Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Thursday. 31st.

Saturday. 2nd.

Friday. August 1st. CFA


Friday. August 1st. CFA
Friday. August 1st.

One hour in reading and writing before going to town. Morning at the Office reading Saunders Reports.1 Called to see Abby at Mrs. Frothingham’s. I regretted it afterwards for I had but little pleasure from it. She is somewhat altered from what she was before toward me, and I have moments when I cannot, though I would, be blind to their probable effects in the married state. I never ought to marry. Every step convinces me of the truth of this. My mind and feelings are not calculated for it. Afternoon, Executive Record and finished reviewing Cicero’s Oration for Roscius. Returned to Quincy driving out I. H. Adams, second son of Mrs. T. B. Adams. He is in a store in Boston. Evening quiet. Finished Peter the First.


JA’s copy of Les reports du très erudite Edmund Saunders . . . des divers pleadings et cases en le Court del Bank le Roy en le temps del reign . . . le roy Charles le II, Savoy, 1722, is in the Boston Public Library ( Catalogue of JA’s Library , p. 222).