, [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about Councilor Carnes's engagement and his activities at Boston, 5 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt from Gilbert Stuart to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for a portrait, 5 Jan. 1816 [incomplete]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about family matters and Boston friends, 7 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about real estate taxes on property in the Bingham Purchase, 8 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about personal concerns and family matters, 14 Jan. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family activities, 14 Jan. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his personal tastes, 17 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his political future, 19 Jan. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his dinner party, including entertaining Daniel Webster, 22 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) declining the nomination as candidate for governor, 25 Jan. 1816 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Charleston, S.C.) to Sophia H. Otis describing a dancing party at Charleston, 25 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about declining the gubernatorial nomination and his activities, 26 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his activities, 29 Jan. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about dining with Mr. Quincy, 31 Jan. 1816

Reel 6

Agreement between Harrison Gray Otis and Oliver Peirce to sell lands at Otisfield to Peirce, 1 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about the candidacy of John Brooks for governor and about family parties and activities, 2 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Charleston, S.C.) to Sophia H. Otis describing a ball at the Hon. Henry Middleton's house and other social activities, 4 Feb. [1816]

Reel 6

Promissory note from John Neal to Harrison Gray Otis, 5 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis to John Neal of Harrison, 5 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Bond from Harrison Gray Otis to Samuel Walker, 5 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Memorandum by Oliver Peirce of an agreement with Harrison Gray Otis to purchase lands at Otisfield, 5 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his reasons for declining to become a candidate for governor, 6 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis stating his priorities in life and about political matters, 9 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about political matters, Boston gossip, and social activities, 11 Feb. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his estimation of Gen. John Brooks as candidate for governor and about family news, 14 Feb. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his activities and news of family and friends at Boston, 17 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 19 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Charleston, S.C.) to Sophia H. Otis describing Charleston's climate and crops and news of friends there, 19 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his health and activities, 21-22 Feb. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his social engagements, 24 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Isaac Coffin (St. Helena, S.C.) to Harrison Gray Otis withdrawing his offer of a legacy for the benefit of higher education at Boston, 28 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his social activities and family news, 29 Feb. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt from D. Spear to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for services related to the Bingham Purchase, 2 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his lack of interest in becoming governor and on family matters, 3 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Charleston, S.C.) to Sophia H. Otis describing sporting and social events at Charleston, 5 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 7 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis with instructions for her trip by carriage from Charleston to Boston and with family news, 8 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about social activities at Boston, 12 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about means of communication during her trip home from Charleston, 16 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about family welfare during her absence, 17 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis detailing means to meet travel emergencies on her trip from Charleston, S.C., 23 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family welfare, 28 Mar. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about the measles epidemic, 29 Mar. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about family health after the measles epidemic, 31 Mar. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about state elections and family matters, 3 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis on personal matters and family health, 4 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about her mother's illness, 7 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about her mother's recovery of health, 9 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his activities at Boston and correspondence during her trip to Boston, 11 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Petersburg, Va.) to her father William Foster describing social and economic conditions in Virginia, real estate sales, and prices of enslaved people, 11 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about her mother's ill health, 13 Apr. [1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about meeting her at Hartford or New York on her trip returning to Boston from Charleston, S.C., 15 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sophia H. Otis about his travel plans in returning to Boston, 26 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sophia H. Otis describing Joseph Bonaparte and social activities at Philadelphia, 28 Apr. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt from the 5th Collection District of Massachusetts to Caleb Jewett for payment of taxes on lands in Bingham, Me., 1 May 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about opening lands in the Bingham Purchase to sales, 15 May 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to J. Richards in favor of opening lands of the Bingham Purchase to sales, 23 May 1816

Reel 6

Order from Caleb Jewett on Harrison Gray Otis to reimburse Selden and Fletcher for payment of taxes on Bingham Purchase lands, 24 May 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to J. Richards about the necessity of opening lands of the Bingham Purchase to settlers, 24 May 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis (Newburyport) to her mother Mary Smith Gray Otis describing her trip by stage from Boston and about family news, 28 May 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to J. Richards about Maine lands, [June] 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 4 June 1816 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 6 June 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the expenses of building a road through the Bingham Purchase in the course of developing the lands, 10 June 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis about the Tuckerman family and her activities at Boston, [1 July 1816]

Reel 6

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about accounts between them, 6 July 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Benjamin Kimball to Harrison Gray Otis about terms of a land purchase in Maine, [5 Aug. 1816]

Reel 6

Letter from D. Spear (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Nathan Spear's will, 6 Aug. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to her sister Mary Otis on family activities, 19 Aug. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about legal action related to his ownership of Maine lands, 20 Aug. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing Thomas Clement and about financial matters, 2 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about expenditures for a road opening Bingham Purchase lands to development, 6 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to Charles W. Hare regarding bonds he holds on lands of the Bingham Purchase, 18-20 Sep. [1816] [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from A. Sampson (Harrison, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of land in Harrison, 23 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from John Rutledge (New York) to Harrison Gray Otis describing his quarters during a visit to New York, 24 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt from the treasurer of Moscow, Me., to the estate of William Bingham for payment of highway taxes, 25 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about payments by William Bingham's estate for settlement expenses on Bingham lands, 28 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Christopher Hughes (Baltimore) to Harrison Gray Otis about his visit to Boston and his forthcoming trip to Europe and asking for letters of introduction, 30 Sep. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 3 Oct. 1816 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about the death of her sister's son George Theodore Lyman, [11 Oct. 1816]

Reel 6

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about handling a business matter for him, 12 Oct. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about handling his business affairs at Boston, 21 Oct. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from James Lloyd (Byeberry Point) to Harrison Gray Otis about state claims against the government for military service in the War of 1812, 1 Nov. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis on a matter of business related to Mr. Richards's trip to England, 16 Nov. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt from Gilbert Stuart to [Harrison Gray Otis], 17 Nov. 1816 [incomplete]

