Guide to the Collection
This collection consists of autographs collected by Grenville Howland Norcross, including autographs of United States presidents, politicians, and military officers; royal figures, military officers, and politicians from Great Britain and France; novelists and poets; performers; artists; musicians and composers; scientists; judges; social reformers; clergy; and many others.
Biographical Sketch
Grenville Howland Norcross (1854-1937) was born on 2 February 1854 to Otis and Lucy Ann (Lane) Norcross. Norcross attended the Public Latin School in Boston, Harvard College (Class of 1875), and Harvard Law School (Class of 1877). He practiced as an attorney in Boston and shared a law practice with his brother, Otis III (1848-1923). Norcross was active in historical and literary organizations, including the Massachusetts Historical Society, the American Antiquarian Society, the Bostonian Society, the Club of Odd Volumes, the St. Botolph Club, and the Harvard Club.
Norcross's father, Otis II, served as mayor of Boston from 1867-1868. The family lived at 9 Commonwealth Avenue, where Norcross continued to live until his death. In addition to Otis III, Norcross had two siblings who lived into adulthood: Laura Norcross Marrs (1845-1926) and Addison Norcross (1850-1873).
Norcross never married. He died at the age of 83 on 12 February 1937 and is buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Collection Description
This collection consists of autographs collected by Grenville Howland Norcross, as well as Otis Norcross II, Otis Norcross III, and Laura Norcross Marrs. Autographs include those of United States presidents, politicians, and military officers; royal figures, military officers, and politicians from Great Britain and France; novelists and poets; performers; artists; musicians and composers; scientists; judges; social reformers; clergy; and many others. Among those represented are Abigail Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Chester A. Arthur, James Buchanan, Grover Cleveland, (Buffalo) Bill Cody, Calvin Coolidge, Edward Everett, Millard Fillmore, Benjamin Franklin, James A. Garfield, William Lloyd Garrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Edward Everett Hale, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Warren G. Harding, Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes, Harry Houdini, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Winslow Homer, Herbert Hoover, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, James Monroe, Leopold Morse, Robert Russo Moten, Lucretia Mott, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Paine, Franklin Pierce, James K. Polk, Josiah Quincy, Paul Revere, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Sumner, William Howard Taft, Zachary Taylor, John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, George Washington, and Daniel Webster.
Many of the items in the collection are letters written to Otis Norcross II, Laura Norcross Marrs, Otis Norcross III, and Kingsmill Marrs. There is some question as to whether all the items in this collection were meant to be collected as autographs; some items appear to be correspondence to Grenville Norcross as part of his day-to-day activities, particularly letters about club activities and donations. Autographs that were purchased from a dealer often have notes and related materials, such as newspaper clippings, engraved illustrations, or biographical histories included with the item. Additional materials are noted in the Detailed Description.
Some items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog.
The collection is separated into five series: (I) includes autographs collected in an autograph book; (II) includes alphabetically arranged autographs; (III) contains autographs of groups, arranged alphabetically; (IV) contains autographs that cannot be identified, arranged chronologically; and (V) contains autographs in three oversize boxes, alphabetically arranged.
Processing Note
This collection has been re-processed to create this collection guide. All efforts have been made to identify previously unidentified autographs in the collection, but a number of autographs remain unidentified. This guide may be updated in the future if any of those autographs are identified and placed in the collection accordingly.
Acquisition Information
Gift of the Grenville H. Norcross estate, 1937.
Detailed Description of the Collection
I. Bound volume of autographs
William Claflin (1818-1905)
Joseph Tucker (1832-1907)
Thomas Talbot (1818-1885)
Charles Adams, Jr. (1835-1915)
Charles Endicott (1822-1899)
Roland Usher (1823-1895)
M. S. Underwood
Horatio G[ates] Knight (1818-1895)
Thomas Rice, Jr.
Otis Norcross II (1811-1882)
Oliver Warner (1818-1885)
Jacob H[ersey] Loud (1802-1880)
Charles H[enry] Taylor (1846-1921)
John Morissey
W. H. D. Eaton
D[aniel] Webster Norcross (1826-1903)
Francis Gardner
A. M. Gay
Moses Merrill
C. J. Capen
J[ohn] W. Chadwick (1840-1904)
Franc A. Harris
W. C. Simmons
P. W. Orlando
John S. White, Jr.
W. T. Perrin
A. H. Buck
J. G. Dearborn
W. T. Reid
Geo[rge] W. Minns
George W. Pierce
II. Alphabetical autographs, 1489-1937
This series contains the autographs of individuals, organized alphabetically. Multiple autographs by the same individual are then filed chronologically. Autographed items include correspondence, cutslips, certificates, and legal documents, which are often identified. When possible, the recipient of the letter is noted in the description of the item. Although the majority of the collection is in English, some documents are in French, Spanish, German, and Latin. Autographs purchased by Norcross contain additional materials, included biographical histories, newspaper clippings, and engraved illustrations.
