offer to the sensible and judicious: Truth, however,
obliges us to declare, that this offering is wholly
unknown to the Author, nor can we do less than
ask pardon of our Friend for printing in this Coun-
try, Extracts from a Composition which he proposes
to publish in England.--We beg the Reader's atten-
tion a moment longer to hear the fate of this piece of
Irony.--This admired performance was written with
Dr. W----n's particular desire, and honoured with
a place in his memory ; it was offered the Com-
mittee, was received with much applause, and
voted unanimously to be the Companion of the
Oration : Accordingly, the Committee desired Mr.
S-m--l A--ms to carry it to the Press, and there he
lodged it. Soon afterwards a Member observed to them,
that he verily believed they were duped, and
that all was a bite ; that if the Author was actuated