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Letter from Abigail Smith to John Adams, 4 October 1764


I am much obliged to you for the care you have taken about help. I am very willing to submit to some inconveniences in order to lessen your expences, which I am sensible have run very high for these 12 months past and tho you know I have no particuliar fancy for Judah yet considering all things, and that your Mamma and you seem to think it would be best to take her, I shall not at present look out any further.

The cart you mentiond came yesterday, by which I sent as many things as the horse would draw the rest of my things will be ready the Monday after you return from Taunton  [illegible . And -- then Sir if you please you may take me. I hope by that time, that you will have recoverd your Health, together with your formour [tranquility] of mind. Think you that the phylosopher who [ laught] at the follies of mankind did not pass thro' [life] with more ease and pleasure, than he who weept at them, and perhaps did as much towards a reformation. Tis true that I have had a good deal of fatigue in my own affair since I have been in town, but when I compare that with many other things that might have fallen to my Lot I am left without any Shadow of complaint. A few things, indeed I have meet with that have really discomposed me, one was haveing a  [illegible corosive applied when a Lenitive would have answerd the same good purpose.

But I hope I have drawn a lesson from that which will be useful to me in futurity, viz. never to say a severe thing because to a feeling heart they wound to deeply to be easily cured. -- Pardon me this is not said for to recriminate, and I have only mentiond it, that when ever there is occasion a different method may be taken.

I do not think of any thing further to add, nor any thing new to tell you, for tis an old Story tho I hope as pleasing as it is true, to tell you that I am unfeignedly Your


[Envelope -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Smith to John Adams, 4 October 1764 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Smith to John Adams, 4 October 1764. 3 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Butterfield, L.H., ed. Adams Family Correspondence. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963.
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