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Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 January 1793

[At one point, an editor of a early published edition of Adams manuscripts redated this letter 2 January 1794 (and added "1794" in pencil) but based on further examination of the content the current Adams Papers editors have realized that the original year, written in ink, 1793, is correct. ]

My dearest Friend

Our Antifederal Scribblers are so fond of Rotations that they seem disposed to remove their Abuses from me to the President. Baches Paper which is nearly as bad as Frencaux's begins to join in concert with it, to maul the president for his Drawing Rooms, Levees, declining to accept of Invitations to Dinners and Tea Parties, his Birth day Odes, Visits, Compliments &c. I may be expected to be an Advocate for a Rotation of Objects of Abuse, and for Equality in this particular. I have held the office, of Libellee General long enough: The Burthen of it ought to be participated and equallized according to modern republican Principles.

The News from France, so glorious for the French Army, is celebrated in loud Peals of Festivity and elevates the Spirits of the Ennemies of Government among us more than it ought, for it will not answer their ends. We shall now see the Form of the French Republick.

Their conventions will have many Tryals to make before they will come at any thing permanent. The Calamities of France are not over.

I shall claim the Merit of some little Accuracy of foresight when I see General Lincoln, who you remember was inclined to think the Duke of Brunswick march to Paris certain, while I was very apprehensive that the numerous fortified Towns in his Way would waste his army and consume the Campain.

We shall soon see the Operation in France of Elections to first Magistracies. My Attention is fixed to this Object. I have no doubt of its Effects: but it is a curious Question how long they can last. We have lately seen how they have succeded in New York and What effect that Election has had upon the Votes for President. Cabal, Intrigue, Manoeuvre as bad as any Species of Corruption We have already seen in our Elections, and when and where will they stop?

J. A.

Cite web page as: Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 January 1793 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, John. Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 January 1793. 2 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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