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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 June 1800

My dearest Friend

Mr. Gore came out this afternoon to see me; and informd me that Mr. Dexter proposed to sit out tomorrow for Washington. By him I embrace the earliest opportunity of informing you of my safe arrival at Quincy on Saturday the last day of May, in good health tho some thing fatigued. I got on very well, met with no accident, Horses all in good order. I found our Friends here well. The Hill looks very well, Mr. Porter says those parts which were manured will have a good crop of grass. We have had very plentifull rains, grain and grass promise well, but our verdure here is not so deep, nor our grain so forward by any means. We are three weeks later. The building progresses, but not so fast as I wish.

Mr. Dexter can give you a more accurate statement of parties and politicks than I am able to. I met with judge Hobart upon a visit at Fairfield. He came and spent the Evening with me at Penfields. Upon the subject of a late removal he said there had been some considerable sensation in that State at first, but that thinking people agreed that the President was certainly right in calling to his aid Men who would act with him. The Jacobins in Boston say: or rather certain persons who call themselves federilists say, that it is an Electioneering measure. Others say that the [federilists] as well as Jacobins want to get a Man whom they can manage. Burr means to be voted for in N. York and says that it will be of no use to sit up Pinckney. Several people are disgusted with Harpers letter to his constituents, they consider it as a lukewarm buisness, that part of it wherein he appears to think it quite a matter of indifference whether Mr. A. or Mr. Pinckney is elected. I have not got a line from you or Mr. Shaw since I left New York. I hope to hear from you this week. I say to every

body who inquires, that Gen'll. Marshall will accept his appointment. I should be sorry to believe that he would not deserve as well of his Country as Mr. Dexter. Good old Gen'll Lincoln call 'd on Saturday Evening to inquire if they had not kill'd you yet. I told him no, that you would live to kill half a dozen more politically, if they did not stear steady.

Our old Neighbour and tennant Elijah Belcher dyed yesterday morning. A kind remembrance to all Friends. Affectionatly Yours &c.,

Mrs. Smith is at N. Wark with the Col.'s Mother. She could not come on when I did having arrangements to make, and being uncertain what the Col. would do this Summer. If he goes up to the Miami with his Brother, She would be glad to come with you when you return to Quincy. Mr. Shaw can take the Stage.

If ever there was uninspired Prophecy, this is it.

["If ever there was uninspired Prophecy, this is it.Decr. 14. 1818J.A." added by John Adams, 1818]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 June 1800 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 June 1800. 2 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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