Reel 6

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] of legislation regulating time limits on settling duties on lands obtained from the state of Massachusetts, 6 Dec. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Robert G. Harper (Annapolis) to Harrison Gray Otis about his resignation from the Senate, 23 Dec. 1816

Reel 6

Receipt for payment of $41.00, 26 Dec. 1816

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Robert G. Harper about Harper's resignation from the Senate, 29 Dec. 1816 [typescript]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Mr. Boardman about the marriage of Harrison Gray Otis, Jr. and Eliza Boardman and the financial arrangements to be established between them, [1817] [draft]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis about his arrival home and the condition of their children, 4 Jan. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to Sally Foster Otis concerning their prospects for the new year and his circumstances in Boston, 6 Jan. 1817

Reel 6

Bill of exchange from Gordon, Duff, Ingles & Co. to Harrison Gray Otis in favor of George Harrison, 7 Jan. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis about the ownership of Foster's estate, 19 Jan. 1817

Reel 6

Certification of John Gardner as witness to a deed of sale from Stephen Jones to Harrison Gray Otis, 27 Jan. 1817, with deed, 1 June 1807

Reel 6

Abstract of letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (New York) to Robert G. Harper about the Bothnia case and the presence of privateers in the seas of northern New England, 29 Jan. 1817 [typescript]

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Lancaster) to her father William Foster describing her journey to New York and Philadelphia, 9 Feb. 1817

Reel 6

Receipt from the 5th Collection District of Massachusetts to Caleb Jewett for payment of taxes on lands in Bingham, Me., 15 Feb. 1817

Reel 6

Accounts of Harrison Gray Otis and John Richards with Caleb Jewett, 15 Feb. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to William Foster about the renovation of Washington, the state of society there, and the ramifications of the new administration, 27 Feb. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the payment of taxes on Maine lands, 1 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Lancaster) to her father William Foster describing the presidential inauguration in Washington and her tour of Mount Vernon on the following day, 12 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from John Adams (Quincy) to Harrison Gray Otis about William Crawford and Governor Isaac Shelby, who both served in the cabinet of President James Monroe, 16 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to James Lloyd about Maine lands, 17 Mar. 1817 [copy], enclosed with letter from Charles W. Hare to Harrison Gray Otis, 21 May 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Foster to Harrison Gray Otis about the purchase of Otis's country seat, 13 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from James Monroe (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about his New England tour, 28 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Willig (New Bedford) to Harrison Gray Otis defending his character against the slurs made by Otis, 28 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Sullivan (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis attempting to persuade Otis to relinquish his position as either judge or senator, 7 May 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Willig (New Bedford) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otis's refutation of his statement against Willig's character, 12 May 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about property in the Bingham Purchase, 21 May 1817, enclosed with copy of letter from Charles W. Hare to James Lloyd, 17 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis about her health and his plans for returning home, 22 Mar. [1817]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to Sophia H. Otis about the affection of her mother and the nature of her visit with friends, 24 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (New York) to Sophia H. Otis describing her stay in New York and their mutual friends, 29 Mar. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to the foreman of the jury, Court of Common Pleas, about the high degree of dedication and honesty in the juries of Boston, [Apr. 1817] [draft]

Reel 6

Letter from L. Cook, Jr. (Boston), on behalf of members of the jury for the April term, to Harrison Gray Otis praising his skill as a lawyer and his dedication to the principles of justice, with list of members of the jury, Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about man's craving for excitement and about his son Harrison's debut at a town meeting, 10 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from William Findley (Harrisburg) to Harrison Gray Otis about Kennebec lands, 22 Apr. 1817 [facsimile]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to President James Monroe inviting him and his wife to stay with the Otis family when they visit Boston, 22 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Thomas H. Perkins (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis suggesting that if Otis relinquishes his seat in the Senate, Mr. Lloyd should fill the vacant position, 24 Apr. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Smith Gray Otis describing her friends and activities in Chelsea, 26 May 1817

Reel 6

Bill from Caleb Jewett to the Bingham estate, June 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis about her studies, her activities, and her friends, 1 June 1817

Reel 6

Account of the heirs of William Bingham with Caleb Jewett, 12 June 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about a revision of the deed to the Bingham estate and the possibility of constructing a road there, 14 June 1817

Reel 6

Certificate of title from Amos Townsend, register of Somerset County, for property in the Bingham Purchase, 16 June 1817

Reel 6

Certificate of title to property in the Bingham Purchase from the register of Massachusetts, 19 June 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about Bingham lands, 22 June 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Joseph Leer, Lothrop Lewis, and Edward Robbins, commissioners of the Boston Land Office, to Harrison Gray Otis about their intention to obtain a road through the Bingham Kennebec lands, 27 June 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to the commissioners of the Land Office about Bingham lands, 29 June 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about legal matters in regard to the Bingham property in Maine, 5 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about deeds for the Bingham property in Maine, 10 July 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about the obtainment of a road through the Bingham property in Maine, 12 July 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from [William] Phillips (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis apologizing for having sent to Otis a certain paper, 12 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the authority to make a road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 21 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about the death of James Hamilton and family activities at home, 27 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Benjamin Vaughan (Hallowell, Me.) to Harrison Gray Otis about Dupuis's Origin of All Religions, the progress of agriculture in Maine, and the unfavorable portrayal of Maine by Boston editors, 28 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the Bingham lands in Maine and acknowledging Otis for the services he rendered, 29 July 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Lathrop Lewis about a road through Bingham lands, 30 July 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis about her purchase of new handkerchiefs and the condition of her health, 1 Aug. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about his personal activities at home and in Boston, 1 Aug. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis describing the sermons she heard at church, her activities at home, and the death of Mr. Thorndike, 3 Aug. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis relating how her attempt to visit was frustrated by the extreme heat, 5 Aug. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 11 Aug. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis requesting the purchase of some flowering cotton and suggesting that Mary Otis return home as soon as possible, 13 Sep. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis regarding the arrangements for Mary Otis's arrival home, 18 Sep. 1817