Abbot, Charles (1763-1817)
J[ames] Lackington, 26 October 1789
Abbot, Francis E[llingwood] (1836-1903)
Mr. Davis, 4 December 1875
Abbott, Charles, 1st Baron Tenterden (1762-1832)
Mr. Clift, undated
Abbott, J[acob] (1803-1879)
Miss Grant, [April 1832]
Abbott, John S[tevens] C[abot] (1805-1877)
T[heseus] Apoleon Cheney, 28 May 1862
Abbott, Henry Larcom (1831-1927)
Col. J. S. Nicholson, 26 December 1879
Abbott, Holker (1858-1930)
Nellie L. Thompson, 16 April 1929
Abbott, Lyman (1835-1922)
Professor [William] Sedgwick, 15 December 1900
Abdy, Maria (Mira) [Smith] (1797-1867)
26 December 1858
Abernethy, John (1764-1831)
Mr. Clift, undated
About, Edm[ond Francois Valentin] (1828-1885)
18 January 1879
Aboville, F[rancois] M[arie] 1730-1817
27 August 1795
Acton, [Lord John Emerich Edward Charles Dalberg] (1834-1902)
21 February 1896
Adams, Abigail (1744-1818)
23 July 1797
Adams, Brooks (1848-1927)
12 August 1877
10 February 1904
21 February 1904
Rollo Ogden, 7 October 1907
Adams, Charles Follen (1842-1918)
Mr. Steele, 12 September 1911
Adams, Charles Francis (1807-1886)
E. A. Stansbury, 24 August 1852
Otis Norcross, 18 April 1867
Thomas C. Powell, 30 July 1876
Joseph Healy, 18 October 1877
Otis Norcross, 25 October 1880
Adams, Charles F[rancis], Jr. (1835-1915)
Otis Norcross, 9 November 1869
22 May 1872
Harriet Taylor Upton, 8 February 1887
Henry Jenks, 4 June 1901
Samuel S. Shaw, 18 May 1908
Adams, C[harles] F[rancis] III (1866-1954)
James M. Olmstead, 20 July 1935
Adams, Hannah (1755-1831)
Eliza, 30 May 1812
Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
Grenville Norcross, 28 February 1876
16 March 1914
Adams, Herbert [Samuel] (1858-1945)
Nellie Louis Thompson, 12 December 1926
Adams, John (1735-1826)
Cutslip; also includes Timothy Pickering, [1797-1801]
Cutslip, 29 March 1803
William Temple, 5 May 1817
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
Thomas Boylston Adams, 12 October 1803
Louis Tappan, 27 February 1837
James H. Hackett, 19 February 1839
3 July 1843
Adams, J[ohn] Q[uincy] (1833-1894)
18 September 1879
Adams, Nehemiah (1806-1878)
Reverend James, 27 December 1858
Adams, Oscar Fay
Poem, 2 March 1895
Adams, Sam[ue]l (1722-1803)
Samuel Hodgdon, 27 January 1795
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1871-1958)
26 December 1920
9 January 1921
Adams, William T[aylor] (1822-1897)
Reverend Henry Jenks, 28 June 1882
Addington, Henry [1st Viscount Sidmouth] (1757-1844)
14 October 1793
Addison, J[oseph] (1672-1719)
24 October 1709
Ade, George (1866-1944)
H. L. Mencken, 18 February 1933
Adge, John
12 November 1878
Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910)
26 December 1865
Agassiz, J[ean] Louis [Rodolphe] (1807-1873)
20 July 1855
Captain John Bertram, 18 October 1861
23 February 1865
Otis Norcross, 24 June 1867
Aide, [Charles] Hamilton (1826-1906)
20 January 1886
Aiken, Arthur (1773-1854)
Aiken, John A[dams] (1850-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 2 August 1914
C. J. H. Woodbury, 9 August 1914
Ainsworth, W[illiam] Harrison (1805-1882)
20 February 1846
[Albert Edward, (Edward VII) Prince Consort of Wales] (1819-1861)
Benjamin Pierce (B. P.) Johnson, 31 October 1851
Alcott, A[mos] Bronson (1799-1888)
Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney, 29 August 1850
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888)
Ellen Fuller Channing (copy only), 4 April 1883
Aldrich, T[homas] B[ailey] (1836-1907)
"A Arab Welcome" (poem), 1863
7 May 1883
15 March 1888
1 December 1897
7 August 1898
Aldrich, Nelson W[ilmarth] (1841-1915)
Jerome Jones, 14 April 1896
Alexander, William, Lord Stirling (1726-1783)
Evert Bancker, 2 September 1765
Alexandra, [Queen] (1844-1925)
7 January 1866
Alger, R[ussell] A[lexander] (1836-1907)
George Lockwood, 2 March 1900
3 October 1900
Alger, W[illia]m R[ounceville] (1822-1905)
Ephraim Peabody, 9 June 1856
Alison, [Sir] A[rchibald] (1792-1867)
7 February 1846
Allemand, Zacharie [Jacques Theodore] (1792-1867)
24 July 1818
Allen, Frank G[ilman] (1874-1950)
Dr. Payton Smith, 16 May 1929
Allen, Fred[rick] B[ayles] (1840-1925)
Otis Norcross, 9 June 1875
Grenville Norcross, 28 November 1928
Allen, Gardner W[eld] (1856-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 10 December 1910
Allen, [Charles] Grant [Blairfindie] (1848-1899)
9 November 1878
Allen, James Lane (1849-1925)
2 August 1897
Allen, John (1810-1892)
5 May 1841
Allen, Thomas, Jr. (1849-1924)
Grenville Norcross, 8 August 1912
Grenville Norcross, 1 February 1913
Allenby, [Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount] (1861-1936)
22 July 1935
Alley, John B[assett] (1817-1896)
12 September 1863
Allibone, Sam[ue]l A[ustin] (1816-1889)
18 October 1882
Allingham, W[illiam] (1824-1889)
James T. Feld, 28 March 1861
Allison, W[illiam] B[oyd] (1829-1908)
24 October 1869
Allston, Washington (1779-1843)
Thomas Willis White, 1 July 1842
John Tomlin, 3 February 1843
Alma-Tadema, Sir L[awrence] (1836-1912)
Mr. Shelton, 12 April 1898
Alvord, Benj[amin] (1813-1884)
James Henry Hammond, 2 March 1860
Ames, A[delbert] (1835-1933)
Mr. McDonald, 26 January 1873
Ames, Fisher (1758-1808)
John Worthington, 3 February 1798
John Worthington, 13 April 1799
Ames, James Barr (1846-1910)
Otis Norcross, 9 November 1880
Ames, Joseph [Alexander] (1816-1872)
6 January 1864
Amherst, Lord Jeffrey (1717-1797)
Thomas Hancock, 4 May 1761
Ammen, Daniel (1819-1898)
18 September 1889
Amory, Nancy
7 December 1881
Anagnos, M[ichael] (1837-1906)
Mrs. William Appleton, 2 March 1892
Grenville Norcross, 1 May 1905
Anderson, Mary (1859-1940)
Mrs. Hill, undated
Anderson, Robert (1805-1871)
Oliver Perry Morton, September 1861
William "Bull" Nelson, 4 September 1861
Andreossy, [Antoine-Francois Comte d'] (1761-1828)
30 September 1825
Andrew, John A[lbion] (1818-1867)
10 February 1854
4 April 1862
8 July 1863
J. R. Doolittle, 4 April 1866
Otis Norcross, 27 April 1867
Andrew, John F[orrester] (1850-1895)
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1891
Andrews, James
Accounting of goods, 1855-1856
Andrieux, Francois G[uillaume] J[ean] S[tanislaus] (1759-1833)
24 November 1820
Anne, Queen of Great Britain (1665-1714)
8 November 1703
Anthon, Charles (1797-1867)
23 September 1854
Anthony, H[enry] B[owen] (1815-1884)
June 1864
Anthony, John G[ould] (1804-1877)
6 November 1860
Appleton, John (1804-1891)
6 March 1883
Appleton, T[homas] G[old] (1812-1884)
Appleton, William Sumner (1874-1947)
Grenville Norcross, 14 July 1906
Arago, Dominique Francois J[ean] (1786-1853)
12 October 1832
Arch, Joseph (1826-1919)
4 March 1898
Arliss, George (1868-1946)
[July 1931?]
17 May 1925
Armstrong, John (1755-1843)
3 May 1805
Armstrong, S[amuel] C[hapman] (1839-1893)
11 November 1870
Armstrong, Samuel T[urell] (1784-1893)
24 September 1813
1 July 1833
Deed, 21 July 1836
Arnold, Benedict (1741-1801)
List of prisoners, 4 June 1776
18 July 1800
Arnold, Edwin (1832-1904)
Miss Goddard, 15 February 1866
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
16 January 1866
Arnold, [Dr.] T[homas] (1795-1842)
15 January 1840
Arrighi de Casanova, Jean-Toussaint (1778-1853)
14 July 1807
Arthur, Chester A[lan] (1829-1886)
General Thomas Hillhouse, 15 August 1862
13 July 1869
12 May 1885
Ashmun, Eli Porter (1770-1819)
28 May 1816
Asquith, H[erbert] H[enry, 1st Earl of Oxford & Asquith] (1852-1928)
2 June 1893
21 December 1917
Astor, J[ohn] J[acob] (1763-1848)
19 December 1829
Astor, W[illiam] W[aldorf, 1st Viscount Astor] (1848-1919)
Adam Badeau, 8 August 1882
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn (1857-1948)
27 May 1908
Atkinson, Edward (1827-1905)
Mrs. Townsend, 12 December 1890
Atkinson, Lucy Sherrad Finley (1817-1893)
Reverend Charles Kingsley, 29 May 1863
Atkinson, Thomas Witlam (1799-1861)
30 October 1834
Atterbury, Francis (1663-1732)
3 October 1702
Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit (1782-1871)
Audubon, John James (1785-1851)
7 June 1842
Audubon, M[aria] R[ebecca] (1843-1925)
26 February 1902
Auerbach, Berthold (1812-1857)
2 August 1857
Augur, C[hristopher] C[olumbus] (1821-1898)
5 September 1864
Augur, C[hristopher] C[olumbus] (1821-1898)
Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1811-1890)
8 August 1828
Austin, Alfred (1814-1881)
15 February 1902
Austin, Ed[ward]
Austin, J. W.
7 March 1862
Austin, Jane G[oodwin] (1831-1894)
Mrs. Garrison, 15 January 1894
Avery, John (1739-1806)
Treasury directive for Massachusetts Bay (includes transcript), 5 November 1777
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813-1865)
24 February 1865
Babbage, Charles (1791-1871)
18 December 1845
Babcock, O[rville] E. (1835-1884)
Thomas Caute Reynolds, 12 June 1869
Bacciochi, Elisa (1777-1820)
Bachasson, Jean-P[ierre], comte de Montalvet (1766-1823)
2 March 1810
Bachasson, Marte C[amille], comte de Montalvet (1801-1880)
26 September 1831
Bache, Alexander D[allas] (1806-1867)
7 November 1845
Bacon, Edwin M[unroe] (1844-1916)
George Crocker, 16 May 1882
Grenville Norcross, 1 December 1896
Grenville Norcross, 24 March 1911
Bacon, Robert (1860-1919)
17 May [no year]
Badeau, Adam (1831-1895)
18 March 1868
Baden-Powell, George (1847-1898)
Mr. Hill, 2 May 1884
Baden-Powell, [Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell] (1857-1941)
Lord Blythe, 24 November 1909
Badger, George E[dmund] (1795-1866)
4 May 1841
Bagot, Sir Charles (1795-1866)
Bailey, Ebenezer (1795-1839)
Dr. James Percival, 16 May 1831
Benjamin Poor, 5 May 1853
Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851)
Henry Moyers, 23 May 1827
Bainbridge, W[illia]m (1774-1833)
Captain Partridge, 29 July 1824
Baker, Geo[rge] P[ierce] (1866-1935)
Miss Pierce, 27 August 1921
Baker, Newton D[iehl] (1871-1937)
H. A. Bridgman, 25 May 1916
Seymour Halpern, 6 April 1929
Baker, Samuel White (1821-1893)
23 January 1887
Balch, Fr[ancis Vergnies] (1839-1898)
Otis Norcross, 18 May 1885
Baldwin, Stanley [1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley] (1867-1947)
Balfour, Arthur J[ames, 1st Earl of Balfour] (1848-1930)
Sir Edwin Arnold, 23 May 1889
Thomas Anderton, 17 November 1891
Ball, Robert S[tawell] (1840-1913)
12 June 1904
Ball, Thomas (1819-1911)
Otis Norcross, 19 January 1879
Otis Norcross, 26 January 1879
Miss Norcross, 24 September 1882
Miss Norcross, 8 September 1883
Ballantine, John
Connecticut colony court order, 20 July 1720
Ballantyne, R[obert] M[ichael] (1825-1894)
12 January 1866
Ballen, M. M.
31 January 1890
Bancroft, George (1800-1891)
Henry Sewall, 14 June 1824
Professor Griscom, 28 March 1829
William Seward, 15 March 1861
Bancroft, Sir S[quire] (Squire White Butterfield) (1841-1926)
Mrs. Hill, 3 July 1898
Bang, W. T.
2 May 1829
Bangs, John Kendrick (1862-1922)
8 November 1898
4 January 1898
Banks, Charles Edward (1854-1931)
Mr. Norcross, 24 February [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 10 January 1925
Banks, Nathaniel P[rentiss] (1816-1894)
Otis Norcross, 1 November 1867
12 April 1873
Banner, H. C.
17 April 1886
Bannerman, [Sir] H[enry] Campbell (1836-1908)
Mr. Morley, 5 July 1907
Barbauld, A[nna] L[etitia nee Aikin] (1743-1825)
Barbour, Ralph Henry (1870-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 31 May 1900
Baring, Alexander, 1st Baron Ashburton (1774-1848)
2 July 1840
10 May 1841
Barker, Wharton (1846-1921)
7 August 1901
Barlow, Francis C[hanning] (1834-1896)
Harry Symthe, 23 April 1866
Barlow, S[amuel] L[atham] M[itchell] (1826-1889)
1 May 1885
Barnard, John
7 July 1913
Barnes, Albert M.
20 March 1893
Barnes, Isaac O.
Court document; Daniel Webster v. Mary White, 14 October 1849
Barnes, J[oseph] K. (1817-1883)
30 March 1864
Barnum, J.
