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Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 13 February 1796

My Dearest Friend

I have only time to inform you that Monday and Thursday have passed away without bringing me a Letter from you. It is the first Week that has failed me in the whole tho sometimes the Letters have not arrived on the proper day.

There is a Dr. Somebody here from Connecticut, who pretends, with an Instrument made of some kind of Metal or Composition of Metals by a sort of Mesmerism, rubbing or Stroking or  [illegible Conjuration, to cure Rhumatisms, Headacks, Plurisies And I know not what. Elsworth will not say that he believes in it: but he states facts and tells stories. I expect the heads of all the old Women (Males I mean, you know) will be turned. They have got him into the Presidents House among Some of his servants. And Mrs. Washington told me a story on Tuesday, before a Number of Gentlemen

so ineffably ridiculous that I dare not repeat it in Writing. The venerable Lady laughed as immoderately as all the rest of Us did.

Charles is here in very fine health and very good Spirits. He goes to the supream Court 2 days and to Ricketts and the Theatre 2 Nights so that I have not so much of his Company as I could wish.

A Barrier is erected between Europe and America. It Seems as if no Vessell could get thro or over it.

I went with Charles last night to the Drawing Room. As the Evening was fair and mild, there was a great Circle of Ladies and a greater of Gentlemen. General Wayne was there in Glory. This Mans Feelings must be worth a Guinea a Minute. The Pensulvanians claim him as theirs, and shew him a marked respect.

We are now near the middle of feb. Last Year I left this Place on the 19th. Now I must stay thro the long months of March, April and May. Long! Nothing is long! The time will be soon gone and We shall be surprized to know what is become of it. How soon Will my Sands be all run out of the Glass: After sixty the Days and Hours have additional Wings

which they waive and beat with increasing Rapidity.

Dr. Priestly is here. I drank Tea with him at the Presidents on Thursday Ev. He says he always maintained against Dr. Price that Old Age was the pleasantest part of Life and he finds it so. I think so too. One knows not what Infirmeties may come on. What Pains, Griefs, or sorrows:

I am determined to make my small Remainder as easy as I can and enjoy the Hours as they pass: but do a little good as I have Opportunity.

You have not informed me whether you have let the Farms.

Duty and Love as Usual.
J. A.

Mrs. A

[Endorsement -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 13 February 1796 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, John. Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 13 February 1796. 4 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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