Reel 6

Report from William Bainbridge to the secretary of the navy regarding the selection of a site for a new naval depot, 17 Oct. 1817 [copy]

Reel 6

Receipt from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis for the deeds of Jonah Chase, Amos Fletcher, and Paul Rowe, 11 Nov. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing his hope that she will join him in Washington, 2 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Isaac Hull (Charleston) to Harrison Gray Otis recommending the establishment of three, rather than one, naval depot, 5 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing her private and social activities in Washington, 6 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to his son Allyne Otis asking him about his activities at school, 7 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about her intellectual development and the social events transpiring in Washington, 17 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about the poor state of her health, the pigs screaming beneath her window, and the fire alarm in her domain, 21 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Letter from Henry A. S. Dearborn (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Otis's re-election as brigadier general, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division in the Massachusetts militia, 23 Dec. 1817

Reel 6

Report by [William Bainbridge] against Narragansett as the site for the new naval depot, [1818]

Reel 6

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding the claims of Massachusetts against the United States, [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] to James Bridge about legal matters regarding the Bingham estate, [1818] [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New Brunswick) to Sally Foster Otis describing the insurrection at Harvard College and how William was spared from punishment due to the intervention of his brother Harry, [1818]

Reel 6

Requisition by General Henry Dearborn for the Massachusetts militia to be placed at the service of the United States, Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis recounting his journey from New York to Hartford, 1 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster about the United States' relationship with Great Britain, General Andrew Jackson, and various personal matters, 5 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Statement from Eleazer W. Ripley (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about the services of the New England militia in the War of 1812, 25 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis asking about members of their family and detailing her social activities in Washington, 26 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from John Brooks (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Massachusetts claims, 27 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Henry Clay about Massachusetts war claims, [28] Jan. 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from [Henry Clay] (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis about Massachusetts claims, 29 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about her admirers, the business of Congress, and the social festivities in Washington, 30 Jan. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Governor Brooks about Massachusetts war claims, [Feb.] 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to her father William Foster describing the Congressional issues in which Harrison Gray Otis is involved, in particular the claims of those soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War, 1 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from William Sullivan to Harrison Gray Otis advising him to resign his judgeship, 1 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about the health of their relations and about her social engagements in Washington, 4 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Senate desk) to Sophia H. Otis about her admirers and female rivals and his social activities in Washington, 5 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from [William Sullivan] to Harrison Gray Otis about the investigation of the Boston Court of Common Pleas and Otis's status as judge, 5 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Christopher Hughes (Stockholm) to Harrison Gray Otis describing his travels through London and Paris, the death of King Charles of Sweden and Norway, and the birth of his new son, 10 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about William Mercer of Virginia and his social activities in Washington, 14 Feb. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing her friends and the social life around the capital, [20 Feb.] 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis [Washington] to Sophia H. Otis describing the unsociability of her son James, the large number of Bostonians in Washington, and her friends and acquaintances, [1 Mar.] 1818

Reel 6

Notes by Harriet Otis on John Gorham's chemistry lectures, 2 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing his love and affection for her, describing the social gossip in Washington, and questioning her about her reading habits, 2 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from William Minot (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis refuting the claim that he unjustly influenced the legislature to extend his tenure of office, 3 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to William Foster describing the advent of spring in the capital and William Foster's former friends and acquaintances which she has met in Washington, 3 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Resignation of Harrison Gray Otis as a judge of the Boston Court of Common Pleas, 8 Mar. 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Senate room) to Sophia H. Otis about his resignation from the Boston Court of Common Pleas, 9 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from William Bainbridge (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about naval depots, 13 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from William Bainbridge (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the selection of the new naval depot, 17 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing her friends, her acquaintances, and her activities in Washington, 19 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis about his intention to be with her in May and about the friends he has encountered in Washington, particularly William Tudor, 21 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing the personality and activities of their friend Holly, 24 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis detailing his evening at the French minister's and the activities of Holly, 30 Mar. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis expressing his desire for her to return home, [Apr.] 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about Sophia's transition from adolescence to womanhood and her upcoming visit to Philadelphia, 1 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from John Brooks (Medford) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otis's resignation as judge, 2 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from John Brooks (Medford) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otis's resignation as judge, 4 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Resolution by Benjamin Gorham, Lemuel Shaw, and Peter O. Thacher, members of the Suffolk County bar, on the resignation of Harrison Gray Otis as judge, expressing their approbation of Otis's work, 6 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing a parody by his son William, an eloquent speech by Holly, and the social scene in Washington, 6 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to the Suffolk County bar expressing his appreciation for their vote of approbation, [8 Apr.] 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the poor condition of his health and the state of his finances, 8 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from the standing committee of the Suffolk County bar to Harrison Gray Otis expressing their approbation of Otis's work as judge, 8 Apr. 1818

Reel 6

Check list by [Harrison Gray Otis] of persons funded for the Honorable Henry Clay, 20 May [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about his trip to Boston and proposing to accompany Otis to Maine to settle affairs related to the development of lands in the Bingham Purchase, 6 June 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about her journey from Providence to their home, 8 June [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Thomas M. Willing (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Charles W. Hare and the Bingham estate, 11 June 1818

Reel 6

Report by James Lloyd and others delegating power to Harrison Gray Otis and Prentiss Mellon to prosecute the claims of Massachusetts against the United States, 12 June 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to the assessors of the Bingham plantation in Maine requesting that the taxes of the non-resident proprietors be remitted in compensation for their making a new road, 11 July 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from John C. Calhoun (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis stating the receipt of the piano that Otis sent him and expressing his sincere gratitude, 24 July 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray, Jr. (London) to Harrison Gray Otis about the state of his finances, 5 Aug. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis concerning his financial obligations in regard to the road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 11 Aug. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis describing the suffocation of a young boy and recounting some of her activities, 12 Aug. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis about their meeting together and her activities, 23 Aug. 1818