9 March 1792
Barnum, P[hineas] T[aylor] (1810-1891)
12 May 1881
Barr, Amelia E[dith Huddleston] (1831-1919)
Mr. Riding, 17 September 1892
Mr. Riding, 31 March 1904
Barrett, Samuel and Family
Mary Norcross, 13 June 1855
Barrett, Lawrence (1838-1891)
4 November 1885
Barrett, Wilson (1846-1904)
15 August 1885
Barrett, Nathan
Colonel Brooks, 4 July 1778
Barrington, [William Shute, Viscount] (1717-1793)
3 January 1759
Barron, S[amuel] (1809-1888)
10 May 1861
Barrow, Sir John (1754-1848)
26 October [no year]
Barry, Charles (1795-1860)
Includes illustration of Manchester Athenaeum, 25 May 1825
Barry, William F[arquhar] (1818-1879)
5 November 1863
Bartol, C[yrus] A[ugustus] (1813-1900)
29 November 1869
24 June 1872
27 May 1875
Grenville Norcross, 3 June 1875
Mr. Norcross, 9 September 1876
Mr. Norcross, 13 June 1879
2 October 1881
Mrs. Norcross, 11 September 1882
Otis and Grenville Norcross, 5 August 1885
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1888
Grenville Norcross, 2 April 1888
Mrs. Norcross, 5 July 1888
30 April 1893
Barthelemy, [Auguste Marseille] (1796-1867)
16 October 1843
Barthelemy, [Francois, Marquis de] (1747-1830)
31 December 1798
Bartholier, J.
23 December 1886
Bartlett, John (1820-1905)
Mr. Underwood, 22 September 1891
Bartlett, L. C.
30 October 1877
Bartlett, Robert A[bram] (1875-1946)
26 January 1910
Bartlett, William (1804-1893)
Otis Norcross, 14 October 1872
Bartol, Mary
Miss Norcross, 29 November [no year]
Bartolozzi, Francesco (1727-1815)
30 January 1786
Barton, Clara (1821-1912)
Myles Myers, [1869?]
Bassett, John S[pencer] (1867-1928)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Bastien-LePage, Jules (1848-1884)
May 1881
Bates, Arlo (1850-1918)
18 April 1891
Bates, Edw[ard] (1793-1869)
20 October 1864
Bates, Isaac C[hapman] (1779-1845)
8 August 1840
Bates, J[ohn] C[oulter] (1842-1919)
11 October 1911
Bates, John L[ewis]
31 December 1904
B. S. Ladd, 6 January 1913
Bates, Joshua (1788-1864)
Thomas Aspinwall, 21 February 1819
Baume-Le-Blanc, Louis Cesar, de la, Due de La Valliere (1708-1780)
Baxter, Sylvester
1 October 1915
Bayard, John [Bubenheim] (1738-1807)
24 March 1785
Bayard, Thomas F[rancis] (1828-1898)
Major McDonald, 22 July 1870
12 October 1883
9 April 1883
Beach, Amy M[arcy Cheney] (1867-1944)
Miss Norcross, 19 April 1895
Beach, Michael Edward Hicks, 1st Earl St Aldwyn (1837-1916)
11 March 1887
Beattie, James (1735-1803)
Lord Adam Gordon, 17 April 1761
[Beauharnois, Eugene de, Viceroy of Italy] (1781-1824)
de Beaumont, Charles Marie d'Autichamp (1770-1859)
Beaumont, Sir George H[owland] (1753-1827)
Beauregard, [Pierre] G[ustave] T[outant] (1818-1893)
30 July 1880
Hallie Early, 18 April 1889
Beck, James (1822-1890)
Tally of requested copies of speech, 20 December 1869
Bee, Thomas (1739-1812)
20 April 1768
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887)
29 October 1880
Belcher, J.
Transcript only, 1 December 1730
Belknap, Jeremy (1744-1798)
3 April 1793
Belknap, W[illiam] W[orth] (1829-1890)
9 January 1884
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922)
Charles Swan, 15 January 1902
Charles Swan, 18 March 1904
Bell, John (1797-1869)
J. M. Cabot, 16 August 1854
Bell, S.
18 August 1813
Belloc, H[ilaire] (1870-1953)
28 August 1929
Frothingham, 26 December 1932
Mrs. Frothingham, 26 July 1935
Bellows, Henry W[hitney] (1814-1882)
10 December 1862
Mr. Leonard, Reverend J. B. Forbush, 18 March 1878
Bellows, Russell N[evins] (1842-1914)
Crocker, 25 July 1887
Belmont, August (1816-1890)
John Cunningham, 24 January 1876
British bank note, 18 December 1884
Belmont, Eleanor Elise Robson (Mrs. August Belmont)(1879-1979)
January 1917
Benham, H[enry] W[ashington] (1813-1884)
Otis Norcross, 3 June 1867
Benjamin, J[udah] P[hillip] (1811-1884)
20 February 1855
Benjamin, Park (1809-1864)
19 June 1855
Bennett, James G[ordon] (1785-1872)
Nicholas Biddle, 20 February 1830
[Bennett, John]
Ed (?) Harper, 23 August 1898
Benson, Robert
17 August 1784
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
5 January 1830
Bentinck, Lord {William} G[eorge Frederick Cavendish-Scott-] (1802-1848)
18 December 1844
Bentinck, William, 1st Earl of Portland (1649-1709)
[22 November 1689]
Bentley, William (1759-1819)
George Varnum, 4 April 1810
Benton, Thomas H[art] (1782-1858)
Mr. Adams, 18 June 1825
Includes engraved illustration, 9 December 1856
Beranger, Pierre J[ean de] (1780-1857)
31 August 1855
Beresford, William, 1st Viscount Beresford (1768-1854)
Major Anderson, 8 June 1839
Beresford, Charles [William de la Poer, 1st Baron] (1846-1919)
18 September 1907
2 January 1916
Beresford, Sir John (1766-1844)
6 July 1829
Bergh, Henry (1813-1888)
Luther Marsh, 11 July 1888
Berlioz, [Hector] (1803-1869)
30 November 1855
Bernadotte, Ebba (1858-1946)
Bernadotte, J[ean Baptiste] (1763-1844)
Colonel Steck, 30 May 1810
Bernard, Francis
9 November 1763
28 June 1766
Bernhardt, Sarah [Henriette Rosine Bernard] (1844-1923)
de Bernis, Francois J[oachim] de Pierre(1715-1794)
31 August 1758
Berrien, John McPherson (1781-1856)
30 April 1806
M. Sherman, 30 November 1854
Berry, M[ary] (1763-1852)
1 October 1810
Berryer, [Pierre] (1757-1841)
Berthier, [Louis-Alexandre] (1753-1815)
4 May 1804
Bertrand, Henri-G[ratien, Comte] (1773-1844)
22 May 1840
Besant, Annie [nee Wood] (1847-1933)
14 April 1891
Besant, Walter (1836-1901)
21 August 1890
Reverend J. Wilcock, 10 November 1898
Bessieres, [Jean Baptiste] (1768-1813)
20 November 1797
Bethmann-Hollweg, Moritz August Von (1795-1877)
Copy only, 6 July 1851
Beveridge, Albert J[eremiah] (1862-1928)
Leighton W. Eckard, 13 January 1908
Bibb, George M[ortimer] (1776-1859)
21 December 1844
Bickersteth, Henry, 1st Baron Langdale (1783-1851)
30 July 1847
Bicknell, W[illiam] H. (1860-1947)
9 May 1911
Biddle, N[icholas] (1786-1844)
Bank note, 9 May 1837
5 January 1841
Bierstadt, Albert (1830-1902)
18 February 1860
Biffe, Arthur
4 December 1899
Bigelow, George T[yler] (1810-1878)
29 January [no year]
15 November [no year]
Otis Norcross, 17 February 1868
Otis Norcross, 10 April 1874
Bigelow, Jacob (1787-1879)
9 June 1847
23 February 1869
Otis Norcross, 25 December 1870
Bigelow, Poultney (1855-1954)
Bigelow, Tyler
Otis Norcross, 27 March 1863
Bignon, Louis P. E.
