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Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 February 1794

My dearest Friend

I have recieved yours of the 30th. [Abigail to John, 30 January 1794] Ult. and given the Inclosed to Son Thomas, who will do with it what he can.

Congress have been together, more that two Months and have done nothing, and will continue sitting two Months longer, and do little. I for my part am wearied to death, with Ennui. Obliged to be punctual by my habits, confined to my Seat, as in a Prison to say nothing done, hear nothing said, and to say and do nothing. Oh that my Rocks were here within a mile or two, and my little habitation and pretty pretty little Wife above all. Ah I fear that some fault unknown has brought upon me, such Punishments to be seperated both when We were too young and when We are too old.

I dont believe we shall adopt Mr. Madisons Motions nor build a Navy: But if we do not

purchase a Peace with the Algerines We shall all deserve to become their Captives.

The Gentians had a frolic on the 6th in commemaration of the Treaty and drank Toasts enough to get merry. So cordial so loving so fraternal, so neat and elegant, so sweet and pretty! Have you read them. Franklin Bryant, Reed, Hutchinson and Sergeant the Heroes. Fit company for Dallas, Mifflin and Genet. No harm done however that I hear of. A sharp shot or two at the President.

The Havock made in our Trade I fear will distress Us. I suspect that immense sums, borrowed of Banks have fallen a sacrifice in France, as well as on the leas and when the day of Payment comes, more Credits must be given or Bankruptcies ensue. Borrowing of Banks for a trading Capital, is very unmercantile. However We shall not go to war, and nothing is to be dreaded so much as that.

I fear The English will have all the West Indies leaving a little to Spain. This I dont like at all.

We shall see what another Campain will do in Europe. If the English assist La Vendee, which if they had been cunning or wise they would have done last year it is thought that Brittany Normandy and Pickardy will declare for a thing: But of this there can be no certainty.

I am going to dinner at Mr. Daltons with Judge and Mrs. Cushing who will call on you on her return and tell you the News in the South. My Mother I hope is growing better. Remember me to her tenderly.

Tenderly says Eccho yours,

[Endorsement -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 February 1794 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, John. Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 February 1794. 4 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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