Reel 6

Promise by Samuel Spear of payment to Uriah Cotting in the amount of $6,000, 1 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis sending him additional funds for building a road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 2 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis outlining his social engagements and describing the gossip and social events around Boston, 2 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about the road through the Bingham property in Maine, 7 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis approving the five miles of road through the Bingham property in Maine and promising additional funds, 16 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 21 Sep. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis, 6 Oct. 1818 [incomplete]

Reel 6

Letter from George Harrison (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting that Otis stay with him in Philadelphia and expressing his admiration for Sophia, 8 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis expressing her disappointment at Mary Otis's failure to visit and describing her various activities, 12 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Rufus G. Amory (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the claims of the heirs of William Fellows to the estate of Nathaniel Fellows, 13 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Circular letter from Harrison Gray Otis suggesting that the private journal of the Hartford Convention be made accessible to the public, with list of members to whom it was sent, 20 Oct. 1818 [draft]

Reel 6

Letter from Nathan Dane (Beverly) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 23 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Hodijah Baylies (Dighton) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 24 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harriet Otis (Middleborough) to Mary Otis describing her trip to Bridgewater, her activities there, and her return trip home, 26 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Joshua Thomas (Plymouth) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 26 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Receipts from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis in favor of Charles W. Hare, devisee in trust for the heirs of William Bingham, 27 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Accounts of Caleb Jewett with the heirs of William Bingham, 30 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Joseph Lyman (Northampton) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 30 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Bliss (Springfield) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 31 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from William Hall (Bellows Falls) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 31 Oct. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Joniah Treadwell to George Cabot regarding the records of the Hartford Convention, Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Daniel Lyman (Providence) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 6 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New Haven) to Sally Foster Otis describing his journey to New Haven and his meeting with Mr. Prentiss of Lexington, 8 Nov. [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Samuel Ward (Jamaica, Long Island) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 8 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from James Hillhouse (New Haven) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 12 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Mills Olcott (Hanover) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 12 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing the severe illness of his son James and the exploits of Holly, 13 [Nov.] 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Stephen Longfellow (Portland, Me.) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 13 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Baltimore) to Sally Foster Otis assuring her of his health and safety, [16 Nov. 1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Calvin Goddard (Norwich) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 18 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his love and affection for her and describing his accommodations in Washington and the social gossip around the capital, 18 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Cabot to James Hillhouse about Hartford Convention records, 20 Nov. 1818 [copy], enclosed in letter from James Hillhouse to George Cabot, 12 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the social and political occurrences in Washington, 20 Nov. 1818 [incomplete]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding the upbringing of their children, his social and political calls in Washington, and the need in government for persuasion rather than force, 22 Nov. [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing his evening at the home of Madame De Neuvfille and advising her to renew her studies in music, French, literature, and arithmetic, 23 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about his numerous social engagements in Washington, 25 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing concern for her headache, 26 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing Elizabeth Monroe and his social engagements in Washington, 26 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the social gossip in Washington, the nature of friendship, and his longing for his wife, 26 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing in detail the people, costumes, and food at the British minister's ball, 28 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding the wide use of snuff in Washington by the most respected men, 30 [Nov.] 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding an unfortunate incident with Sophia H. Otis, 30 Nov. 1818

Reel 6

Notes by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding the case of Mathew Lyon, [Dec. 1818]

Reel 6

Notes by Harrison Gray Otis for his speech on the Sedition Act, [Dec. 1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Nathan Fellows (Havana) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding his lawsuit with Rufus Amory, 1 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding Sophia H. Otis's acquaintance with a young woman of dubious integrity and the dissemination of an erroneous story, 1 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis stating that they should be open with each other and expressing his wish that she take a more optimistic view of the future, 4 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing the death of Columbia Peters and his dinner engagement at the home of Mr. Adams, 6 Dec. [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis attempting to ease her mind about the ramifications of the unfortunate incident in which she was involved, 6 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the renewal of party strife over the issue of Mathew Lyon and the Sedition Act of 1798, 9 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the funding of the road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 11 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the social consequences of the unhappy incident regarding Sophia H. Otis, his social engagements in Washington, and the waltzing ability of John Quincy Adams, 11 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing his political and social activities, 14 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing a dinner party he gave and an elaborate ball at the French minister's, 15 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Cabot (Boston) to Governor Brooks about depositing the journal of the Hartford Convention in the state's archives, 17 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing his social activities in Washington and praising her for her initiative in having a small party of her own, 17 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Charles W. Hare (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis offering to remit the sum needed for completing the road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 19 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities in his home in Washington, 19 Dec. 1818 [incomplete]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis and Prentiss Mellon (Washington) to John Brooks, governor of Massachusetts, about the claims of Massachusetts against the United States, 22 Dec. 1818 [printed]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Charles W. Hare about Maine lands, 22 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis explaining that his political correspondence has prevented him from writing to her as frequently as he would like, 22 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing a winter snow storm and his social engagements and asking her about members of his family, 23 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis complaining about the large amount of correspondence that he is required to answer and assuring her of his faithfulness and affection, 23 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about his busy schedule and Trumbell's painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 24 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the repair of their ice house, his lonely Christmas, and the social gossip in Washington, 25 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his continued love and affection for her and his respect for her intelligence and philosophizing about married life, 27 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Joseph Story (Salem) to Harrison Gray Otis reversing his position on the Alien and Sedition Acts, 27 Dec. 1818

Printed in: Morison, Samuel Eliot. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913. 122.