31 August 1808
Billings, Charles Howland Hammett (1818-1874)
Otis Norcross, 5 February 1871
10 March 1871
Billings, Josh [Henry Wheeler Shaw] (1818-1885)
4 July 1879
Billings, John Shaw (1838-1913)
Mr. Bellows, 28 January 1902
Bird, F[rancis] W[illiams] (1809-1894)
3 February 1876
Bishop, Isabella Bird (1831-1904)
Mr. Balfour, 15 November [no year]
Bishop, Robert R[oberts] (1834-1910)
Grenville Norcross, 13 December 1899
Grenville Norcross, 26 April 1906
Bishop, W[illiam] H[enry]
John Eliot Bowen, 3 October 1887
Bispham, David (1857-1921)
Mr. Lord, 7 January 1902
Bismarck, H[erbert] von (1849-1904)
29 June 1901
Bismarck, [Otto Edward Leopold Von, Prince Bismarck, Duke of Lunenburg] (1815-1898)
15 September 1890
Bixby, William Keeney (1857-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 17 November 1909
Grenville Norcross, 11 March 1911
Bjornson, Bjornsterne (1832-1910)
19 February 1902
Black, Jeremiah [Sullivan] (1810-1883)
Grenville Norcross, 31 October 1871
Black, William (1841-1898)
6 July [no year]
Blackfield, Edwin H.
Harrison Grey Fiske, 15 July 1893
Blackie, J[ohn] S[tuart] (1809-1895)
7 April 1883
31 March 1890
Blackley, William
10 February 1890
9 December 1893
Blackmore, R[ichard] D[oddridge] (1825-1900)
4 June 1879
Blackstone, [Sir William] (1723-1780)
18 December 1751
Blackwell, H[enry] B[rowne]
George Crocker, 16 March 1882
Bladen, Thomas (1698-1780)
26 February 1742
Blagdon, George Washington (1802-1884)
2 August 1884
Blaikie, William (1843-1904)
Mr. Chadwick, 20 April 1869
Blaine, James G[illespie] (1830-1893)
Mr. Bell, 20 June 1879
Blair, H[enry] W[illiams] (1834-1920)
14 January 1879
Blair, M[ontgomery] (1813-1883)
24 July 1869
Blake, Mary Elizabeth [McGrath] (1840-1907)
30 December 1887
Miss Norcross, 28 May 1892
Miss Norcross, 14 February 1895
Blanc, [Jean Joseph] Louis (1811-1882)
Mr. Mill, 8 August 1864
24 December 1879
Blaney, Dwight (1865-1944)
20 February 1920
Blencowe, Sir John (1642-1726)
2 June 1719
Blennerhasset, Harman (1765-1831)
D. Woodbridge, 30 June 1802
Blind, Karl (1826-1907)
25 August 1907
[Blount], Charles [8th Baron] Mountjoy, Earl of Devonshire (1563-1606)
Blouet, Paul Leon (1848-1903) [a.k.a. Max O'Rell]
15 January 1890
Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Fürst von Wahlstatt (1742-1819)
1 January 1802
Boaz, G. R.
30 April 1864
Bodfish, J[oshua] P[eter] Langley
Grenville Norcross, 1 December 1913
Bok, Edward W[illiam] (1863-1930)
Mr. Bridgman, 4 January 1904
Boker, G[eorge] H[enry] (1823-1890)
Otis Norcross, 23 April 1870
10 April 1883
Bolemann, E.
26 December 1815
Bollan, William (?-1776)
23 December 1729
Bolles, J[ohn] A[ugustus] (1809-1878)
9 April [no year]
[Bonaparte, Caroline] (1782-1839)
3 February 1814
Bonaparte, Charles J[oseph] (1851-1921)
20 June 1879
Eugene Hagar, 24 February 1896
[Bonaparte], Hortense [Eugenie Cecile (de Beauharnais) (1783-1837)
13 March 1850
[Bonaparte], Jerome (1784-1860)
13 March 1850
Bonaparte, Joseph (1768-1844)
Bonaparte, Louis (1778-1846)
12 October 1805
Bonaparte, L[ouis] Napoleon [III] (1808-1873)
Bonaparte, Lucien (1775-1840)
19 October 1805
[Bonaparte, Pauline, Princess Borghese] (1780-1825)
19 June 1810
Booth, Ballinton (1857-1940)
11 March 1896
Booth, Edwin [Thomas] (1833-1893)
5 February 1885
Booth, J[unius] B[rutus] (1796-1852)
7 February 1843
Booth, Maud B[allinton] (1865-1948)
11 March 1896
Boucicault, Dion (1820-1890)
15 July 1870
21 May 1916
Boucher, Ferdinand
Grenville Norcross, 22 August 1872
Boudinot, Elias (1740-1821)
30 January 1807
Boughton, G[eorge] H[enry] (1833-1905)
5 April 1880
Bouguereau, W[illiam Adolphe] (1825-1905)
15 June 1893
Bourbon, Louis Joseph, Duc de Vendôme (1654-1712)
6 September 1705
Bourbon, Louis Jean Marie, Duc de Penthièvre (1725-1793)
1 March 1784
Bourbon, L[ouis] Jose[ph de] (1736-1818)
4 May 1743
18 May 1796
Bourmont, Louis de Ghaishes, conte de (1773-1846)
3 November 1824
Bournenne, Favelet (Louis Antoine Favelet de) (1769-1834)
29 October 1820
Boutwell, George S[ewall] (1818-1905)
3 July 1851
30 April 1869
William Baldwin, 20 May 1873
Percy Bridgham, 17 September 1892
Bowditch, Charles P[ickering] (1842-1921)
Mr. Norcross, 4 December 1907
Mr. Norcross, 15 October 1908
Mr. Norcross, 31 May 1919
Bowditch, Henry I[ngersoll] (1808-1892)
Mr. Norcross, 24 October 1877
Garrison, 24 April 1891
Bowditch, N[athaniel] (1773-1838)
12 December 1831
Bowdoin, James (1752-1811)
Thomas Fitzsimmons, 20 May 1784
Israel Williams (includes transcript), 6 August 1785
Bowen, Francis (1811-1890)
R. E. Thompson, 20 March 1882
Bowen, H[enry] C[handler] (1813-1896)
Stedman, 17 November 1869
Bowen, Herbert W[olcott] (1856-1927)
Mr. Bishop, 16 April 1902
Bowles, Francis T.
Grenville Norcross, 28 September 1925
Grenville Norcross, 18 June 1926
Bowles, Samuel (1826-1878)
Mrs. Booth, 13 November 1808
Boyd, Linn (1800-1859)
J. R. Lambdin, 12 February 1858
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth (1848-1895)
17 April 1890
Boyle, David, 7th Earl of Glasgow (1833-1915)
Robert Crawford, 24 June 1838
Boyle, H[enry] (1669-1725)
Delivery document, 29 July 1701
Brackett, J[ohn] Q[uincy] A[dams] (1842-1918)
Grenville Norcross, 27 March 1891
Bradbury, James W[are] (1802-1901)
Otis Norcross, 27 January 1880
Braddon, M[ary] E[lizabeth] (1835-1915)
Webster, 9 April 1863
Bradford, Alden (1765-1843)
22 March [no year]
Bradford, Gamaliel (1831-1911)
W. W. Clapp, 17 September 1883
Grenville Norcross, 27 January 1892
Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr. (1863-1932)
Grenville Norcross, 12 November 1911
Grenville Norcross, 3 May 1914
Grenville Norcross, undated
Bradlaugh, Charles (1833-1891)
20 October 1873
2 January 1875
Bradley, Charles Smith (1819-1888)
Mr. Norcross, 12 February [no year]
5 February 1881
Bradley, Edward (1827-1889)
4 November 1875
Bradley, Joseph P[hilo] (1813-1892)
Mr. Norton, 6 November 1879
Mr. Nash, 1 November 1887
Bradstreet, Simon (1603-1697)
Arrest warrant for James Morgan, 11 December 1685
Articles of agreement; includes Thomas Danforth and Walt Winthrop, 18 October 1686
Brady, Cyrus Townsend (1861-1920)
James Sheerin, 9 December 1919
Bragg, Braxton (1817-1876)
14 October 1854
Branch, J[oh]n (1782-1863)
William Barton, 20 January 1831
Brandeis, Louis W. (1856-1941)
H. A. Bridgman, 4 June 1916
James Olmstead (includes transcript), 1 August 1932
Brassey, [Thomas] (1836-1918)
Editor of the North American Review, 14 August 1889
Brattle, Tho[mas] (1658-1713)
Payment received from Samuel Shrimpton; Mr. Newdigate (includes transcript), 29 May 1694
Breck, Samuel (1747-1809)
Elias Hasket Derby, 4 June 1787
Breck, Sam[ue]l (1771-1862)
Henry Hollingsworth, 10 April 1833
Breckinridge, John C[abell] (1821-1875)
Charles Woodbury (includes transcript), 19 June 1852
John Floyd (includes transcript), 28 February 1860
Breckinridge, William (1837-1904)
10 August 1858
Bremer, Fredericka (1801-1865)
Breton, Jules [Adolphe Aime Louis] (1827-1906)
7 October 1854
14 August 1892
Brewer, Gardner (1806-1874)
Mrs. Alexander, 15 February 1863
Brewer, Luther A[lbertus] (1858-1933)
Grenville Norcross (includes newspaper clipping), 15 October 1932
Brewster, Benjamin H. (1816-1888)
Mr. Ward, 2 August 1877
Brewster, [Sir] D[avi]d (1781-1868)
27 September 1840
Bridges, Robert (1806-1882)
Mr. Jas. Whitney, 8 August 1879
Bridport, [Alexander Hood, Lord] (1727-1814)
2 November 1814
Briggs, Geo[rge] N[ixon] (1796-1861)
Temperance recorder, 10 December 1834
Samuel Seal, 17 February 1845
6 October 1846
Massachusetts extradition warrant for David Hinsadale of Michigan, 17 July 1847
Briggs, L[e]B[aron] R[ussell] (1855-1934)
Grenville Norcross, 1 July 1915
Grenville Norcross, 14 August 1927
Grenville Norcross, 23 April 1932
Grenville Norcross, 5 April 1934
Grenville Norcross, 17 April 1934
Brigham, H.
30 March 1862
Brigham, Lincoln F[lagg] (1819-1895)
Percy Bridgman, 14 August 1888
Bright, John (1811-1889)
William Bright, 18 December 1843
W. S. L. Hutchingson, 1 August 1849
Whittier quotation, 9 February 1885
Brimmer, J. M.
Otis Norcross, 17 December 1867
Otis Norcross, 19 April 1873
Brimmer, Martin (1829-1896)
Gift acknowledgement from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 21 July 1892
Brinton, B. H.
3 May 1874
Bristed, C[harles] A[stor] (1820-1874)
J. T. Fields, undated
Broglie, [Achille Léonce Victor Charles], 3rd Duke of Broglie (1785-1870)
Le Comte, February 1836
Le Comte, February 1856
Brooke, [Rajah Sir] J[ames] (1803-1868)
Sir Robert Inglis (contains newspaper clipping), undated
Brooke, Stopford [Augustus] (1832-1916)
Grenville Norcross, 26 December 1889
9 April 1914
Brookfield, W[illiam] H[enry] (1809-1874)
Mr. James, 26 December 1868
Brooks, Arthur
Grenville Norcross, 25 October 1886
Brooks, George M[errick] (1824-1893)
Grenville Norcross, 8 December 1890
Brooks, J[ohn] (1752-1825)
Includes illustration, 31 March 1814
Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893)
John Bryant, 21 November 1879
Mrs. Fields, 19 June 1884
Moses Neville, 8 November 1884
Brooks, Sydney (1872-1937)
Munro, 7 April 1905
Brougham, H[enry, Lord] (1799-1868)
3 April 1838
Brougham, John (1810-1880)
12 November 1851
Broughton, R[hoda] (1840-1920)
12 June [no year]
Brown, Alice (1857-1948)
Laura Norcross Marrs, undated
Brown, H[enry] B[illings] (1836-1913)
Mrs. George W. Childs, 10 February 1899
Brown, Howard N.
