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Notes on the Boston Massacre trial relating to the trial of the eight soldiers, by Benjamin Lynde, circa November 1770, "No. 1 Je Hartagun Wm Mcauley..."

Notes on the Boston Massacre trial relating to the trial of the eight soldiers, by Benjamin Lynde, circa November 1770, `No. 1 Je Hartagun Wm Mcauley...` Manuscript


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    Brief notes taken by Benjamin Lynde, the chief justice of Massachusetts who served as one of the judges in the Boston Massacre trial, capture testimonies and arguments made against the eight soldiers from the 29th Regiment involved in the events of 5 March 1770--Corporal William Wemms, James Hartigan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Matthew Kilroy, William Warren, John Carrol, and Hugh Montgomery. Another set of notes taken by Lynde is written in a much more detailed form.