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about Sophia H. Otis's future and his shrinking social engagements, 28 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Cabot (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the journal of the Hartford Convention, 29 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Isaac Parker (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Massachusetts war claims, 29 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Havre de Grace) to Sophia H. Otis concerning family matters, 30 Dec. [1818]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing his social activities and commenting on the course of her studies, 30 Dec. 1818

Reel 6

Letter from George Cabot (Boston) to Secretary Bradford regarding the journal of the Hartford Convention, 31 Dec. 1818 [copy]

Reel 6

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis recounting his activities and contrasting his habits with those of Mr. Ogden, 31 Dec. 1818


Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis describing various paintings that he has seen and his activities, [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Israel Thorndike (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about claims against the Russian government, 1 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis discussing how she should interact with friends and acquaintances since her unhappy incident, 2 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding his social engagements in Washington, his hatred of slavery, and Sophia H. Otis's interest in a certain young man, 5 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis promising her a longer and more sympathetic letter on the following day, 7 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis teasing her about their similarities and differences and commenting on her male admirers, 7 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing a dinner engagement at the Calverts and commenting on their family and friends, 9 Jan. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her activities at home and those of her children, 9 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about her good spirits and about retaining her letters, 10 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from John H. Powell (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Powell's power of attorney, with copy of document delegating that power to Powell, 10 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her activities and commenting on their mutual friends, 11 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his contentment with her and commenting on the activities of their children, 12 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on his relationship with her mother's family, describing Mr. Bowdoin, and giving an abundance of paternal advice, 14 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis commenting on his absence and his social engagements and detailing her own activities, 14 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her activities and commenting on their friends and acquaintances, 15 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his emotional dependence upon her and the sympathy that exists between them and alluding to a connection between a certain young man and one of their daughters, 16 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his longing for her company, 17 Jan. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis detailing her activities and commenting on some of their friends and acquaintances, 18 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing an interesting dinner at the Bagots and commenting on some of his acquaintances, 19 Jan. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis explaining that his busy schedule prevents him from writing a longer letter, 20 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the high spirits of her mother and containing a poem about her male admirers, 20 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing circumstances at home and her activities, 21 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding personal matters, the debates in Congress over the Seminole War, and the uncertainty of King's re-election, 22 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from James T. Austin (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis introducing William Page and commenting on his speech about Mathew Lyon, 23 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis teasing her about the social events in Washington, 23 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from James Lloyd (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about a report of the bank committee and a communication regarding Otis in the Senate, 24 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing his social engagements and their various friends and acquaintances, 24 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis expressing his opinion of Daniel Webster and discussing the schooling of their children, 26 Jan. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis advising her that it is more important to be realistic than to be imaginative, 27 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from George Cabot to Harrison Gray Otis about the Hartford Convention journal, with typescript copy, 30 Jan. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing Judge Johnson and William Claiborn and commenting on George's education, 1 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her activities and commenting on the completion of a new building and a few of their friends and acquaintances, 2 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis commenting on the death of Mrs. Gaston, Charles Bagot's leave of absence, Henry Clay's losses at gambling, and the education of their sons, 3 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing Andrew Jackson and detailing his social engagements, 5 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding some property in Watertown, 7 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Report by James Lloyd and others regarding the claims of Massachusetts against the United States, 8 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing a deadly duel between Mr. Mason and Mr. MacCarty and discussing a sermon preached by President Kirkland of Harvard, 8 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing disappointment at not receiving a letter from her, 8 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis commenting on her social activities and his own, 9 Feb. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing an interest in her activities and stating his desire to be with her, 9 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing a dinner party at the Calhouns and briefly commenting on John Forsyth, Andrew Jackson, and Mr. King, 12 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis detailing his social engagements, 14 Feb. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis humorously describing the guests at a dinner party that he attended and commenting on Henry Clay's gambling, 18 Feb. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing a dinner party where she was compared to Mary Bagot, the wife of the British minister Charles Bagot, 19 Feb. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis discussing his plans for returning home and describing a diplomatic dinner that he arranged, 21 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his activities and his bill for the hanging of pirates, 23 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about trouble in the Winthrop family and his preparing to leave for home, 26 Feb. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to John H. Powell regarding the lands in the Bingham estate, Mar. 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to James T. Austin about his speech and the fate and reputation of New England, 1 Mar. 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Poem from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about his delay in returning home, 2 Mar. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis about his journey homeward and the loss of several of his letters, 9 Mar. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about a raging snow storm and their son James, 9 Mar. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New Haven) to Sally Foster Otis about his correspondence and his prospects for returning home, [11 Mar. 1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Hartford) to Sally Foster Otis about his journey from New Haven to Hartford and his expectations for returning home, [12 Mar. 1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis concerning their children and his trip from Washington to Philadelphia in 28 hours, 12 Mar. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis about Maine lands, 8 Apr. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Daniel Steward (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis requesting that Otis, as agent for the trustees of the William Bingham estate, pay the taxes on the land belonging to the heirs, 10 Apr. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from James Hillhouse (New Haven) to George Cabot about Hartford Convention records, 12 Apr. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to John H. Powell regarding a road through the Bingham estate, 13 Apr. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to William Foster regarding Foster's desire for his country residence and the settlement to be worked out between them, 19 Apr. 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Caleb Jewett about Maine lands, 20 Apr. 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis [Boston] to Harrison Gray regarding Gray's account, May 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis explaining that they delayed their outing until the following day, 13 May 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Daniel Steward regarding the taxes to be paid on the lands in the Bingham estate, 19 May 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to John H. Powell regarding the legal aspects of the Bingham estate, 20 May 1819 [incomplete copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis detailing his activities and commenting on the political situation in Boston, 23 May [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining the delay in paying Otis the sum owed him, 26 May 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Ahira Sampson (Harrison) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining the delay in paying Otis the sum owed him, 26 May 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sally Foster Otis discussing Allyne's future and his proposed European trip, 28 May [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from John H. Powell (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Bingham estate, 29 May 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Samuel Walker (Harrison) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining the delay in paying Otis the money due him, 1 June 1819

