Boston June 28th: 1770.

I the Subscriber
having this day purchas'd a Negro Boy of
Joshua Green have made the followg: condi-
tions with him viz. That I will add Ten
Pounds Lawfull Money to be paid in
Potter's Ware manufactur'd in this Town
in three years to the Thirty pounds first
agreed for if in 3 Months from this date
I shall think the negro worth the money
& if I do not think him worth the addi-
tional ten pounds I will reconvey him
to sd: Green he returng the two Notes
I gave him for the negro, one for 17.£ &
the other for 13.£, both of them bearing
date herewith. --

Joseph Warren

It is also further agreed that in case of my
decease that the within mention'd negro
shall become the property of said Green;
he deliverg up my two notes. --


Dr: Warren's Obl:
to pay 10.£ in Pott: Ware
June 1773 --