Grenville Norcross, 17 January 1916
Grenville Norcross, 1 March 1916
Grenville Norcross, 9 February 1920
Brown, J[ohn] Appleton (1844-1902)
Exhibition program, 1899
Grenville Norcross, 28 September 1901
Grenville Norcross, 8 October 1901
Brown, John
Photocopy only, 12 January 1790
Brown, John (1800-1859)
John Brown, Jr., 23 May 1845
Brown, J[ohn] (1810-1882)
August 1871
Brown, Joseph E. (1821-1894)
Major Henry Whitney, 25 November 1865
Brown, William
Elizabeth B. Brown, 26 July 1910
Brown-Potter, Cora Urquhart (1857-1936)
Mr. Carpenter, undated
Browne, A. Parker
Colonel Clapp, 2 May 1883
4 May 1883
Browne, G.
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)
Browning, Robert (1812-1889)
19 July 1867
Brown-Sequard, Charles (1817-1894)
George Mendenhall, 18 March 1867
Bruce, Phillip A. (1856-1933)
J. S. Carruth, 20 May 1896
Bruce, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ailesbury (1655-1741)
Includes transcript, 2 March 1703
Bruce, Thomas, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841)
9 January 1806
13 May 1817
Bruix, [Étienne] Eustache (1759-1805)
31 July 1798
Brush, Christine Chaplin (1842-1892)
Mr. Niles, 8 September 1881
Brydges, Edmund
19 June 1753
Bryan, W[illia]m J[ennings] (1860-1925)
27 May 1910
Bryant, W[illia]m C[ullen] (1794-1878)
27 January 1860
Bryce, James (1838-1922)
Mrs. Moore, 20 January 1866
22 August 1884
Mr. Eliot, 25 November 1901
Garrison, 18 February 1903
5 May 1908
Buchanan, James (1791-1868)
25 January 1825
Robert Tyler (includes transcript and illustration), 25 December 1847
Samuel Robinson (includes transcript), 7 January 1857
Buchanan, Robert (1841-1901)
8 November [no year]
Buckingham, Jos[eph] T[inker] (1779-1861)
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1822-1862)
4 June [no year]
Buckmen, John A.
18 August 1862
Buell, D[on] C[arlos] (1818-1898)
General Crawford, 11 May 1885
Buffon, [Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte] de (1707-1788)
2 December 1785
Buhot, Félix [Hilaire](1847-1898)
Includes exhibition catalog, 12 March 1887
12 March 1888
Bulfinch, Charles (1763-1844)
Colonel [John] Trumbull, 23 March 1824
Bulkeley, B[enjamin] R[eynolds] (1855-1930)
Grenville Norcross, 28 December 1905
Bullock, Alex K.
13 September 1864
Bulow, [Bernhard Heinrich Karl Martin von] (1849-1929)
30 December 1899
Bugbee, James McKeller (1837-1913)
Otis Norcross, 3 December 1870
Bumstead, Horace (1841-1919)
Grenville Norcross, 24 March 1896
Bunn, A[lfred] (1796-1860)
S. D. Davis, 22 November 1857
Bunner, W. C.
Mr. Tyrell, 2 October 1893
Burdett, F.
19 June 1834
Burdette, Robert J. (1844-1914)
Charley, 25 March 1895
Burgoyne, J[ohn] (1722-1792)
Major General Heath, 17 January 1778
Burke, Edm[und] (1730-1797)
Burlingame, A[nson] (1820-1870)
Carpenter, 15 May 1862
Burnaby, Fred[erick G.] (1842-1885)
19 August 1879
Burnand, F[rancis] C[ordey] (1836-1917)
Mr. Whistler, undated
B[urne-]J[ones], [Sir] E[dward] (1833-1898)
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Francis Thistlethwait, 26 August 1696
Burnett, Francis Hodgson (1849-1924)
Burnham, Clara Louise (1854-1927)
18 August 1895
Burnside, A[mbrose] E[verett] (1824-1881)
15 July 1868
25 April 1870
Burr, A[aron] (1756-1836)
4 January 1804
Includes transcript, 23 March 1805
Burrage, Henry S[weetser] (1837-1926)
Grenville Norcross, 15 September 1922
Burritt, Elihu (1810-1879)
13 December 1849
Burroughes, John (1837-1926)
3 September 1896
Burstadt, Albert (1830-1902)
Photocopy only, 18 February 1860
Burton, Richard (1861-1940)
Mr. Bridgman, 24 December 1900
Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818-1893)
Philip Phelps, 15 October 1850
Major General Sutton, 21 July 1853
General Ulysses Grant, 13 April 1864
James Fields, 15 September 1866
29 July 1873
Paul Butler, 27 March 1875
Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormond (1665-1745)
James Brydges, 22 June 1712
Butler, M. C. (1836-1909)
Frank Thomas, 9 March 1881
Butler, Fanny Kemble (1811-1893)
No signature, undated
Butler, Pierce (1744-1822)
7 June 1808
Butler, W[illiam] O[rlando] (1791-1880)
17 February 1853
Butterfield, [Daniel] (1831-1901)
28 November 1861
E. M. Stanton, 14 November 1862
Bynner, E[dwin] L[assetler]
Grant, 8 January 1889
H. Howe, 1876
Byron, Oliver D[oud] (1842-1920)
Cabanel, Alex[andre] (1823-1889)
10 November 1864
7 December 1882
Cable, George W[ashington] (1844-1925)
Mr. Osgood, 10 November 1883
Cabot, George (1752-1823)
Cashiers note, 12 April 1796
President of the Bank of the United States (David Lennox), 26 October 1810
Cadell, Thomas (1773-1836)
15 November 1828; on verso, 28 January 1829
Cadogan, William, 1st Earl (1675-1726)
August 1715
31 January 1725/6
Cady, Daniel (1773-1859)
21 May 1852
Caesar, Sir Julius (1558-1636)
Illustration included without signature, undated
Cain, John
Shipping receipt, 30 August 1828
Caine, Hale
8 October 1895
Cairns, Hugh [M]c[C]almont [Earl] (1819-1895)
20 August 1855
Calhoun, J[ohn] C[aldwell] (1782-1850)
Thomas L. M. Kenney, 24 December 1817
P. Duval (includes transcript), 22 October 1820
J. P. Healy (includes transcript), 28 May 1844
General Worthington, 7 July 1846
Calonne, [Charles A. de Verdun] (1734-1802)
15 July 1773
11 May 1777
Calthrop, Samuel Robert (1829-1917)
21 May 1873
Calve, Emma (1858-1942)
21 July 1892
Cambaceres, [Jean J. Reais de]
10 June 1889
Campbell, George, 8th Duke of Argyll (1823-1900)
5 August 1852
31 March 1870
8 May 1884
Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll (1680-1743)
Receipt of Exchequer, 1715
Campbell, John, 9th Duke of Argyll (1680-1743)
2 February 1883
6 April 1903
Cambon, Jules (1845-1935)
17 January [no year]
Cameron, Simon (1799-1899)
22 January 1863
5 August 1872
Mr. Hale, 15 December 1872
General Horace Porter, 16 November 1876
Camp, Walter (1859-1925)
Campan, [Jeanne Louise Henriette] Genet (1752-1822)
December 1811
Campbell, C[harles] (1807-1876)
4 September 1832
Campbell, Sir Colin (1792-1863)
7 October 1854
Campbell, Patrick T.