Reel 7

Order from Caleb Jewett on Harrison Gray Otis for payment of Jewett's advances for the heirs of William Bingham, 24 June 1819

Reel 7

Receipt from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of the disbursements on the Kennebec Road, 24 June 1819

Reel 7

Accounts of Caleb Jewett with the heirs of William Bingham, 27 June 1819

Reel 7

Receipt from John Richards to Harrison Gray Otis, in account for John Hare Powell, for payment of the county taxes on land in the Bingham estate, 27 June 1819

Reel 7

Receipt from Caleb Jewett to Harrison Gray Otis for payment for the building of a road through the Kennebec lands, 28 June 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to George Cabot regarding subscription to loans proposed by the United States following the War of 1812, 2 July 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from George Cabot (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Otis's support of the motion to fund money to the United States government at the inception of the War of 1812, 3 July 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Thomas Edes, Jr. (Otisfield) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining his delay in paying Otis the amount of money due to him, 8 July 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis (Framingham) to Mary Smith Gray Otis describing the scenery, the people, and the places on her journey through Massachusetts, 14 July 1819

Reel 7

Order from Henry S. Thacher & Haggins to Harrison Gray Otis for payment of $500 on a specified note, 19 July 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis (Saratoga) to Mary Smith Gray Otis describing in detail the people and the sites at Saratoga and the scenery at Lake George, 21 July 1819

Reel 7

Letter from John H. Powell to Harrison Gray Otis expressing thanks for Otis's aid, Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Nathaniel Fellows regarding the lawsuit between Fellows and Mr. Amory, 2 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis (Saratoga Springs) to Mary Smith Gray Otis describing her activities in Saratoga Springs and expressing her religious beliefs, 5 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis (Saratoga Springs) to Mary Otis regarding family news and describing her activities, 6 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Smith Gray Otis regarding her return home, 7 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis detailing family news and describing his activities, 9 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis (Saratoga Springs) to Mary Otis describing in detail her friends and activities, 12 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Order from Selden & Fletcher to discharge taxes on the Bingham Purchase, 12 Aug. 1819, with receipt to John Richards on the account of John H. Powell for payment of taxes on the Kennebec lands, 28 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Thomas M. Willing about the Bingham estate, 20 Aug. 1819 [draft]

Reel 7

Receipt to John Richards on the account of John H. Powell for payment of taxes on the Kennebec lands, 28 Aug. 1819, with order from Selden & Fletcher to discharge taxes on the Bingham Purchase, 12 Aug. 1819

Reel 7

Receipt from Richard Sawtell for Selden & Fletcher for payment of taxes on the Bingham Kennebec lands, 11 Oct. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to John H. Powell about the Bingham estate, 14 Oct. [1819] [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis briefly stating a change in his plans, 15 Oct. 1819

Reel 7

Extract of letter from William Tudor (Boston) to Joseph Hopkinson on slavery, 8 Nov. 1819 [copy]

Reel 7

Memorandum by [Harrison Gray Otis] regarding deeds to lands in the William Bingham Purchase, 9 Nov. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis describing his arrival in Philadelphia and commenting on her social activities, 18 Nov. 1819

Reel 7

Will of William Foster, 24 Nov. 1819 [copy], with codicil, 11 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis describing his social activities in Philadelphia, commenting on family news, and sketching out the issues that will be occupying Congress, 29 Nov. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the antagonism between their relations in Philadelphia, 30 Nov. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Baltimore) to her father William Foster discussing her journey from Philadelphia to Baltimore and commenting on his poor state of health, 4 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing the city of Washington, Sophia H. Otis's male admirers, and the current social gossip, 5 Dec. 1819 [incomplete]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about the death of his daughter Sally Otis Thorndike, 8 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster about the death of his daughter Sally Otis Thorndike and her will, 10 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing in detail how he learned of Sally's death and reflecting on its meaning, 11 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis expressing her grief and explaining her reasons for remaining in Washington, 13 Dec. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis admonishing her for not writing and attempting to alleviate some of her grief, 17 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis regarding some financial arrangements, 18 Dec. [1819]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis inquiring about the condition of her children and expressing her continued love for her family, 19 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about his will, 20 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis requesting that she write him and suggesting that she arrange for the family and Mr. Thorndike to meet together, 22 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from John Lowell (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing his pleasant visit with [Elizabeth Otis] Lyman and Harrison Gray Otis, Jr., 23 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster about Foster's will, 24 Dec. 1819 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about the thoughtfulness of her sons, her return home, and a portrait of her daughter Sally by Gilbert Stuart, 24 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Pickman (Salem) to Harrison Gray Otis about their long and continued friendship, 24 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis reflecting on Sally's death and the importance of family solidarity, 26 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis urging her to resume their regular correspondence and commenting on the breeches within their family, 28 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the poor state of his health and about procuring a copy of Otis's previous letter, 30 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis reflecting on the upcoming new year and the activities of her family in Boston, 31 Dec. 1819

Reel 7

Accounts of Harrison Gray Otis in connection with Bingham lands, [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to William King about Bingham lands, [1820] [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Sophia H. Otis (Georgetown) to William Foster Otis about social life in Washington, 6 Jan. 182-

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing his continued grief over the loss of Sally and reflecting on Sophia's happiness, 1 Jan. 1820 [incomplete]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis regarding her father's will and the duplicity of Mr. Apthorp, her brother-in-law, 3 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing her activities and commenting on various friends and acquaintances, 8 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis reminiscing about Sally and describing her friends and activities, 13 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about her activities and the debates in Congress over the Maine-Missouri Bill, 18 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to her son George Otis advising him about this studies and warning him to take precautions while ice skating, 20 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding the health of Mary [Lyman], 22 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis expressing her maternal need to care for her family and reflecting on the death of her daughter Sally, 22 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing the oratory skills of William Pickney, 23 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Isaac Parker (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis on politics, 26 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Benjamin Joy concerning his motivation in writing to William Foster, 27 Jan. 1820 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about his response to William Pickney in the Senate and the division of a lot of land among his children, 28 Jan. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on her dinner with Charles Lee, the conduct of their relatives, and her activities in Washington, 29 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis expressing his affection for her and his dismay at the disrespectful behavior of G. A., 30 Jan. 1820

