From the Pennsylvania Journal, Aug. 4.
Address'd to the SONS of LIBERTY, on
Continent of
AMERICA ; particularly to the
Illustrious, Glorious, and Never-to-be-forgotten
"The Americans are the Sons, not the
"Bastards of
England ; the Commons of
America, represented in their several As-
"semblies, have ever been in Possession
"of the Exercise of this their Constitutional
"Right, of GIVING and GRANTING
"their OWN MONEY ; they would
"have been SLAVES, if they had not
"enjoyed it."
Mr. PITT's Speech.
Tune,"Come jolly Bacchus," &c. or "Glo
rious First of August."
Come ALL with Hearts UNITED,
Our Motto is "WE DARE BE FREE,"
Not easily affrighted !
Oppression's Band we must subdue,
Now is the Time, or never ;
Let each Man PROVE this Motto true,
And SLAVERY from him sever.
Pale visag'd Fear, let none
possess !
Or Terrors e'er perplex him,
POSTERITY will ever bless,
And nought hereafter vex him ;
To Freedom's Banner, let's repair :
When-e'er we see Occasion --
Nor Wives, nor Children, tho' most dear,
E'er stop to look, or gaze on.
In Freedom's Cause, the slavish Knave,
'Twere better his Condition,
(That might his Country's Ruin save !)
To sink into Perdition ;
Chain'd to a GALLEY, groan his Days,
And never be forgotten,
While Furies croak his Bondage Lays,
After he's Dead and Rotten.
Once, shou'd this PRECEDENT take
Place !
Tell, what you call your OWN, Sir !
MAGNA CHARTA in Disgrace !
Your Substance now all flown, Sir !
No more shall Peers now try your Cause !
That Time is now all over !
What need have we pray now of Laws ?
Now Right is Wrong in Trover !
See Liberty, high poiz'd in
Her FREE-BORN SONS commanding,
" Come on, my Sons, without all Fear ;
" Your NAT'RAL RIGHTS demanding !
" Your CAUSE, the Gods proclaim, is Just,
" Can tamely, you, be fetter'd ?
"In which, disturb your Fathers DUST !
" With S, be ever letter'd
Obey my Brothers, Nature's Call,
Your Country too, demands it !
Let LIBERTY ne'er have a Fall !
'Tis Freedom that commands it.
The Ax now to the Root is Laid,
Will you be, or BOND or FREE ?
No Time to pause -- then "Who's afraid ?"
Live, or die in Liberty !