Resignation of Grenville Norcross from Board of Boston Latin School, undated
Grenville Norcross, 19 November 1925
Grenville Norcross, 11 April 1929
Campbell, T[homas] (1777-1844)
9 January 1829
Campbell-Bannerman, H[enry] (1836-1908)
28 October 1884
Canby, [Edward R. S.] (1817-1873)
Mr. Patrick, 16 November 1841
Canning, Geo[rge] (1770-1827)
Includes transcript, 18 August 1815
3 June 1824
Canning, [Stratford de Redcliffe] (1786-1880)
G. Adlard, 14 February 1846
G. W. Crowe, 9 August 1851
Canova, Antonio (1757-1822)
24 February 1809
Canrobert, [Francois C.] (1809-1895)
2 February 1853
[Capel, William, 3rd Earl of] Essex (1697-1743)
26 November 1732
Capen, E[lmer] H[ewitt] (1838-1905)
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1885
Capoul, V[ictor]
Caracci, Anibale
Illustration; no signature, undated
Cardigan, James T. B., 7th Earl of (1797-1868)
4 March 1842
Carey, Rosa N.
17 December [no year]
Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester (1724-1808)
14 August 1775
Carlisle, J[ohn] G[riffin] (1835-1910)
31 December 1888
Carlyle, T[homas] (1795-1881)
Signed illustration, undated
9 July 1853
Carman, [William] Bliss (1861-1929)
14 November 1908
Carnarvon, [George Edward Stanhope Maynaeux Herbert] (1866-1923)
Mr. Sheridan, 1 May 1882
Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1918)
Lloyd Bryce, 13 May 1893
Lord Blythe, 26 July 1909
Carnot, [Lazare Hippolyte] (1801-1888)
2 February 1862
Carpenter, H. B.
Grenville Norcross, 6 April [no year]
Carpenter, Matt[hew] H[ale] (1824-1881)
Colfax, 12 February 1874
Carter, Howard (1874-1939)
Includes drawing by Carter, 25 October 1908
16 January 1909
23 June 1911
12 June 1914
Cary, Alice (1820-1871)
Cary, Annie Louise (1842-1921)
10 February [no year]
Cass, Lewis (1782-1866)
9 April 1835
Aaron Hobart, 23 April 1846
John Quincy Adams (includes illustration), 20 November 1883
Castle, Egerton [Smith] (1858-1920)
23 December 1914
Castlereagh, [Lord Robert Stewart] (1769-1822)
E. Knatchbull (includes transcript), 10 April 1820
Castelar [y Ripoll], Emilio (1832-1899)
Casteries, [Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix Marquis de] (1727-1801)
Loan document, 1 January 1786
Cathcart, [William Schaw], 1st Earl (1755-1843)
Report, 20 March 1811
6 October 1813
Catlin, Geo[rge] (1796-1872)
Colonel Norton, 14 December 1871
[Caughnawaga (Mohawk (Kanien:keha'ka) Nation]
Account of interpreters and expenses in Canada, August 1769
Caulaincourt, [Armand-Augustin-Louis de], duc de Vicence (1772-1827)
4 April 1812
Cavaigne, Louis-Eugene (1802-1857)
Cavendish, C[atherine/Katherine, Duchess of Devonshire] (1700-1777)
19 February 1750
Cavendish, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806)
18 November 1796
30 October 1804
[Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Cavendish, Marquis of] Hartington (1833-1908)
12 February 1866
1 November 1877
Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)
Davis Gilbert, 7 August 1835
Cavendish-Bentinck, William, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)
24 August 1799
14 November 1800
Cavour, [Count] C[amillo Bensodi] (1810-1861)
Ministry of War, Turin Division (includes transcript), 8 November 1860
Cazin, J[ean-]Ch[arles] (1841-1901)
15 July 1890
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612)
15 July 1890
[Cecil,] W[illiam, 1st Baron] Burghley (1520-1598)
8 August 1582
Chace, W[illia]m M.
P. Fessenden, 28 April 1886
Chadbourne, P[aul] A. (1823-1883)
18 February 1867
Joseph Healy, 18 October 1877
Joseph Healy, 22 October 1877
Chadwick, F[rench] E[nsor] (1844-1919)
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, 26 May 1906
Chadwick, John M.
9 June 1904
Chadwick, John R. (1844-1905)
10 February 1900
Chafee, Adna R. (1842-1914)
Colonel Nicholson, 18 July 1906
Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847)
10 February 1844
Chamberlain, Allen
Grenville Norcross, 6 February 1929
Chamberlain, Joseph (1836-1914)
2 March 1887
Chamberlain, Joshua L[awrence] (1828-1914)
14 December 1869
Chamberlain, Mary [Crowninshield Endicott] (1864-1957)
John, 27 January 1889
Chamberlain, Mellen (1821-1900)
Grenville Norcross, 1 March 1887
Grenville Norcross, 9 November 1893
Chambers, R[aymond] W[ilson] (1874-1942)
19 July 1904
Champeney, J[ames] Wells (1843-1903)
22 June 1892
Champney, B[enjamin] (1817-1907)
Chandler, W[illiam] E. (1835-1917)
Mr. Lyman, 12 November 1879
Chandler, Zachariah (1813-1879)
Fred Watts, 5 February 1875
Chandordy, Jean-Baptise Alexandre Damase de (1826-1899)
16 March 1878
Chaney, Geo[rge] L[eonard] (1836-1908)
Mr. Brimmer, 9 April 1873
Otis Norcross, 28 April 1873
Otis Norcross, 30 October 1873
Channing, Edward (1856-1931)
1 August 1884
Channing, Walter (1786-1876)
Grenville Norcross, 5 January 1906
Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842)
Photocopies only in folder 68; original moved to Channing collection. Includes letter from Eva Channing to Norcross giving him William Ellery Channing's letter.