Reel 7

Questions from Harrison Gray Otis to William Foster, Jr. about the Foster will episode, with William Foster, Jr.'s replies, [Feb.] 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about the articulateness and originality of Mr. Randolph and the affairs of her family, 2 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis expressing disdain with the southern states and the system of enslavement, with typescript, 5 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sophia H. Otis gossiping about friends and acquaintances and commenting on the rupture in their family, 6 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Elizabeth Otis Lyman regarding the dispute over his will and the subsequent breech within their family, 7 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to William Sullivan regarding the Maine-Missouri Bill and his speech in the Senate in response to William Pickney, 7 Feb. 1820 [typescript]

Reel 7

Letter from Elizabeth Otis Lyman to William Foster attempting to reconcile the dispute between Foster and Lyman's mother Sally Foster Otis, [9 Feb.] 1820 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Joy (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the exchange of letters between William Foster and Harrison Gray Otis and the rupture within the Otis family, 9 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing her friends and activities and commenting on Harrison Gray Otis's speech in the Senate, enclosed with copy of "Elegia Ode on the Death of Marianne,"9 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing an enlightening discussion about human nature and venting her anger toward her sister Mary and her husband, 13 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to her father William Foster expressing her concern for his health, 14 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Benjamin Joy regarding William Foster's will and his dispute with Col. Apthorp, 17 Feb. 1820 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster, Jr. regarding the dispute over his father's will, 18 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis attempting to lighten her spirits and commenting on the arrival of Mr. Thorndike, 18 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing her walk in the city, inquiring about her family, and relating her activities, 18 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Extract of letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (Washington) to [ ] regarding the Missouri question, 19 Feb. 1820 [in the hand of Samuel Eliot Morison]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis gossiping about local news, 21 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster, Jr. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the schism in their family and Otis's speech in the Senate, 22 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from John Lowell (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding Otis's speech on the Missouri question, 22 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing her walk along Rocky Creek and her activities, 24 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Pickman (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis on politics, 24 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Israel Thorndike (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about claims against the Russian government, 24 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about the negotiations with Spain over Florida, 28 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Joy to Harrison Gray Otis about the misunderstanding between Otis and Charles Apthorp, 29 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Israel Thorndike (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about claims against the Russian government, 29 Feb. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from L. Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 1 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Joy (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the dispute between the Otis and Apthorp families and the opinion of the mediators, 5 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing her reading, her activities, and her friends, 5 Mar. 1820 [incomplete]

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Joy (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the proposed reconciliation between the Otis and Apthorp families, 6 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis describing the weather and her activities, 8 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from James Prince (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the Missouri Compromise, 10 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Ezra Starkweather (Worthington) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 10 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about the weather and her proposed trip home, 13 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to William Foster attempting to reconcile his disagreements with both Foster and Apthorp, 14 Mar. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to William Foster regarding his misunderstanding with Charles Apthorp, 14 Mar. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Benjamin Joy regarding his reconciliation with Col. Apthorp, 15 Mar. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis gossiping about her friends and acquaintances and describing her activities, 17 [Mar.] 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about his return home, the society of the "great," and George Lyman, 18 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Georgetown) to Sophia H. Otis about the arrival of Mr. Lee and the political activities of Harrison Gray Otis, 19 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Philadelphia) to Sophia H. Otis describing her activities and a riot in the prison, 20 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Ambrose Spencer (Albany) to Harrison Gray Otis on the Missouri question, 20 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis praising her for her strength of character and describing a duel that occurred in Washington, 22 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about the duel in Washington between two captains and his activities, 23 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis describing the funeral of the Duc de Berni, 24 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Joy (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about Otis's letter and his attempt at reconciliation with Charles Apthorp, 26 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing the funeral procession of Captain Decatin and the quarrel between Mr. Randolph and Mr. Mercer, 26 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis about her painful rheumatism and the controversy over Florida, 27 Mar. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis regarding his return home, the business of the Senate, and how she should interact with her father and her family, 31 Mar. [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to James Prince about the Missouri question, the extension of slavery, and the lack of solidarity in the North, 1 Apr. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Ambrose Spencer reminiscing about the past and lamenting the squabbles that have plagued the North, 1 Apr. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis describing the weather, his health, and his activities, 2 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on the correspondence between Barron and Decatin and describing his friends and acquaintances, 3 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from [George Logan] (Stenton) to Harrison Gray Otis inviting him to visit Stenton, 5 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from George Logan (Stenton) to Harrison Gray Otis acknowledging receipt of the pamphlets sent by Otis and commenting on the opposers of slavery, 5 Apr. 1820 [incomplete]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Joseph Hopkinson about the Bankrupt Act and Henry Clay's vision of the extension of the United States into the West, 6 Apr. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis expressing his desire to be with his family and commenting on the fire on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 6 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from James T. Austin (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about politics, 7 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities and inquiring about his family and friends, 8 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis expressing his anxiousness to return home and commenting on the business of Congress, 10 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis informing him about her reception at home and in particular the reactions of her family, 10 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her conversation with Israel Thorndike and commenting on her friends and family, 11 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis commenting on the activities of their son James and the appointment of Henry Middleton as United States minister to Russia, 12 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis describing her encounter with her father and the rest of her family, 12 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis about the ineffectiveness of long-winded eulogies and James's decision not to sail to Russia, 13 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis regarding her relationship with her father and future interactions with her family, 14 [Apr.] 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis regarding the circumstances of Israel Thorndike, the tariff issue in Congress, and her relationship with her family, 16 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Edward Everett (Cambridge) to Harrison Gray Otis regarding the implications of the Missouri question and his lectures at Harvard on the history of Greek literature, 18 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis advising her how to interact with her family, 18 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Harrison Gray Otis, Jr. regarding the voyage of his son James, 19 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis discussing the probable date of his return home and describing the activities of [John Randolph], 20 Apr. 1820 [incomplete]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to [ ] stating his reasons for objecting to the testimonial dinner to be given on his behalf, 22 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Thomas H. Perkins about the proposed testimonial dinner on his behalf and the progress of the Tariff Bill in Congress [copy], enclosed with letter from Otis to [ ] stating his reasons for opposing the testimonial dinner, 22 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis about their son James and about having the house painted, 23 Apr. [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Crawfords) to Sally Foster Otis about the Tariff Bill and his distaste for a testimonial dinner to be given in his honor, 23 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis regarding a bill of lading for their boxes, 24 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis commenting on James's voyage and her intercourse with her father and describing the antics of R., 26 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Sally Foster Otis explaining his delay in writing James and commenting on the affairs of her family, 27 Apr. [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on James's voyage and expressing doubt about the credibility of Scott's Ivanhoe, 28 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from James Perkins (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis with notes on drawbacks, 29 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis commenting on the loss of their coach horse and the strange character of Thorndike, 30 Apr. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities in Washington, 2 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis suggesting the name of Harry's newborn son, advising her on the procurement of a new horse, and commenting on the Hinkly case, where a young girl was seduced by her tutor, 3 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sophia H. Otis commenting on an incident involving Thorndike and her story about the illicit relations of Miss Hinkly, 3 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis describing her activities and gossiping about local news, 3 May 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis commenting on the Tariff Bill, the Spanish negotiations, and his previous political enmity with [Benjamin] Austin, 5 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Washington) to Sally Foster Otis informing her that he is leaving for Baltimore, 6 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from William Young (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about the tariff, 6 May 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Philadelphia) to Sally Foster Otis regarding his plans for returning home, 9 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Whitwell, Bond & Co. (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis about the tariff, 9 May 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (New York) to Sally Foster Otis supplying her with the details of his return home, 10 May [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from William Foster (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis declaring that he no longer wishes to communicate with Otis, 14 May 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to William Foster concerning Foster's relationship with his children and defending the behavior of the Otis family, 16 May 1820 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Caleb Jewett (Norridgewock) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining the financial arrangements for the road through the Bingham lands in Maine, 22 May 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Harrison Gray, Jr. about the death of his daughter Sally and Gray's financial situation, 26 May 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from [Harrison Gray Otis] (Boston) to Robert G. Harper regarding Mr. O'Maley and the termination of Otis's commission, 31 May 1820 [typescript]

