The vesture scarce the silver clasp confines,
The garnish'd sandal round his
ancle shines ;
He, thus array'd in military show,
385 To fields of combat brave th' appointed
We close our Extracts with the following short
one, taken from towards the end of the third book,
not indeed because it relates so much to our purpose,
but as it is part of our Author's Review of an en-
terprize where the British and American arms
in concert, and where their united efforts were unhappily
baffled ; we mean the unfortunate repulse at
ga. This important post was, however, forced
wards by the British. But we chuse only to cite the
few following lines, where he says,
650 AH ! vainly brave, the fruitless charge give o'er,
These fields too deep have drank the British gore,
Too deep Provincial blood distains the green,
And tints with vital red the fatal scene,
O ! cease such martial worth to waste away,
655 Reserve that valour for some happier day,
The fates averse protect yon hostile wall,
And powers immortal guard the faithless Gaul.