by any principles they were mischievous, that he
was a strenuous Tory, that he wrote on that side,
that one of his Essays in special had been highly
admired by the most eminent persons in Govern-
ment, and that G------r B-----D in particular had
declared it to be unanswerable, and by far the best
performance he had ever seen in America : He ob-
served further, that at this very time he was com-
posing a Work part of which some Members had
seen, that it breathed a direct contrary spirit to
the POEM before them, that it was wrote with
much sentiment, plausibility, and elegance, that it
was pernicious in proportion to its ingenuity, and
though they might suppress, it were policy to
discountenance a Writer whose compositions and
ability thePoem before them so clearly demonstrated:
These considerations were credibly informed