Reel 7

Letter from Sally Foster Otis (Boston) to Sophia H. Otis about Sophia H. Otis's education and circumstances in New York, 30 June 1820

Reel 7

Letter from George Harrison to Harrison Gray Otis describing the circumstances of his case, 3 July [1820]

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Caleb Jewett about Maine lands, 7 July 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter from John Richards (Boston) to Harrison Gray Otis instructing Otis in regard to his property in Kennebec County, Me., 9 July 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Boston) to Thomas M. Willing claiming that he received inadequate compensation for the services he rendered as agent to the devisees in William Bingham's trust, 13 July 1820 [draft]

Reel 7

Letter from Thomas M. Willing (Philadelphia) to Harrison Gray Otis about Bingham lands, 16 July 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Smith Gray Otis describing her activities and inquiring about her friends, enclosed with her journal of a journey through New England, 21 July 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Winslow, Me.) to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities in and his journey through Maine, 26 July 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis (Norridgewock) to Sally Foster Otis describing his activities in Maine, 27 July [1820]

Reel 7

Notice by Harrison Gray Otis, as proprietor of Maine lands, of his intention to be in Anson, with list of persons intending to see him, 27 July 1820

Reel 7

Lease from Amos Fletcher of a lot in Bingham lands, 29 July 1820

Reel 7

Letter from [John H. Powell] to Harrison Gray Otis presenting him with a check as compensation for services rendered as agent to the devisees in William Bingham's trust, 4 Aug. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Henry Middleton (London) to Harrison Gray Otis offering to be of service to James Otis and inquiring about the growth of commerce between the United States and Russia, 5 Aug. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Oliver Peirce instructing him to collect the payments due from the settlers on Otis's lands in Maine, 10 Aug. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Letter to Ahira Sampson regarding the failure to pay the principal and interest on Neal's obligation, 10 Aug. 1820, enclosed with copy of transfer from James Sampson to Grinfill Blake of the Neal lot, 22 Feb. 1821

Reel 7

Letter from John T. Kirkland (Cambridge) to Harrison Gray Otis offering Otis's nephew a tutorship position at Harvard College, 15 Aug. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Thomas M. Willing regarding his lands in Maine, 23 Aug. 1820 [copy]

Reel 7

Promise by Samuel Spear of payment to Uriah Cotting, 31 Aug. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Benjamin Kimball (Bridgton) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining his delay in paying Otis the money owed him, with notations by Otis regarding Kimball's account, 2 Sep. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Harriet Otis to Mary Otis detailing her activities and gossiping about her friends and acquaintances, 3 Sep. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Joshua Howard (Harrison) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining his reasons for neglecting to pay Otis and offering to commence payment in the following year, 4 Sep. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Samuel Walker (Harrison) to Harrison Gray Otis explaining his reasons for neglecting to pay Otis and requesting additional time before any legal action is taken, 4 Sep. 1820

Reel 7

Letter from Samuel Spear (Dorchester) to Harrison Gray Otis ordering him to take possession of Hancock Wharf, 6 Sep. 1820