"Messi'rs Green & Russell. Please to insert the following, and you'll oblige one of your constant Readers."

Messi`rs Green & Russell. Please to insert the following, and you`ll oblige one of your constant Readers.
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[ This description is from the project: Coming of the American Revolution ]

Addressed to their "Countrymen," this open letter, published in a Boston newspaper by an anonymous author, promotes the growth of local crops (such as flax which was used to make linen) and advocates that no one consume imported tea. The writer argues that these non-importation activities demonstrate that the colonies are interested in preserving their liberties.

"Save your Money, and save your Country!"

In the fall of 1767, Massachusetts and the American colonies are in the midst of a severe financial depression. Trade is slow, and colonists are importing more from Britain than they are exporting. This unfavorable balance of trade is depleting the colonies of hard currency. Everyone from farmers to merchants to sailors is vulnerable to debt. In October selectmen at the Boston Town Meeting propose thrift and frugality as a solution to citizens' money woes.

To examine all four pages of this newspaper, please see the online display of The Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser, 16 November 1767.

Questions to Consider

1. What are colonists being asked to do? Why? (What benefits does the author suggest readers will receive if colonists follow his/her advice?)

2. What specific item (described as "the most luxurious and enervating article") does the author discourage colonists from consuming?

Further Exploration

3. Compare this article to the "Address to the Ladies." [Click here to view the Address to the Ladies.] How are the two articles similar? How are they different?