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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 29 December 1792

My Dearest Friend

I received your two kind favours of 7th [John to Abigail, 07 December 1792] and 12 of this Month. I have written to you regularly every week Since you left me. We have not had any deep Snow since the first in which you was caught upon the road, the greater part of that soon left us, and has been Succeeded by two Slight Snows of a few inches depth, the weather has however been Steadily cold and generally with a clear Sun Shine. I find the cold irritation creates as great an irritation upon my Nerves producing a Tremor, as the heat does by relaxation. I Suffer more on that account than any other. I think I have not past a whole winter here for Nine years before. I think I mentiond to you that I had Setled with Shaw for the 5 Months he had lived with us, and agreed with him at the price we talkd of, for four Months more. He is very Steady, carefull and constant to buisness, tho not so Strong and active as Some others. I have not yet any prospect of getting Such an additional Hand as you want. I have desired Mr. Cary to inquire for me but they do not incline to let themselves till Spring. They do not know what price to ask. These pernicious Banks will undoe us. Yesterday Mr. Cranch gave a dollor pr Bushel for Rye. Bills which you know were three and four pr cent above par when you went away are now much below par. Large Quantities have been Sent here from the southard to be sold, tis said here that the demand for grain

abroad, is the occasion of it, but I suspect Something political manuver manoeuvre tho I know not what, and upon this Occasion I am like Some other persons perhaps jealous without cause. I see the Banks multiplying in every State, and I consider them as so many Batteries raisd against the General Government. I think this one instance amongst many other in which the State Sovereigntys will prove pernicious. We daily feel the banefull effects of Such an overplus of paper.

After What took place in New York with respect to the Election of Mr. Jay. I had no expectation but that the Same party would oppose Your Election to the vice presidency. But I did not think that they would have led Virgina by the Nose so compleatly. The vote of those two States have declared to the world the Hostile Sentiments they possess towards the Government, for at that, much more than at you personally, is it aimed, as to disliking your politicks, I do not believe that they know what your politicks are. I am sure they do not if they rely upon the Representiations which have been made to them by those whose Sole intention was to derive them. I own I cannot feel that cordiality towards those States which I do for those who have been unanimous towards you. I respect individuals of each, and I pitty those who are blinded by party, if I know myself I do not think it is because I have Such a fondness for the Station, but because I think much of the tranquility and happiness of the Government depends upon having in that Station, an establishd Character for firmness and integrity and independence, and Such

must be the Character who can divest himself of all personal feelings, and do equal justice to those who are declareedly in opposition to his principals, as to those who unite in Sentiment with him, thus much for politicks. The best written peice I have read, and one which Shews the Author to have had an acquaintance with all the transactions which have taken place for a number of years past, was that which was addrest to the Free and independent Electors of president and vice president in Fennos paper of the 1 of Decbr. I have a curiosity to know the writer.

Tomorrow I have a Number of hands going to cut the Timber for the Corn House that it may be ready for the first Snow. Your Mother and Friends are all well. I received a Letter from Thomas. Shall write to him soon. Affectionate Regards to Mr. and Mrs. Otis and to all other Friends. I have the advantage of you. I have Louissa for a bed fellow but She is a cold comfort for the one I have lost. Pray continue to write weekly to your ever affectionate

A. Adams

[Endorsement -- see page image]

[Envelope -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 29 December 1792 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 29 December 1792. 4 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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