Capture of Washington
On Wednesday,
August 24, there was a severe action at
Bladensburgh, six miles from the
"Baltimore has acquired immortal honor by the brave resistance
of Commodore BARNEY, his
sailors and the bold volunteers." The same day "in solid column" the enemy
succeeded in
taking the
CITY OF WASHINGTON. Their number supposed to be from 8 to
—ours 3 or 4,000. The British destroyed considerable private property and most
the public property, at the City—Navy-Yard,
Georgetown, &c. though some was
destroyed, by our own citizens. The British Army under the command of
ROSS.—The United States' troops commanded by
BRITANNIA'S arm'd, Marauders come,
The cannons' roar, the beating drum,
Increase the WAR'S alarms ;
Her fleets Blockade and line our coasts,
Of vict'ries won, Great Britain
—To arms ! to arms ! to arms !
And blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
With various insults they oppress,
Our seamen capture and distress,
Our RIGHTS infringe, and LAWS ;
Our hopes and benefits curtail,
Our sacred FREEDOM, they assail,
And vilify its cause.
But blest Columbia with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Negociation oft hast
Our hearts have sadden'd and
And oft in gloom and dread ;
Our wishes do but ill succeed,
Our foes are Enemies indeed,
And "Havoc" round us spread.
Yet blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Now hostile troops, and fleets appear,
To jeopardize with threats and fear,
And all that's dear, destroy:
With depredations far and wide,
Around our shores, on ev'ry side,
They ravage and annoy.
But blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Now here now their course,
Barbarian like, they ply their force,
A gainst the weaker part ;
But mark ! New-London,
Norfolk too,
STONINGTON....there's not a
Display the YANKEE-heart.
Thus blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying word---is Liberty or Death.
In th' Chesapeake's
expansive bay,
Carnage, and Death---and Fire each day,
Their tidings to us bring
Havre de Grasse was
once, in flame,
Hampton and
Frenchtown share the same,
Like Hawks, they're on the
But blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
At last, as British pride desir'd
Our Nations Capital is fir'd,
A nd all our Nation's stores ;
Regret and Ruin and Dismay,
Terrors and Threats, without allay,
Thus spread, around our shores.
But blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
So ROSS and his
Marauders claim,
A triumph 'gainst our Country's fame,
And boast of their success ;
But why brave citizens,... say why ?
Shall Foes thus triumph and defy ?
And WE, no wrongs REDRESS !
Tho' blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Rich, in resources, why no means ?
And brave in spirit....why these scenes ?
Why from th' INVADER flee ?
WINDER would lead your
forces on,
The Vict'ry claim'd....he would have won,
Sacred to LIBERTY!
For blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
The Hero BARNEY would have
Whole legions where their cannon roar'd,
And cheek'd the British pride ;
Pinkney, Sterrett ; all....
Would round their country's standard fall,
And Triumph, where they died !
For blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
The Baltimorean Volunteers....
Would thrice ten thousand meet,with cheers,
And with your hearts applause ;
Would WE, with UNION, but contest,
For all that's make us blest !....
When blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Brave are our Troops and brave they fall,
Our Rodgers, Perry, Porter, all....
Unite, in our DEFENCE ;
O ! then secure our Country's fame,
All other interests disclaim,
Great is our Recompence.
As blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Our enemy with pow'rful Clans,
Whose vet'ran Generals lead their
With vast munitions stor'd,
Determine all their strength to wield,
To make our great Republic yield,
By dint of Fire and Sword !
But blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
But favor not their desp'rate views,
Our Rights, our Freedom, they abuse,
A nd Ruin !....all they seek ;
Rise in full majesty and strength,
"United Stand"...rise and at length,
Their hands and arms are weak !
For blest Columbia with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
New-York the best example gives,
By imitation, Boston lives,
A people GREAT and FREE !
A Glory shall enshrine the name,
Of our with fame,
And blest with LIBERTY.
While blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Bladensburgh, the Foe they
And ev'ry where convince, as yet,
True Valor, on our side.
Ferocious hell-hounds drive away,
Your pow'rs and energies display,
In all your Nation's PRIDE !
While blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Maintain your Rights,...."United Stand,"
Be prompt and ready at command,
T o sacrifice your all !
No Sacrifice....too much to give,
For with our Country we all live !
Or with our Country FALL !!!
Then blest Columbia, with our latest breath,
Our rallying Liberty or Death.
Printed by Nathaniel Coverly,