Season 1, Episode 5: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the "Lowly Hotdog"
In this episode, we are examining a few 20th century political campaign objects from the remarkable, but little known career of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Chances are that if you have heard of Lodge, Jr., you likely remember his involvement in the Vietnam War. But in today’s episode, we’re exploring Lodge’s earlier political career. We’ll look at an undelivered speech drafted for Senator Joseph McCarthy, an unusual pair of campaign mugs, and a peculiar bronzed hot dog paperweight.
Episode Special Guest:
Luke Nichter is a Professor of History at Chapman University and the author of The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War
This episode uses materials from:
Psychic by Ketsa (Commercial non-exclusive license through Ketsa)
Curious Nature by Ketsa (Commercial non-exclusive license through Ketsa)
Elephant Walk by Poddinton Bear (Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported)